Version: 0.9.125-PUBLIC#5929 Message: Button for [I]"Next"[/I]had an undefined function param. Stack:
TiTSException: Button for [I]"Next"[/I] had an undefined function param.
at h (
at e.value (
at window.saendraX1LiftGo [as func] (
at e.value (
at Object.freeze.s.FUNCTIONS (
at HTMLDocument. (
Translation not active.; Hash mismatches; may indicate a section of the save has been edited: PC Object, PC BreastRows, PC Cocks, PC Vaginas, Flags, PC Ship (04:31:20.893) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(04:31:22.518) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(04:31:25.482) (UserInterface) fatal: Button for [I]"Next"[/I] had an undefined function param.