[RPG] [Patreon] Daughter of Essence (New Content Update!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: Version 0.132!

Hi everyone, I'm uploading a fun new release this week, featuring the addition of a whole new weapon type: GUNS!
There's an arsenal of new guns scattered around the world, as well as a series of new gun-based skills to be learned from Marlan.
Guns are a unique weapon in that they aren't tied to the attack stat as a source of damage, meaning they can be equipped from the back row without penalty.
Beyond that, there's been a host of other tweaks to combat, bug fixes, and new additions. Try it all out and let us know what you think.



New to the game? Download the public build or become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.132 - 5-22-2020
  • Changing equipment in battle no longer skips a turn; instead, it applies a short evasion and counter attack debuff. This was done to encourage more experimenting with synergizing different weapon skills
  • Added the post-battle cove maps for the victory path (WIP)
  • The “ATB ready” sound effect was changed
  • Added the ability to equip guns!
  • Many new guns added to the shops & stealable from enemies
  • Gun skills can now be unlocked from Dalkon
  • Gun damage is based on a combination of Luck and Agility, meaning there is no penalty to gun damage for being in the back row
  • Updated the Skill Book with all the new Gun Skills & Abner’s weapon descriptions
  • All timed attacks are slightly more rewarding for perfect timing and slightly more punishing for misses, averaging to the same
  • Added missing fish to what Kethra will buy at New Light
  • Marlan no longer dodges attacks in the tutorial fight (this is so players can experience the difference in timed attacks)
  • Some early dialogue adjusted for better quality and continuity
  • Emelia will now send Mercy off with some food and the advice to learn cooking
  • Fixed some tile continuity issues in Shiveworth
  • Fixed a couple of portrait issues for Leite
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could try to fish through the gates in the aqueduct
  • Fixed an issue where Gromblers were fished at the cove docks instead of Hufferpuffers. Gromblers are now exclusive to the Emerald Flats


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Weekly & Alpha Release: v0.133!

Hi everyone, hope you're hanging in there and staying healthy and sane.

I've just finished uploading the latest weekly and alpha builds, which finally start to flesh out victory conditions for the latest cove siege, though there's a whole lot more coming (including bonus rewards for exceptional outcomes).

Right now, it's mainly about adding everyone back in and writing out a lot of different conditional lines of dialogue depending on who makes it through unscathed and... who doesn't. I have a feeling I'll be fine-tuning this particular feature for a long time, so I'm just trying to get it all out there and written for now.

Anyway, it's been a busy month, and next week I'm hoping to have a bunch of new audio for the game, including new voice work for Leite, Beatrix and Mercy!

Thanks for the support, and as always, we hope you enjoy.

- Nym

New to the game or want to become a patron? Visit our patreon where the public build is free to play! https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.133 - 5-29-2020
  • Added everyone back to the damaged cove for the post-victory condition with new dialogue!
  • Fixed an issue where Olma could appear in the cove inn even if not recruited
  • Fixed an image overlay issue after the siege if you had recruited Marilea
  • Fixed an issue where Gorps could appear in the cove even if he had died
  • Fixed an image overlay issue after the siege if the boathouse was constructed


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.134!

Hey everyone, this week brings sweeping change to the cooking system and a new range of skills for every weapon type to further encourage build diversity and creativity in how you synergize your builds.

As we get close to the end, I'm trying to polish things up and improve them how I can. Just a few more builds to go before the end of the story!

Hope you've enjoyed the ride so far.

New to the game or want to become a patron? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur to play the free public build or sign up for further content!

Version 0.134 - 6-5-2020
  • Completely revamped the cooking system (again)!
    • Cooking meals now requires a recipe
    • Added recipe books to the world
    • Fish must be individually prepared into fillets before cooking (this is to prevent the accidental consumption of a rarer-colored fish you might have wanted to sell)
    • Added new, essence-infused recipes with permanent buffs
    • Added a variety of new cookable consumables and ingredients
  • Fixed an issue where a key fragment could be looted from the same pot twice
  • Lara can now contribute to the cove siege plans (if recruited)
  • Added some more residents to the cove post-siege
  • Added a new weapon skill for every weapon type (requires 1 upgrade to Dalkon’s training grounds)
  • Updated the Skill Book to reflect the new skills
  • Added some new dialogue and scenes to the cove
  • Finally got around to organizing a lot more of the backend stuff for ease of use


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Weekly Release: v0.135!

Hey everyone! We're almost at the end of the road! This week updates the "victory" path with new content and some new areas to explore.

Most likely by the next alpha release or shortly thereafter, the story will be complete--then it will just be going back and fine-tuning things, adding extra side-content, new scenes, new images, tweaking balance, that kind of stuff for a while.

Then it's done! My god, I can hardly imagine it. Hope you're looking forward to it. Thanks for sticking with me this far.

- Nym

Want to try the public build or become a patron? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.135 - 6-12-2020
  • Added a new area in the Aster Valley Crater (endgame area)
  • Added new dialogue pertaining to the post-victory cove departure
  • Added new endgame scenes on the overworld (different based on whether you have Qel or not)
  • Added new endgame scenes in Aster Valley
  • Revised some of the cove victory dialogue for better continuity
  • Fixed an issue where the priest in Aster Valley could still be waiting for Mercy to speak to him after Chapter 8
  • Fixed a lighting issue at the Aster Valley Crater
  • Fixed an issue where the sun mother was vulnerable to fire damage
  • Fixed some typos


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: Not Dead Edition (v0.136)!

Hi everyone, Audrey here!

Nym, our main developer, story writer, artist and practically everything else, has been dealing with some health issues over the last couple of months. We're hoping he's over the worst of it but we're still waiting on some test results and it going to take him time to recover. In the meantime, our updates may be a little more sporadic with less progress being made. That said, we're nearing the end of the story so we're hoping that soon we can concentrate on making the game even better as a whole!

Want to try the public build or become a patron? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.136 - 6-26-2020

  • Added 2 new challenging boss fights
  • Added several more scenes to the final portions of the game
  • Fixed an issue where some of the cove residents could appear after the siege even if dead
  • Fixed an issue where Dalkon would change into his armor after speaking to him post-siege
  • Updated some earlier scenes for better continuity
  • Fixed some typos


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.137 (Alpha & Weekly!)

Hey everyone, happy to finally get you a new patron build after having last week off.

This week's build isn't gigantic, because I've had to withhold some of the unfinished loose ends, but it does fix up a lot of relatively critical bugs and even gets into a few of the endings.

Hope you enjoy!

Become a patron or try the public build at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.137 - 7-10-2020

  • Added new wounded Mercy portraits
  • Added new final scenes to the game
  • Slightly adjusted a Leite portrait for better quality
  • Fixed an issue where a number of spells were throwing javascript errors
  • Fixed some outdated cooking fires
  • Fixed some out-of-bounds issues
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect portrait would show for Mercy in Carvannah
  • Fixed an issue where shellbus weren’t able to be prepped for cooking
  • Fixed some tile passability issues
  • Fixed a portrait-related crash when controlling Beatrix in Shiveworth


New Member
Jul 18, 2020
In what chapter were you supposed to visit the snow town area with the mansion and wolf for the first time? That’s the last time I played this game and I would like to give it a replay but I am not sure if there has been a lot more content added or not.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
In what chapter were you supposed to visit the snow town area with the mansion and wolf for the first time? That’s the last time I played this game and I would like to give it a replay but I am not sure if there has been a lot more content added or not.
Hi there, to help put it in perspective, it sounds like you've played around half of the content currently available in the latest public build and closer to a third of what's available in total.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: Version 0.138!

Hey everyone!

Happy to present the latest and greatest in Daughter of Essence technology: version 0.138. Added in a lot more scenes and details for the possible endings to get, but there's still a lot more to go where that came from.

Also finally added in the voice lines we got a while back for Leite, done by the very talented Midnight Datura. Those can be peeped in a couple of different endings as well.

Become a patron or try the public build at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

As always, the notes are below and we hope you enjoy.

Version 0.138 - 7-17-2020
  • Added in a new voiced segment for Leite
  • Added new ending scenes
  • Added in Moon’s Cookbook, obtained from finishing the side-quest in Emerald Flats and sharing the muffins with Moon Lee. This unlocks a number of special new cooking recipes
  • Fixed an issue where Qel could land in various unintended places, causing issues with the menu
  • Fixed some quest journal issues and updated some unfinished quest entries
  • Fixed an issue where Hallie could remain in Mercy’s party after defeating the assassin
  • Removed a dev chest from Fogsborough
  • Adjusted some skills for better balance
  • Adjusted the Equipment Optimize function, more accurately weighting all of the base stat parameters for a more intelligent optimization (still ignores special parameters like evasion, resistances and critical, for now)
  • Adjusted a number of cove resident sprites for better quality


New Member
Jul 18, 2020
Thank you! Also, is there a way to deactivate the auto-save function? It’s been kind of annoying me since it constantly auto saves the slot before my current save.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
Thank you! Also, is there a way to deactivate the auto-save function? It’s been kind of annoying me since it constantly auto saves the slot before my current save.
Yes, pressing the N key (by default) will disable or enable the autosave feature.

If you go into your keybind settings, you may find a couple of other hotkey shortcuts that are helpful. There's also a splash screen on startup and an image file included in the game's root folder with some of the default keyboard shortcuts.


New Member
Jul 18, 2020
Thank you so much for the extra quick response time. And great work! The game’s just as good as I remember it being. Even if I am replaying the prologue.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
New Release: v0.139!

Hi everyone!

As of now, 7 of the 8 possible outcomes are more or less wrapped up, but I had to hold one of them back because it wasn't ready. Fortunately, it's the one least likely to be obtained, so it shouldn't hinder most players.

I was going to just wait until they were all wrapped up and polished, but that kind of polish takes a lot longer than you might think so I figure I might as well let some of you experience the satisfaction of concluding your legacy at long last.

The best I can tell, next Friday's build will also wrap up the last ending and get started on the polish side of things. Also, no picture this week because the build was 100% words and 100% major spoilers, lol.

Plat the public build or become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

I've said this before, but I plan to implement some new features before release that'll break save compatibility. I'm trying to hold those off for now since we're so close to the end, but in the coming weeks as I'm getting everything spit-shined up for the big 1.0, you might see your saves stop working. The very next alpha build (v0.141) will probably be the last version you can use with your old save file and will include all of the game's endings, so make sure you don't hold off too long!

Version 0.139 - 7-31-2020
  • Added in all of the ending narratives EXCEPT ONE (FUCK)
  • Added in a new voiced segment for Beatrix
  • Fixed an issue where the Ch. 8 Qel cutscene could play when arriving to the valley in Ch. 10
  • Added Mercy’s wounded sprites
  • Fixed an issue where Eva could be incorrectly absent from the cove post-battle


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: Oh Man Oh Jeez

Today, I'm releasing version 0.140 for both Windows and Mac, the build which finally includes the last of the story content (for now) and the last of the voice samples (for now).

This is, for all intents and purposes, the first narratively "complete" release of Daughter of Essence, although it's naturally still in its alpha state.

This is a pretty monumental occasion for me, but there's still a lot to do, so it's a bit early to pop the corks just yet. Just the same, we really hope you enjoy this content and look forward to seeing what's coming next.

"But Nym," you might ask, "what IS coming next?"

Loosely speaking, and without making too many promises, here's what my agenda looks like for the coming weeks:

1. New features and mechanics implemented (will break saves)
2. New art
3. New written NSFW scenes
4. New voice lines
5. Thorough playtesting, bug-fixing, combat improvements, balance-adjustments and writing edits for quality & continuity
6. Re-examining the way our written scenes are viewed on the screen, to see if we can increase readability and quality
7. Hand-to-hand abilities and weapons
8. Continuing to tie up any loose ends with the narrative
9. Fleshing out more of the ending summaries for optional characters

Thanks to everyone for the support so far, and we'll see you soon!

Want to become a patron or play the public build? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.140 - 8-14-2020
Added the final ending narrative scenes
Added in several new voiced narration segments for Mercy
Fixed some typos and text runoff issues
Fixed an issue where a test switch was enabled for the ending sequences, allowing certain endings the player might not have earned
Fixed some dialogue in the ending narratives for better quality & continuity
Fixed an outdated fishing spot in Mar’Liore


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.141!

Hi everyone, we're back this week with the first in our series of bug-fixes, improvements and general QoL overhauls for DoE.

This week introduces a totally overhauled stat distribution system and some new HUD features for certain parts of the game, as well as a whole bunch of bug fixes.

IMPORTANT: From this point forward, all old saves are now discontinued. Version 0.140 will continue to be supported with bug fixes, and all of the bug fixes listed below are also in 0.140.1.

Want to become a patron or try the public build? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.141 - 8-21-2020 - (Breaks old save compatibility)
  • Added a new variable hud feature that tracks your progress when choosing squads for the siege
  • Completely revamped Skill Point distribution with a new interface, direct access from the menu and also the ability to invest SP into accuracy, evasion, critical, magic evasion, target rate and recovery rate
  • Beatrix now has access to a second accessory slot, same as Mercy & Orus
  • Fixed a portrait-related crash in the cove in Ch. 10
  • Fixed some text runoff
  • Revised some dialogue for better quality & continuity
  • Fixed an issue where the deep watcher enemy could drop a golden idol
  • Fixed an issue where Marlan could appear in two places at once during a cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could get stuck in a cutscene with Roald if she left the dorms from her room and re-entered from the front door
  • Fixed an issue where Dougar could appear in two places at once
  • Fixed an issue where Dalkon could disappear when Bell arrives to the cove


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Phew, REAL glad I'd never downloaded this before- having to start over again would be a huge pain! How long, roughly do you think, until this game is going to be FINISHED? Because while I'd quite like to play it, I want to keep the number of times I have to repeatedly download the game to get the latest version to a minimum- preferably just one, if possible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
New Release: Version 0.142!

Hey everyone! Not doing an image this week, because almost all the new stuff is system tweaks or changes to stuff that already exists.

You can get the full scoop down below, just remember that all bets are off for old save files at this point until the full launch. I've knocked a lot of the features out I was hoping for, so here's what's left to tackle:

- New Art
- More adult scenes
- Playtesting
- Balance
- Bug Fixes
- Fleshing out all the endings a bit more

Until next time, hope you enjoy!

Version 0.142 - 8-28-2020 - (Breaks old save compatibility)

  • Added a new cutscene with 2 variations which helps to contextualize some of the endings
  • Added an “overkill” feature, granting bonus rewards for overkilling easier enemies
  • Base weather effects now carry over into battles from the map
  • Added a shortcut keybind to the Stat Allocation menu (“P” by default)
  • Added keyboard functionality for name & number entry
  • Added the ability to rename most weapons and armor (useful for keeping track of rune upgrades or hidden abilities, or just for fun)
  • Added a “message speed” feature to the options menu
  • Redesigned the shop buttons for use with a mouse
  • Made some minor tweaks to the early cutscenes for better quality & continuity
  • Mercy no longer starts with 100 SP; instead, she gains 100 after choosing her Essence Type
  • Fixed an issue where spending 300 SP only increased crit chance by .5% instead of 1%
  • Fixed the coloring on some of Orus’s weapons
  • Adjusted a typo in the target rate distribution & made it cost 100 SP instead of 300
  • Fixed an issue where trying to leave the throne room in the opening dream sequence revealed the wrong portrait

Want to become a patron or try the public build? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
Phew, REAL glad I'd never downloaded this before- having to start over again would be a huge pain! How long, roughly do you think, until this game is going to be FINISHED? Because while I'd quite like to play it, I want to keep the number of times I have to repeatedly download the game to get the latest version to a minimum- preferably just one, if possible.
The currently weekly build should be compatible with the final product. As for a timeline, we are near the end of the alpha but it's hard to say beyond that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

Release 0.143: The Exterminator

Hello, everyone! Version 0.143 is here!

I'm working on a couple of actually COOL things this week (that you'll learn more about soon), but most of my fun took a backseat to the Biblical plague of bugs that I've been busy annihilating. Thanks to JJJ from the Discord for reporting a number of these.

The full list is down below. The keen observer might also notice some new content and fairly significant balance changes sneaked in there, and I am caught red-handed: it's been a busy week in Development Purgatory, but the finished result is a much refined and improved experience for everyone, I think.

And it's all fully compatible with last week's build, so don't fret there. Chances are, everything will be compatible now even up through the full launch and beyond.

Ready to try the public build or become a patron? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.143 - 9-4-2020
  • Made equipment scale slightly higher to avoid scenarios where the player never upgrades once they have runes slotted into early gear
  • Reduced the point value of HP on gear and in the upgrade screen from 20:1 > 15:1, which should also address axes seeming disproportionately easy to use at lower levels
  • Added Maven back to the cove post-siege
  • Added a new campsite in the Glass Sea only accessible with Qel that starts a new quest (WIP)
  • Level caps are now 50 instead of 99, though SP can still be earned indefinitely. Stat allocation is capped for primary stats at 100 each and 33 for special parameters like crit and evasion
  • Fixed an issue where renovating the throne room after accepting the Iron & Scale quest could result in Meghan repeating dialogue about it
  • Fixed an issue with the doorway from the cove to the residential area sometimes not showing up correctly
  • Fixed a few outdated cooking fires
  • Fixed an issue where Lily could still remain after the first siege even if she died
  • Fixed an issue where Lily could mention Bartleby even if he wasn’t recruited
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy’s “Coat On” Switch wasn’t properly tagged when entering Esterholt, resulting in the wrong fishing animations
  • Fixed a missing portrait issue for Beatrix in the Carvannah palace dungeon
  • Fixed an issue where the mining cart riding sprite wouldn’t appear correctly in Hawk’s Keep
  • Fixed a portrait issue in the frozen caves passage
  • Fixed an issue where donating wool or milk to Lindsay in Aster Valley would incorrectly subtract a cumulative amount from your inventory equal to everything you’d donated so far
  • Fixed an issue where a guard in Fogsborough could appear in more than one place at once
  • Fixed an issue where Marlan could appear twice during a cutscene in the cove
  • Fixed an issue where the lumber could remain at Fort Wilkes even after the raft was built
  • Fixed an issue where riding in the Hawk’s Keep mining cart in chapter 9 could send you back to the chapter 7 Hawk’s Keep
  • Fixed an issue where the quest log still referred to the Emperor Crab as a fish
  • Fixed an issue where Quinn and Bartleby might not appear if they were recruited from the flame temple quest
  • Fixed an issue where Bartleby and Quinn would have dialogue based on the wrong death flags instead of their partner’s
  • Fixed an issue where you could enter the cove’s boathouse during the red moth cutscene, causing a scene break
  • Fixed an issue where Franz could appear before the final siege even if he had previously died
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy was unable to ride Orus in certain cove map variations in later chapters
  • Fixed an issue with the Red Iron Stump greatsword where it was not correctly applying the Dizzy state
  • Fixed an issue where leaving Mercy’s bedroom after ch. 8 could fail to prompt a choice to leave the dorms directly
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy’s “Daughter of Essence” class wasn’t correctly applying the added physical damage penalty
  • Fixed an issue where a number of quests in the journal without names or places would have placeholder names
  • Fixed an issue where Marlan could appear in two places at once when returning from Witchdale


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Weekly & Alpha: Bugpocalypse II, the Reckoning

Hi everyone, the new release this week is another massive collection of bug fixes and quality of life improvements for weekly & alpha patrons alike.

Just a reminder to the alpha patrons, however, that this version will not be compatible with your old version 0.140 or earlier save files on account of the myriad new features.

Still working hard on some new content behind the scenes, so there's plenty more to look forward to. Thanks again for all your continued support, and I hope you enjoy!

- Nym

Public Build and patron sign up for other builds is here: https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.144 - 9-11-2020

  • Made slight changes to all the long-form scene formatting in the library. Enlarged the font from 28 to 30, reduced the page line count from 16 to 14, and added ¼ second delays to the end of every paragraph to reduce the ease of accidental skipping (If this is a popular change, it will also be implemented in the normal scenes)
  • Added the fishing bait recipe book
  • Added Hufferpuffer Pie to the Common Seafood Cuisine recipe book
  • Bruiseweed potions now require bruiseweeds, which can be found in the wild after speaking with Moon about them
  • Mercy can at last resist Dietrich’s and Moon Lee’s essence, gaining SP instead of essence
  • Adjusted the Moon Lee & Mercy scene slightly
  • Fixed an enemy AI bug where some enemies were incorrectly skipping turns
  • Enemies afflicted by Enrage/Berserker will now use a weapon-specific attack skill instead of the default attack command
  • Fixed an issue where the Coral Helm could be purchased without coral
  • Fixed some out-of-date fishing spots
  • Fixed an issue where red smoothfins counted as consumables and would disappear when used to make fillets
  • Fixed some missing Beatrix portraits
  • Added a switch to allow Delilah to resume normal movement after rejecting her essence
  • Fixed some text runoff
  • Fixed an outdated cooking fire
  • Fixed a tile continuity error when on the Carvannah rooftops
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to gain access to higher-tier spells the first time you speak with Eva
  • Fixed a lighting error in the cove
  • Fixed an issue where some of the bandits recruited from Danforth Crook could show up later even if they fell during the siege
  • Fixed an issue where visiting the upper dorms if you hadn’t recruited the bandits from Danforth Crook could result in time-traveling back to before the siege when leaving
  • Fixed an issue where the monument might not appear correctly in the event of siege deaths
  • Fixed an issue where Hallie could appear in the cove when not rescued
  • Dalkon can no longer be dueled infinite times for his gold and essence
  • Fixed a passability issue in the Glass Sea campsite
  • Fixed an issue where Elijah could appear in two places at once during a cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where Sabal could appear in two places at once after the final siege
  • Fixed some issues with rich text to plain text conversion in the longer form scenes
  • Fixed an issue where the mine cart could go off the rails in the Hawk’s Keep
  • Fixed an issue where mining the last essence from certain nodes in the Emerald Mines could summon the wrong encounter
  • Fixed an issue where an image overlay issue in the dream area
  • Fixed an issue where entering the inn after the siege and leaving again could send Mercy back to before the siege
  • Fixed an issue where a scene with Leite could still be viewable after the siege was over, which breaks continuity
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could visit Beatrix’s office to be healed even if Beatrix didn’t make it in the siege
  • Changed the Giant Slayer’s name and fixed its visual animation
  • Fixed an issue where the Potion of Plenty could disappear from Moon’s shop in later chapters
  • Adjusted the final scene to allow for 1 single yield tolerance to achieve the rejection ending


New Member
Sep 16, 2020
How do you go back to the ship after you get qel? Like i got him but now i cant go to the spots with out his landing zones where chests are and such


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
How do you go back to the ship after you get qel? Like i got him but now i cant go to the spots with out his landing zones where chests are and such
It's been a while but we think the ship is supposed to return to the cove. Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.145!

Hi everyone! We've got another build with a whole lot of small improvements to quality of life, bug fixes, system upgrades and fine-tuning.

This fixes a lot of long-time issues that have plagued the game as a consequence of higher than 60 hz monitors and should also improve performance on a lot of PCs while making the playing experience more consistent for everybody.

Thanks for your continued support as we make the game as good as it can be in preparation for the full launch!

Want to try the public build or become a patron? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

- Nym

Version 0.145 - 9-18-2020
  • Replaced the default Victory, Loss and Game Over music
  • Improved performance
  • Improved some animations
  • Essence toys now give the choice to replay written scenes, + the font size is adjusted to be consistent with the scene library
  • The red moth ejderha now correctly weakens both the Oldlight’s infiltration forces & their ship defenses, and a new line has been added about its contribution to the cove’s defenses
  • Consumables are now ordered in your inventory in certain tiers of priority, rather than by the database entry. Those tiers are: 1. Home-cooked meals, 2. Food/Drink, 3. Medicine/Restorative Items, 4. Ingredients
  • Replaced the old & largely incompatible file preloader with a new image cache system
  • Added new fishing trophies for all fish types & also added harder to obtain platinum trophies!
  • Fishmaster Luca can now be found in the Emerald Flats
  • Changed the fishing system to slightly expand the range of fish sizes and also significantly increase the rarity of fish on the larger end of the spectrum
  • Changed Beatrix’s crossbow mechanics to deal damage based on a split of Attack and Luck
  • Changed the fishing system to prevent the issue where failing a fishing check could result in fishing up multiple things on your next success
  • Updated a number of core systems to improve stability and help address game-timer consistency
  • Fixed an issue where even with vsync, game-timer ran at >60fps on higher hz monitors, making fishing almost impossible for certain people
  • Players can no longer reverse stat allocations at will (as introduced experimentally with the new system in 0.141)
  • Recovery rate is now increased by 3% per 300 SP
  • Fixed an issue where Meghan could repeat dialogue after returning from Mar’Liore
  • Fixed an issue where Roald could appear in the inn and throne room simultaneously
  • Fixed an issue where Delilah could appear in two places simultaneously
  • Fixed an issue where one of Mercy’s voice lines actually included the whole voiced section
  • Fixed a portrait-related crash in the Carvannah aqueducts
  • Fixed some missing portrait issues in Carvannah
  • Fixed some text alignment issues


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: Version 0.146!

Hi everyone!

It was a late night and the patch notes mostly speak for themselves again this week, but we're finally starting to emerge from Bug Mountain with stable new builds and resume adding new content and features!

We got some new story content, new side-quests and a lot more general improvements and refinements.

Hope you enjoy, and I'll see you soon!

- Nym

New to the game? Become a patron or try our public build at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.146 - 9-25-2020
  • The Knife quest is now completable during Ch. IX
  • Added a new scene & boss encounter to Ch. X
  • Added Claudia and Colette back to the cove post-siege
  • Added a way to check your final siege results
  • Added a number of SPI-based map checks to the game
  • Added a new, hard to earn recipe book with new unique recipes
  • Added a button mash input to Mercy’s self-healing sword skills
  • Changed a number of sound effects and musical effects
  • Made some improvements to performance
  • Significantly reduced the amount of gold Mercy finds in the cove as part of a process of rebalancing the cove expenses
  • Abandon’s damage has been buffed from a 25% max HP scale to a 33% max HP scale to compensate for nerfs to HP values
  • Slightly rebalanced the final siege, making the highest scores a little more challenging to obtain and the worst outcome slightly less challenging to obtain
  • Fixed an issue where re-entering the Emerald Flats barracks could trigger a missing guard’s dialogue
  • Fixed a portrait issue when interacting with one of the sun chests
  • Fixed a passability issue in the Glass Sea campsite
  • Fixed an issue where Ramses could appear in two places at once
  • Fixed an issue where Lily could be passable after the siege
  • Fixed and improved some weapon skill animations
  • Fixed some equipment descriptions
  • Fixed an issue where Bartleby could appear in two places at once
  • Fixed an issue where the Locker skill’s moon scroll would be listed in the wrong order
  • Fixed an issue where having Dalkon’s fully-upgraded station would overlap some of the damage in the post-siege cove


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.148 (Alpha & Weekly!)

Konbanwa, comrades. We have made considerable strides (finally) with a new system for overhauling the game's overlaying image systems, which will hopefully improve performance quite a bit in builds to come as well as make maps look more interesting and dynamic in the process.

This is a work in progress, so parts of the game have these new improvements and parts of the game remain how they were before. In addition, I've got some cool new fishing features launching this week and a million other bug fixes.

Hope you enjoy!

Play the public build or become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.148 - 10-9-2020
  • Added a new, super-rare and extra challenging fish to the game, along with a reward for catching it
  • You can now get a unique reward from a new NPC who appears in Newlight for catching an especially large seabear
  • Added the remainder of the cove residents back in to the post-siege cove areas
  • Added new dialogue to the Gertrude’s workstation if she died, and fixed an issue where interacting with the forge could trigger dialogue with Gertrude even if she wasn’t alive
  • Continued implementing graphical updates here and there, adding more tile diversity and more dynamic interior mapping
  • Began implementation of a new system of overlaying images to address some performance issues in the cove. This is a WIP and is only partially implemented.
  • Made clams more common to fish up
  • Fixed an issue where Orus could bypass learning his first specialization abilities
  • Fixed some passability issues
  • Fixed some missing portrait issues
  • Fixed an issue where Orus could follow Mercy in the Esterholt manor
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could activate the encounter with the bug in Carvannah after returning the second time, and added some new dialogue to reflect the passage of time
  • Increased the health of one of the strangers in the encounter in the Aqueducts, making it so you can’t realistically bypass the Cataclysm spell by overleveling and bursting him down
  • Fixed an issue where upgrading the cove while Mercy was blinded would show Mercy’s normal portrait
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could be riding Orus during the Carlisse showdown
  • Fixed some lighting issues
  • Fixed some text runoff
  • Fixed an incorrect chest description
  • Fixed the hit rate of the Critical Attack greatsword skill
  • Fixed an issue where Dalkon and Marlan could be duplicated in the cove after a cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where damage to the cove might not correctly appear after the first siege
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could be transported to Beatrix’s office while riding Orus during a cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where you could not land at the Mar’Liore Mercenary camp with Qel
  • Fixed an issue where returning to the cove in Ch. X upgraded the defenses visually
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could interact with the bed in Beatrix’s office and get healed before Beatrix sets up
  • Fixed an issue where Orus’s Brute Force skill could be selected from the menu
  • Fixed an issue where Quinn could remain in the bath house after the final siege
  • Fixed a sprite issue with Mercy’s bed
  • Fixed an issue where the monument could be prevented from appearing after the final siege even if members of the cove had died
  • Fixed an issue where returning to the cliff tops in Witchdale after rejecting Moon’s essence could result in getting stuck


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: 0.149!

Hi everyone, happy weekend! As is tradition 149 times in a row, I have a new release, carefully baked just for your pleasure.

Except this time, due to a number of total overhauls, the build is guaranteed to be a wild and crazy ride, and I will not be held responsible for what happens if you play it.


New to the game? Public build and patron details at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.149 - 10-16-2020

  • Updated a number of maps all across the game for improved quality and tile diversity
  • Rebuilt all the cove maps from the ground up using the new image layering system to improve performance
  • Fixed an issue where Holden could appear in the cove inn prematurely
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could enter the Danforth Crook bandit camp by ship
  • Fixed an issue where Moon could return to the cove from her room prematurely
  • Adjusted a number of entryway graphics for better continuity and clarity
  • Adjusted some lighting to improve performance
  • Fixed an issue where trying to enter the upper cove region after the siege could slow Mercy permanently
  • Fixed an issue where Carlisse could speak during the cove surrender cutscene even if she was not recruited
  • Fixed a visual error in the final Leite cutscene
  • Fixed some typos


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.150!!!

What the HECK, version 150!

This week's build continues last week's optimization efforts and extends the visual upgrades to a number of maps across the game, but perhaps more excitingly, it also begins a brand new side-story set in all-new explorable territory!

This side-adventure prominently features everyone's favorite innkeeper, Leite, but it also promises to reveal some more fairly deep game lore about a couple of other mysterious characters, so I hope this catches your attention.

The area is fully explorable now and already contains some new lore, but's still a WIP, so there's a lot more to come.

If this wasn't exciting enough, we are going to have another big announcement coming soon, so stay tuned.

- Nym

Version 0.150 - 10-23-2020
  • Added a new large, explorable region to the game (WIP)
  • Added the beginnings of a major new optional side-chapter that will reveal a lot of hidden lore
  • Updated a number of maps across the game for improved quality, performance and tile diversity
  • Fixed some tile overlay issues
  • Fixed some lighting issues
  • Fixed an issue where grey stalkers were incorrectly in possession of night’s essence instead of earth’s essence
  • Fixed an issue with Orus’s Overgrowth spell, where it would remove the old Overgrowth effect before adding the new one, effectively resetting any overhealing each time. It can also no longer be used from the menu.
  • Carlisse’s Diamond Shell status now correctly reflects all physical damage types
  • Fixed a chest sprite issue
  • Fixed a stray reaction bubble during a cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where resisting Moon’s essence left her things behind in Witchdale
  • Fixed some tile passability issues
  • Fixed some incorrect portrait issues
  • Fixed a missing transfer event in the New Light tavern
  • Fixed an issue where some of the paths through Mubarek Monastery would result in the Moon/Elijah scene image not correctly displaying

New to the game or want to become a patron? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Edit: Hotfix (150.1 - 10-24-2020)
  • Fixed some missing tiles
  • Fixed an issue where Gertrude could say nothing when interacting with her
  • Fixed the “reinforcements” cove map and improved performance
  • Replaced an outdated fishing spot
  • Fixed some tile passability issues
  • Improved performance in the flame priestess temple


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.151!

Happy Halloween, everyone! This latest release continues to polish and improve and fix all manner of things (half of which have been plaguing me for well over a year), and I hope you find it cozy and stable and enjoyable in time for your holiday weekend.

I'm also excited to announce that we're working with a new, incredibly gifted artist (https://twitter.com/ShapeIsReal) to bring a number of scenes to life and to rework some of our old scenes that we feel no longer fit in well with the style of the game overall.

You'll be seeing evidence of that soon, I'm sure.

Best wishes and enjoy your spooky weekend,


New to the game? Check out the public build or become a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.151 - 10-30-2020

  • Updated more maps for improved visuals and tile diversity
  • Qel landing spots now only appear while flying
  • Fixed a parallax issue in the siege cove
  • Fixed a parallax issue in the pre-siege cove
  • Fixed some passability issues
  • Fixed some tile overlay issues
  • Fixed some item descriptions
  • Adjusted some lighting for better performance
  • Adjusted some of the dialogue boxes in the outro for continuity
  • Fixed some text-runoff
  • Fixed an issue where Lara’s dialogue in the cove would repeat
  • Mercy can no longer read Dietrich’s letter while blindfolded, and it differs now depending on whether Mercy yielded or resisted his essence
  • Dietrich now leaves behind a letter in the non-renovated throne room as well
  • Fixed a repeating animation issue
  • Fixed an issue where Rondo could reappear after a cutscene where he leaves
  • Fixed an issue where Gorstag could appear inside an obstacle during a cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where Megaera’s dialogue referenced events which had not yet come to pass
  • Fixed an issue where Megaera could appear in the cove’s non-renovated throne room even if not recruited
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to land Qel by left-clicking, which left the Qel sprite on the map and also kept the menu disabled
  • Fixed an issue where the red moth ejderha’s arrival at the cove did not correctly modify Oldlight’s ambush score, making it harder on the cove’s scouting unit
  • Fixed an issue where an obstacle could block the monument after the cove siege
  • After unlocking Qel, the dock at Mar’Liore no longer contains Mercy’s ship, and the map can be left on the right or left sides instead
  • Fixed an issue where the cutscene in the Oldlight meeting room was faded to white
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could appear in the dream while moving at Orus-riding speed


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Alpha Release: v0.152!

Hello, friends!

The latest alpha build introduces the usual menagerie of graphical and technical improvements, updated features and bug-fixes, and a long-requested feature: Unarmed Skills!

The hand-to-hand enthusiast now has a variety of new skills to learn from Dalkon, including one with a different variation for every class type.

We also hope you'll enjoy the latest piece of art done by our talented contributor, Shape.

New to the game? Try our public build or become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.152 - 11-6-2020
  • Added new unarmed skills
  • Added new Mercy & Hallie scene art
  • Began updating the adult scene formats to align with the scene library formats (approx. 50%)
  • Updated more maps for improved visuals and tile diversity
  • Fixed some tile errors
  • Adjusted some lighting for better performance
  • Fixed a move-speed bug
  • Fixed some text runoff
  • Fixed an issue where seekers in Esterholt would continue to appear until a map change
  • Changed how images render in a certain event in the hopes that an uncaught TypeError won’t randomly pop up when skipping the text
  • Fixed an issue preventing Dietrich’s letter from being used from the inventory
  • Fixed an issue where skipping a cutscene could result in walking slowly afterwards
  • Fixed a parallax issue in the first cove siege
  • Fixed an issue where Moon’s shop could add szarva milk to Mercy’s inventory
  • Fixed an issue where Orbit was incorrectly regenerating twice, for two different values
  • Changed regen effects from being “tick-based” to being turn-based; this was to fix a bug where regeneration effects were breaking max-hp buffs over 100% default HP
  • Fixed an issue where the boathouse was hidden in the final cove area
  • Players can now re-enter the scene library after the final siege is complete
  • Fixed an issue where Dietrich could appear in the throne room before victory is claimed in the siege
  • Fixed an issue where Aklas would not correctly acknowledge Dietrich’s passing in the first siege
  • Fixed a lingering image overlay in the upper cove area if not upgraded
  • Fixed a bug where the opening event at the Isle of Deer went missing somehow in version 151, allowing Mercy to explore prematurely
  • Fixed a bug where some damage over time effects were triggering twice in a row
  • Fixed a bug where Adrenaline triggered twice
  • Fixed an issue where resisting Dietrich’s essence still counted as yielding for the end scene

Eldritch Wolf

Nov 9, 2020
I played a good deal of the public build a while ago and while I would like to check up on the many updates I've missed it seems I must start from scratch. Is there any way to inflate stats or add in gold/gear so I can zip through content I have already done?