Ruskvel Suggestions.


Well-Known Member
 So you know that thing called Ruskvel that all the Raskvel are raving about? Well I was thinking that it needed some changes. First of all according to the Codex entry on Raskvel, they come in three different colors, red, purple, and tan (though you don't see any representation of the tan variety ATM) and their feather hair comes in three colors as well red, purple, and black. The first Raskvel character that I made naturally had tan skin and black hair so he ended up having tan scales and black plumage. However I noticed that when I made another Raskvel character (who had fair skin and blonde hair) that the scale and feather hair colors remain the same as your characters current skin and hair colors. I was thinking that like some other transformative items the scale and plumage color should be the natural colorations of the Raskvel. Also the other thing pertains to the Raskvel ears if you grow them early on then when you shrink down to the same height as the Raskvel they remain the same length. Which means that once you've reached the same height as the Raskvel they become super long even longer than Shekka's to where they are floor dragging. What with how sensitive Raskvel ears are that has got to be irritating.