[RPG MAKER][Patreon]Succubus Tales - Chapter 1: Nicci's Revenge (COMPLETE)


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016

Succubus' Tales - Chapter 1 Version 0.8 Released for 5$+ Patrons


- standing, naked picture for the twins

- new outfit for the twins

- standing, nacked pictures of both Marissa and Lucy (2x each)

- there are a total of six new events (three sexual)

- a total of 33 images for those sex events!

- at some point in the game, I started to use a fadein / fadeout effect to show images;

I decided to go back and apply it to the entire game, from the start.

- as always, a Great thanks to Hoboy for his amazing job at proofreading the game!

That's all, Have fun!

Patreon Link


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Monthly Progress Report!

Hello, My Dear Supporters and Followers!
The progress for the next update is going on, little by little, and here's what I did so far during the past month:
- standing picture for a new charachter, which will be introduced during the epilogue of chapter one ( https://i.imgur.com/7748gOW.png );
- images for first new sex event : all done ( 12 images so far!);
- standing naked human and demon form of an already exsisting character;
and that's all.
For the next update I'm planning on having at least 3 sex events, so it will be two more to go.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Monthly Progress Report!

Hello, My Dear Supporters and Followers!
As usual, I'll drop the list of what I've done during the past month!

- standing picture for Captain Duncan, with a common outfit, without the armor https://i.imgur.com/k6ENoSM.png ; his face improved quite a bit too, don't you think? Here is the old one to compare https://i.imgur.com/boWnmmh.png ;

- images for second new sex event : all done ( 14 images so far!);

- I started doing the first image for the third new event (which will be the last for the next update)

And that's all, for now ;D


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016

Succubus' Tales - Chapter 1 Version 0.9 Released for 5$+ Patrons

- 2 standing, naked picture for Kobe (both human and demon form);
- new standing picture for Captain Duncan, with a new outfit;
- 2 standing, naked picture for Rhelyth, a new succubus! (both human and demon form);
- three new, non sexual events;
- three new, sexual events;
- a total of 48 images for those sex events!
- as always, a Great thanks to Hoboy for his amazing job at proofreading the game!
That's all, Have fun!
Patreon Link
And now, an apologize:
at first, I had the intention of finishing everything for this release, all the way to the end of chapter one, but mid-way I noticed that there were simply too much things to do, so I decided to split it, leaving a final event and the epilogue for the next version; the problem is that by that time, I already did some work on the epilogue, made an image and designed a new map, the Cathedral from the capital.
So...Yeah, if it looks like I took an Eternity to finish this version, is "also" (not only) because I already have a couple of things done for version 1.0;
but still, sorry for being this late (T.T)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Monthly Progress Report!

Hello Guys!

During the last month, I've been working mostly on the last event, which will involve a BIG orgy, with almost every villager of Tirnambeo.

Here's a little list of what I did so far:

- standing picture of Archbishop Moor ( the one mentioned by the group of exorcists at the beginning of the game);

- image with Addine, Doyle and Xinnar;

- image with Elda and Fred;

- image with Rhelyth and Merilith;

- image with Risa and Demilith.

Here's a little preview of those images:


I need to do a couple more then I'll start the sequence for Father Daliwyr's corruption.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Monthly Progress Report!

Hello my Dear supporters and followers!
The work on the last event is going on quite smoothly;
right now it already have:
- 6 different images for the orgy part;
- a standing image for the already genderbent Father Daliwyr;
- a mini-set of 3 images regarding Nicci, Risa ( the seamstress) and Lidia ( the messanger) ;
- the first image of a new set between Daliwyr and Nicci;
that's a total of 10 images already!
Here's a little preview of two of the above mentioned images:



I hope you'll like it!

You know me, I don't really like to do schedules, so don't think of the following words as such, but...
If things keep up like this, and unless something unexpected happens, I should be able to finish everything during august.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016

The FINAL RELEASE is here!


- added last chain event and epilogue to the game;

- added 3 new standing pictures for Daliwyr as both human and demon;

- added standing pictures for two new characters introduced in the epilogue;

- 36 new images for sex sequences

- as always, a Great thanks to Hoboy for his amazing job at proofreading the game!

You can get the link HERE

Since it's the last release for chapter one ( of course, unless it need some fix for bugs and such), I'll keep it for 5$+ tiers for a month.
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