[RPG Maker VX Ace] Caliross 0.9.17 Oct/23/2024


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
The year is 202X. The only remaining adult game still in development is Caliross. All other "games" are just empty proof of concepts that promise NFTs and their new cryptocurrency's launch is just around the corner...

The only way to avoid this bleak future, is to give me all your money!* If you need more convincing, you can check the changelog here, and marvel at how much smut is concentrated in just one game. Download here or at itch.io the free version, for some "hands on" time with the game.

*It's the only way to make sure you won't buy NFTs, promise!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
It's the year 2022. We are still far, far away from the future of the Fifth Element, where redhead waifus go around scantily clad in white stripes to beat the crap out of the bad guys. Right now, Erica might be the best world-saving* waifu available, it's all I am saying!

If you want to help her make Caliross a better place (one sexy encounter at a time), make sure to play the premiere "mind controlled girl" simulator on the market**! You can check the changelog here. Download here or at itch.io the free version, if you dare.

*The world saving part might be an exaggeration, but she is rocking the world of many perverts around Caliross, and that's something.

**At least, I think it's one of my games, if not Caliross.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
March is here and so is another update! The ever increasing demand for smut and lewds are putting a strain on society, and as a developer, it's my job to make sure everyone has access to basic necessities such as adult games of the highest quality*.

Get your Waifu overdose, and play Caliross by downloading the free version here or at itch.io, if you have the stamina. You can check the changelog here and appreciate my skill for increasing the word count the further we move along.

*We remind our dear readers that quality is subjective, and that the author is a lazy bum, so let's keep our expectations in check.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
I've noticed the king says we instead of "i". Why?

I have been told that royalty are supposed to do that (in fact it was kind of painful to change it in several dialogues). I am really not used to it, however, so I am sure I screwed it up here and there. Next time I depict a royal, I'll make sure to painfully explain in the setting that such a practice was abolished. XD
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2021
I've noticed the king says we instead of "i". Why?
It's called "royal we" - mostly used when speaking in the capacity of a king or emperor (for example, in speeches), not necessarily in personal affairs, and not when addressing other persons of equal status in diplomacy. Never let it be said that lewd games aren't an opportunity for learning new things!
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
It's called "royal we" - mostly used when speaking in the capacity of a king or emperor (for example, in speeches), not necessarily in personal affairs, and not when addressing other persons of equal status in diplomacy. Never let it be said that lewd games aren't an opportunity for learning new things!
Oh okay thanks. The same thing goes for mainstream games as well and never knowing where you will learn something new.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
April is here, and so is another update. I know everyone is here for the plot*, but I had to ruin it for everyone by sneaking in some smut as well.

Expertly navigate around any adult content while playing the free version available here or at itch.io. If that's not enough of a challenge for you, the changelog is here to cause your sanity to falter as you wonder how it's possible for me to retain an audience.

Wet Ass Plot*.
**I am a tits person myself, but if you like plot, more power to you.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
The may update is here! Having avoided notice from the authorities once again, I bring you the most illegal, extreme smut* on the market.

Jump into the premiere archelogy simulator since that game from LucasArts right away! Available here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here to make sure no copyright was infringed.

Well, I don't know about the "illegal" and "extreme" parts, since I am a bit squemish, but I swear the game contains traces of smut*!
**If you are allergic to smut and accidentally played the game, please consult your doctor.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Another update is here! We are getting close to 1.0, time to add more numbers after the zero to avoid the disaster of an actual release!*

Explore a living, breathing world... Then come back home and play my game! Available here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here to see if that particular fetish you love was surreptitiously added to the game, forcing you to play it from beginning to end another time.

*There is so much time between now and the heat death of the universe, why hurry?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Version 0.999 is here! In case you were getting too excited about a 1.0, I actually did add one more number for the next update, as predicted (by myself) during last month's update. It's almost as if I am in the dev's head* or something.

Join the smut army* by playing my game, Available here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here to see how much things can change yet still stay the same.

*Scientists are still debating if mdqp's head actually contains anything, but research so far has been inconclusive.
**We are pacifists at heart, although waifu-shaming is punishable by death.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Version 0.9991 is here! I am very sorry for the version number, I blame my highschool math teacher*.

This update may or may not include more tentacle-adjacent monsters, only one way to find out**... Experience a "weird boner" bonanza by playing my game, Available here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here and wonder how could a human create something so vile so slowly.

*He was actually a cool dude, but I can't look weak in front of the audience!
**I lied again, you can also read the changelog... Or ask other players.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Version 0.9992 is here! Once again, we explore the eternal question of "how much waifu is too much waifu?"* by increasing the waifu dosage and observing the results**. The game is available here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here and marvel at how much depravity one single game can contain.

*"There is no such a thing as too much waifu." - Plato

**Usually I just feel satisfied at a job well done, but I am the one providing the waifus.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Another month, another release. Who's going to bang our protagonist this time? Werewolves? Vampires? Demons? The random village drunkard?. Join us in the smut marathon of the century* by downloading the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, if you like unordered lists.

*The answer is probably "all of the above".

**Currently, the only smut marathon in town.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
November is almost gone, but this update is here to stay*! If you aren't a pervert yet, now it's the time to get started. You too can disappoint your parents following 5 easy steps**! Start by downloading the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, if you can't wait to learn what's cooking.

*Until next month.

**Steps not included.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Ah, December: the holiday season. The gifts! Well, anyone checking this game is automatically put on the naughty list (Santa Claus runs a gentle, techno-dictatorship), so forget about getting anything but rocks*. At least my game will keep you guys warm**. Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, if you are curious and can't help peek behind the curtains.

*Coal is too valuable this year.
**By cooking your GPUs thanks to the really hot girls on display, obviously.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Another year under our belts! Don't worry though, I have developed a perpetual development machine*, which means no matter which year, Caliross is always 6 months away from being finished! Enjoy all the upside of live services, without any of the downsides!** Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and get the dopamine fix you crave thanks to the numbers growing with each release.***

*I call it "lazy bum mdqp".
**I am not really aware of any upsides to live services, though.
***Actual content growth is purely optional and coincidental.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Ah, february! The best month to speculate on people's loneliness with some adult games! No need for a girlfriend, daddy Caliross can be your valentine forever!* Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and contemplate the life choices which lead you here afterward.

I mean, the game was going to take forever anyway, at least now I can add panty-shot micro-transactions to REALLY make it scummy.*

**I am just joking. Let's not give EA any ideas, or they might just release a FIFA dating sim DLC.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
March marches and so does Caliross (how's that for an alliteration?)! This month, like every other month, we celebrate the mystery of the perpetual development of this game and how we are always three months away from version 1.0*. Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and wonder if I am just making it all up or if it's actually in the game.

If a developer codes in the woods but he has no patrons, does the game update? Pondering this question is what is slowing the game's progress down.*

**It's actually feature creep, but what can I do? I HAVE to add more content, I can't help it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
We got an April update, but there are no fools* around here, only people with discerning taste for adult games, the intelligentsia of the coomer community**, if you will. Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and get bamboozled into supporting my games!

*Excluding the developer of this game.
**Don't believe the enemy propaganda about masturbation and brain rot (otherwise I'd go jobless).


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
It finally happened, my game's version number shrunk*! Don't worry though, I increased the protagonist's bust size to compensate**. Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and wonder how someone who can't count is making a videogame!

*It's just the cold, I swear!

**At least that was the plan until the "Flat Is Justice" association sent me a cease and desist. Then again, they seem to balloon whenever I am not looking.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Number goes up again, all is good with the world*. Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and wonder together with me if this isn't getting a tad too long.

So long as we don't hit 1.0 TOO soon*.
**Soon is defined as a period time between now and the heat death of the universe.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's another Caliross release*! Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and contemplate what life choices brought you there**.

*Who the heck confuses Superman (or a game's release) for a bird or a plane???
**It's too late for regrets... Or refunds. :^


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
To fight the heat, check out the new hotness! I am just warming up with those puns and dad jokes*! Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and get excited**!

*I have been informed that this amount of punnery is already well beyond the legal limits in several countries around the world.
**Bullet point lists turn me on, what's so weird about that?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
Another release is ready to take off*! Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, wonder why that one thing you really wanted in the game is always pushed to the next month**!

*I have not practiced landings, however, so board at your own peril.
**That might or might not be a bait to keep you guys supporting my Patreon one extra month... Or I am just lazy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
New release, coming right up! We might not have pumpkins, but we brought lots of cake* to compensate. Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and get mesmerized by the ever-changing numbers.**

*There is an actual bakery in the game, and you can work there, just to cover all bases.
**Does the fabled 1.0 really exist? Your ancestors thought so, but nobody ever saw it so far.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
The new version is here, hot enough to warm you during these cold days*. Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and wonder if we'll ever hit a buffer overflow bug with these version numbers.

*Cold might or might not be available in your region. We take no responsibilities in case of burns or fires resulting from using our software.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
The end of the year is around the corner. I hope "play less hentai game" isn't part of your resolutions*, but I am partial to "donating more money to lazy devs* online", if you can believe that. Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, and... I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Version 0.9.7a contains a minor bug (you can see the intro and explore some of the maps to an unfinished quest). No need to panic, as you can simply leave the area and get back to your business, and the version after it rewinds anything you can interact with, so you should be good to go once the quest is completed.

*The only resolution available is "544x416" anyway.
**Whose names start with "m" and end with"dqp"


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2017
2024 is here, so we'll celebrate with the 2024th update* to the game! Download the game here or at itch.io. Check the changelog here, if you really want to spoil things for you, and have fun! ^_^

*I lost count a while ago, but I am sure we are pretty close anyway.