Rut/Heat Mechanics?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
One of my favorite mechanics of CoC was the rut/heat system where the PC for a couple days experienced increased lust gains and bonusess to virillity/fertillity, and I was wondering if this mechanic is planned for TiTs? Its already been mentioned that a couple of races undergo this: Ausar, Kaithrit, Leithans, Kui-tans and probally a couple others.

PS: I put this under TiTs and not TiTs ideas as this a question, not a suggestion. 

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't think TiTS has such a system in place, I have yet to see such a scene. If such a mechanic were in game I'd imagine nonsensical crazy smexing scenes to be happening. I mean famous scene for a rut/heat in CoC is to walk into the Wet Bitch and Urta waltzes up to you and proceeds to fuck you over and over and over and over and over be it with her horse cawk or you plowing her snatch and filling her up with massive quantities of spooge. Great way to spend a day fucking like a beast or being fucked like one endlessly for said period of time.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Not planned.

But maybe one day. And at least one type of addiction too.


Sep 12, 2015
Not planned.

But maybe one day. And at least one type of addiction too.

Yeah, addiction stuff is nice. It seems like Exhibitionism is considered an addiction, but that's the only one that's functionally in-game that comes to mind. Though red myr venom should be in soon.

There are at least two high-libido scenes with Anno and the male raskvel that are similar to rut, so that could be an alternative in this game. Still, heat/rut has a good chance of being implemented eventually, with all the aphrodisiacs and available races we're seeing.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I like blurbs and voluntary corruption. Especially when there's really no negative consequences (or if there are, can be rectified fairly easily). Which is why I liked the exhibition update.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't quite agree that exhibitionism is an addiction. Unlike addictions, there's no negatives to exhibitionism if you go high. If anything it's a benefit.


Sep 12, 2015
I don't quite agree that exhibitionism is an addiction. Unlike addictions, there's no negatives to exhibitionism if you go high. If anything it's a benefit.

Yeah, it doesn't really have the "against my will" feel of most addictions, but in game it functions as an addiction. The PC starts at 0/100, certain acts increase that number, and the number will go down slowly over time if the PC doesn't indulge in it. Plus, the in-game text even refers to it as an addiction, with things like "You’d better not do this kind of thing too often - it feels like it could be addictive!" The negative is implied from losing inhibition to the point that you're acting like a slut in public in front of complete strangers, though there aren't any forced negative events yet. Hopefully someday.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Yeah, it doesn't really have the "against my will" feel of most addictions, but in game it functions as an addiction. The PC starts at 0/100, certain acts increase that number, and the number will go down slowly over time if the PC doesn't indulge in it. Plus, the in-game text even refers to it as an addiction, with things like "You’d better not do this kind of thing too often - it feels like it could be addictive!" The negative is implied from losing inhibition to the point that you're acting like a slut in public in front of complete strangers, though there aren't any forced negative events yet. Hopefully someday.

What could those 'negative events' be exactly in your opinion? Any public sex/indecency scenes would sill go along the fetish and given the nature of most frontier worlds, nobody there would give a damn.


Sep 12, 2015
What could those 'negative events' be exactly in your opinion? Any public sex/indecency scenes would sill go along the fetish and given the nature of most frontier worlds, nobody there would give a damn.

Well, CoC made teasing increase your own lust if you were an exhibitionist. Similar mechanics could include gaining lust over time if you have an audience viewing a risqué fight, or increased susceptibility to certain enemy teases. Other than that, there could be bad ends make easier for exhibitionists - sort of similar to how an exhibitionist PC in CoC would happily strip for Kelt sooner than a normal one. If the PC were forced onto a stage by an "enemy" and told to perform, high exhibition score would make them unable or less likely to resist. A PC in a coliseum-type fight might get awfully distracted in front of a crowd...

Maybe in the future there can be a chance to be arrested for public indecency or captured by slavers if you masturbate in public. Or you could lose out on a business deal or diplomatic agreement because a prudish race knows about the videos of you circulating the extranet. Or certain NPCs treat you like a slut instead of an equal for the same reason. Or even something as simple as having a chance for a forced public masturbation scene if you're walking around with high lust for a while. It's not as easy as writing for body-cravings or mind-controlling addictives, but I think there's potential there to emphasize the addictive elements of exhibitionism.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Well, CoC made teasing increase your own lust if you were an exhibitionist. Similar mechanics could include gaining lust over time if you have an audience viewing a risqué fight, or increased susceptibility to certain enemy teases. Other than that, there could be bad ends make easier for exhibitionists - sort of similar to how an exhibitionist PC in CoC would happily strip for Kelt sooner than a normal one. If the PC were forced onto a stage by an "enemy" and told to perform, high exhibition score would make them unable or less likely to resist. A PC in a coliseum-type fight might get awfully distracted in front of a crowd...

Maybe in the future there can be a chance to be arrested for public indecency or captured by slavers if you masturbate in public. Or you could lose out on a business deal or diplomatic agreement because a prudish race knows about the videos of you circulating the extranet. Or certain NPCs treat you like a slut instead of an equal for the same reason. Or even something as simple as having a chance for a forced public masturbation scene if you're walking around with high lust for a while. It's not as easy as writing for body-cravings or mind-controlling addictives, but I think there's potential there to emphasize the addictive elements of exhibitionism.

Those are cool ideas, even though I'm not sure about how difficult some of them would be to implement (e.g. generating and tracking the 'compromising video flag'), or how willing content creators will be to include them in their work.

In any case, punishing people who have that fetish and want to enjoy it too hard probably won't be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Those are cool ideas, even though I'm not sure about how difficult some of them would be to implement (e.g. generating and tracking the 'compromising video flag'), or how willing content creators will be to include them in their work.

In any case, punishing people who have that fetish and want to enjoy it too hard probably won't be a good idea.

For some folks who have the fetish, the negative consequences - say, being such a public slut that word gets around the world (or galaxy) about your exploits, that people you've never even met, that aren't even on the same planet as you, have seen extranet videos of your masturbating (or screwing) or what have you - can actually feed into their fetish and be extra hot. There's certainly a balance to be struck where the negative consequences can be so harsh as to be buzz-killing or -lessening, but the intergalactic equivalent of a nun clucking her tongue at you and calling you a whore because of your public lewdness is probably part of the rush for a lot of people.

The key would probably be in either providing alternate paths if anything major is blocked by such drawbacks, the drawbacks just making certain content/missions more difficult to access/complete, rather than removing them completely, and making any content that is outright just blocked and unavailable due to the drawbacks being rather minor and infrequent.

Mind you, all of that's more work than it's worth, IMO, but I don't have an exhibition fetish.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Asked about this the other day.

[16/09/2015 3:33:00 PM] Jim T: Is rut and heat in game yet?
[16/09/2015 3:40:44 PM] Bronoxo: Don't think so
[16/09/2015 3:46:50 PM] Jim T: Hmmm.
[16/09/2015 3:47:48 PM] Jim T: Was thinking about the supposed ability of simii cocks to stimulate heat in their partners, much like a monkey cock is supposed to induce ovulation.
[16/09/2015 3:49:14 PM] Jim T: Also, I recall Savin or someone quoting Syri saying that she doesn't miss going into heat every month or so.
[16/09/2015 4:15:34 PM] Bronoxo: Probably. Ausar fertility cycle wen

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
"doesn't miss going into heat"

So, about Anno...perpetual heat?
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Sep 12, 2015
For some folks who have the fetish, the negative consequences - say, being such a public slut that word gets around the world (or galaxy) about your exploits, that people you've never even met, that aren't even on the same planet as you, have seen extranet videos of your masturbating (or screwing) or what have you - can actually feed into their fetish and be extra hot. There's certainly a balance to be struck where the negative consequences can be so harsh as to be buzz-killing or -lessening, but the intergalactic equivalent of a nun clucking her tongue at you and calling you a whore because of your public lewdness is probably part of the rush for a lot of people.

The key would probably be in either providing alternate paths if anything major is blocked by such drawbacks, the drawbacks just making certain content/missions more difficult to access/complete, rather than removing them completely, and making any content that is outright just blocked and unavailable due to the drawbacks being rather minor and infrequent.

Mind you, all of that's more work than it's worth, IMO, but I don't have an exhibition fetish.

Yeah, pretty much this. In real life, exhibitionism is mostly about using sexuality to shock or disgust random people, with the thrill of possibly getting caught adding to the appeal, and is not exactly glamorous. In erotic fiction, exhibitionism is more of a subset of masochism, and the appeal is from the humiliation and powerlessness of it. It's like getting off from being called a slut, only it's an entire crowd of people calling you and thinking of you as a slut. It's not too difficult to write for, but the 'negative' effects would be similar to other addictions; getting so addicted to minotaur cum that you start hunting them down to submit to them is a negative effect, but it's still hot, and an intended part of the fantasy. Something like that, once in a while in relevant situations, would probably be enough to support the mechanic.

Asked about this the other day.

Hidden Content

Sheeit, didn't expect that possibility about the simii. The codex says they don't experience oestrus, but I guess that's easy enough to retcon. Still, simii always struck me as the ultimate vanilla, not sure I'd dig that. Ausar on the other hand, have a whole slew of sexy potential. I'm sure heat/rut will get in eventually, it's a pretty popular fantasy.

Edit: Maybe the simii won't go into heat/rut themselves, but may stimulate it in races that can? That might be mechanically weird, but I could see it working.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sheeit, didn't expect that possibility about the simii. The codex says they don't experience oestrus, but I guess that's easy enough to retcon. Still, simii always struck me as the ultimate vanilla, not sure I'd dig that. Ausar on the other hand, have a whole slew of sexy potential. I'm sure heat/rut will get in eventually, it's a pretty popular fantasy.

Edit: Maybe the simii won't go into heat/rut themselves, but may stimulate it in races that can? That might be mechanically weird, but I could see it working.

Huh, forgot I put that in. That's probably because I began playing with the idea at the Embry bust drawing stage with Shou, because she mentioned that monkeys (or at least some of them) have small protrusions or something on the tip of their cocks. As a pregophile, the idea appealed to me -- not so much the barb part -- so I started to go down that line of thinking. At the time, cocks weren't a big concern, because Embry was the only simii about and she was actively not using hers. I've now got vanae cocks to scratch that 'breeding cock' itch, though, so the simii cock deal isn't really a set thing. 

The 'ultimate vanilla', huh? I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing.


Sep 12, 2015
The 'ultimate vanilla', huh? I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing.

I'd say it's a good thing. The universe at large gets weird once in a while, what with all the races and mods floating around. You never know who is what race anymore. Kind of refreshing to know that with one race at least, what you see is what you get. Makes them stand out. Add that to the lore of the traditional society, similarity to humans, and traditional set of genitals... They're practically more human than humans in the TiTS-verse!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I am not a pregophile, but I do like the concept of perpetual rut/heat, so the idea of Steele/a character having oestrus-inducing genitals sounds amazing. As long as it doesn't involve barbs, if possible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd say it's a good thing. The universe at large gets weird once in a while, what with all the races and mods floating around. You never know who is what race anymore. Kind of refreshing to know that with one race at least, what you see is what you get. Makes them stand out. Add that to the lore of the traditional society, similarity to humans, and traditional set of genitals... They're practically more human than humans in the TiTS-verse!

OBJECTION!  We have several people's testimony that Core-ward humans are quite vanilla.

Being rural and traditional doesn't mean squat when it comes to |not being into| weird shit. One of the first pieces of steamy prose I've ever read was an excerpt from a 70+ years old soviet novel and for a pretty good amount of time this was a major thing around these parts. All the peeps weirded out by the Steele Sr. and Anno's relationship should take notice and be thankful.
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Sep 12, 2015
Being rural and traditional doesn't mean squat when it comes to weird shit.

Heck, I'd argue it makes it better. Taboo and novelty are big appeals with most weird shit, but by the time you're waist-deep in the tentacles of some multi-dicked mind-controlling abstractly sentient alien life form, the subtler forms of kink and depravation start getting stale. It says something interesting that Embry's Analingus and simple Anal Sex scene manage to feel a bit kinky considering all the other things my PC has done. I guess you could say that because Vanilla doesn't compete much for flavor, it highlights the other flavors involved. Or maybe it's just because I've always had a thing for monkey-people. Probably both.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Heck, I'd argue it makes it better. Taboo and novelty are big appeals with most weird shit, but by the time you're waist-deep in the tentacles of some multi-dicked mind-controlling abstractly sentient alien life form, the subtler forms of kink and depravation start getting stale. It says something interesting that Embry's Analingus and simple Anal Sex scene manage to feel a bit kinky considering all the other things my PC has done. I guess you could say that because Vanilla doesn't compete much for flavor, it highlights the other flavors involved. Or maybe it's just because I've always had a thing for monkey-people. Probably both.

Either you've misunderstood my post, or I've misunderstood your reply.

I agree that super vanilla characters, if done right, have a wonderful ability to make you appreciate subtle things more and to 'clean your flavor palette' so to speak. However this isn't what I was talking about.


Sep 12, 2015
Either you've misunderstood my post, or I've misunderstood your reply.

I agree that super vanilla characters, if done right, have a wonderful ability to make you appreciate subtle things more and to 'clean your flavor palette' so to speak. However this isn't what I was talking about.

Ah, I get what you mean. Traditional society doesn't mean they're any less kinky? My original vanilla comment was mostly about their anatomy and society. They're not Amazonian warriors, they're not multi-dicked dragons, they (presumably) don't have sexual gladiator fights to determine their leader. I suppose it's possible they could have secret crazy kinks that are embedded into their society, but nothing written has suggested that so far. They seem to be mostly equivalent to actual modern-day humanity, with maybe a few more inhibitions.


Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, pretty much this. In real life, exhibitionism is mostly about using sexuality to shock or disgust random people, with the thrill of possibly getting caught adding to the appeal, and is not exactly glamorous. In erotic fiction, exhibitionism is more of a subset of masochism, and the appeal is from the humiliation and powerlessness of it. It's like getting off from being called a slut, only it's an entire crowd of people calling you and thinking of you as a slut. It's not too difficult to write for, but the 'negative' effects would be similar to other addictions; getting so addicted to minotaur cum that you start hunting them down to submit to them is a negative effect, but it's still hot, and an intended part of the fantasy. Something like that, once in a while in relevant situations, would probably be enough to support the mechanic.

Not universally true.  I personally enjoy exhibitionism in fiction of both flavors, and usually play Steele as the former.  Walking around in the nude when possible or practical is an assertion of dominance and sexual power for her, not a humiliating experience.  Being chastised by a prude is part of the experience, but the pleasure of it comes from a sensation of superiority over the prude.

Submissive exhibitionism can be fun too, Hooliganism does a lot of great manga about it, but it would be a mistake to assume that's the only reason someone might want to be an exhibitionist.


Sep 12, 2015
Not universally true.  I personally enjoy exhibitionism in fiction of both flavors, and usually play Steele as the former.  Walking around in the nude when possible or practical is an assertion of dominance and sexual power for her, not a humiliating experience.  Being chastised by a prude is part of the experience, but the pleasure of it comes from a sensation of superiority over the prude.

Submissive exhibitionism can be fun too, Hooliganism does a lot of great manga about it, but it would be a mistake to assume that's the only reason someone might want to be an exhibitionist.

Yeah, I was going to mention that bit, but didn't really think it fit in with exhibitionism as it existed in game. There's always the power fantasy of being overwhelmingly sexual and appealing to everyone you meet, which is sort of the idea behind the teases in game (heck, behind half the game in general). But now that I reread the exhibitionism scenes, that more accurately matches the tone than the submissive angle.

Although, now that I think of it, a lot (most?) of the exhibitionism scenes that raise your score include acting upon someone else in public (teasing Flahn or Kelly in public, fucking Del in front of a bar, walking Anno, throne sex with Taivra), so that doesn't really work with the submissive tone of exhibitionism much at all. Plus, the "overwhelmingly sexual presence" fantasy is more popular anyways. So that's probably the angle we'll see with future exhibitionism scenes as well. Although, in that case, calling it an addiction would be a stretch. Eh, whatever, I'll just consider it a preference meter for scene flavor rather than an actual addiction mechanic.