[RPG Maker MV] Sauce

Oct 25, 2016
Version 0.1.07 is up!
You can download it from the bottom of this page.

HELLO and welcome to yet another half-baked silly RPGmaker pipe-dream.

For the longest while I've craved something with hints of romance, slow build up of kinkiness, and some sort of progression system, things that I look forward to in almost any lewd game.

But making a lewd-game myself never even crossed my mind until I actually played some really awesome ones like The Last Sovereign and Roundscape Adorevia and suddenly felt like 'Oh hey..I could probably do this as well!'
Thing is , I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, and I know nothing about javascript. So all I've had to rely on is vanilla RPG maker stuff for now.
But what I do have a decent writing skills, and around three years of erotic role-playing experience. And with that I hope to realize my dream.


What is my dream? To create something that's a cross between a Visual Novel, an Adventure Game and a Farming Sim, with the following kinks :
Happy Sex
Incest - Every pairing
Transgender/Futanari (a fantasy twist)
Double pen, groups, orgies.


Right now, it's in a super early alpha stage, and I have only about 50% of the prologue completed. And practically none of the kinks are implemented yet (I love slow build ups :D )

I don't have any art assets right now, but I do hope to commission an artist or two in the future, when I'm not broke. That being said, the focus of the sex scenes in this game will be text, since that's what I can guarantee by myself.
I'm also keeping this as non-commercial, given the controversial kinks.

You can download the game HERE
For more details, check out my blog
I would greatly appreciate it, if you look through the game, contact me with any bug reports, and tell me what you think.
(I would love to talk to any artists/spriters interested in the project)




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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
HAND-HOLDING?! By the smut gods that is some pretty hard shit! :D

All jokes aside it sounds like a pretty good idea let's hope you find someone that can help with the parts you have no real skill in (or pray that you are a fast learner!).

Sadly I can only offer moral support, as I have no idea in making a game (even if it is something as "simple" as a RPG-Maker game).

Also: Maybe you should take that second "Gokkun" out of your list ;)

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
The advantage and disadvantage of RPGMaker is that it's easy to learn and supports but doesn't -require- big boy coding. Along with including art assets that inspires every "I can't draw or code but I can string sentences together so surely I can write" out there to take the result of a few days of messing around with the program and throw it up online with a bunch of promises and high hopes (and probably a Patreon).

And then when they get into it and realize that there's a lot more to writing than being able to put together a few nice paragraphs many of these projects go dark. 

Not trying to lay a curse on you but you do need to realize that it'll be a big undertaking, that writing is just as hard if not harder than any other aspect of the process even if the program takes a few of the heavy lifting concerns off your back and that this is why a good number of people are unenthusiastic about RPGMaker games. Rather than hitting each beat of every doomed project you might consider putting it up once you've got a good amount of content. That's always a good way to alleviate skepticism. And in the meantime (if you haven't before) try writing and finishing some short stories involving this kind of stuff just to see if you've actually got the chops for it that you think you do.


Oct 16, 2015
Seems like it will be a nice little RPG maker game, will keep an eye out for future updates as I would like more content added before I sink my teeth into it :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Holy crackers, while I'm not as into the gokkun as you seem to be, this line from your blog: 

Why am I doing this? Cause I wanna. Its just another kink of mine. Something like a casual sex world but with sex being fun!

...and the note above it is basically exactly my kink. Reeeeally hoping this goes well.


New Member
Oct 1, 2015
You are making exactly what I want in more H-games, actual plot and happy sex. Everything usually revolves around rape. This seems like a generally fun game to read and play through if the prologue is any indication of what you're going for. Nice little sample, can't wait to see what comes next. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
My god. I just played the game.

There is hand-holding. Sickening, depraved and full frontal hand-holding.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
*Insert obligatory request for a list of pairings here*

Seriously though, for those of us who only like dudes, is there anything to see here? I'm pretty hesitant to open stuff when chances are good that it could shove a bunch of breasts in my face :/


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Karunama, given your comments in other games, I'd guess this one doesn't hold much promise for you. So far, there's only two male primary characters, and at least this far, the focus is much more heavily centered on the female characters and their relationships with each other and one of the male characters. Given the projected goal of the game, I suspect there will be a degree of male-on-male relations, but I doubt it will be enough to satisfy you, especially given that you'll probably have to slog through quite a bit of other sorts first.

Incidentally, the current build actually contains no out-and-out sex. There's arousal, a wet dream, and I think one masturbation scene, but nothing further yet.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Karunama, given your comments in other games, I'd guess this one doesn't hold much promise for you. So far, there's only two male primary characters, and at least this far, the focus is much more heavily centered on the female characters and their relationships with each other and one of the male characters. Given the projected goal of the game, I suspect there will be a degree of male-on-male relations, but I doubt it will be enough to satisfy you, especially given that you'll probably have to slog through quite a bit of other sorts first.

Incidentally, the current build actually contains no out-and-out sex. There's arousal, a wet dream, and I think one masturbation scene, but nothing further yet.

Thanks for the heads up.
Oct 25, 2016
*Insert obligatory request for a list of pairings here*

Seriously though, for those of us who only like dudes, is there anything to see here? I'm pretty hesitant to open stuff when chances are good that it could shove a bunch of breasts in my face :/

Sorry bout that. I've got M/M listed as a pairing on the site, but there's maybe only a tiny glimpse of it in there so far. My plan for the game is to slowly develop the characters's sexuality, and they will probably be more aligned to pansexuality than anything else, but the player will eventually able to pick and choose scenes. Unfortunately you will not be able to completely avoid other content, and following a purely M/M route ( hahah i'm talking a bout an M/M route when I have like zero anything in the game right now...*sobs uncontrollably*) will be not a full game experience.

You can read more in my most recent blogpost http://saucevn.blogspot.com/2016/12/017-code-name-rudimentary-link-should.html
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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2016
Is the game over after Elliot's second dream? The game appears to freeze on the loading screen...
Oct 25, 2016
Unfortunately that's because one of the image files got corrupted while uploading. I released a hotfix that resolves the issue, hopefully. S
Sorry for the inconvenience :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I finished the game (hotfix version) with no problems, though a couple of things stood out to me.

1. On day 2, I'm guessing the events are supposed to be Search bathing mom's clothes (sorry, forget which is Mom and which is Mommy in game) -> speak to dark skinned mom -> speak to sister? Because I did the events out of order. I searched the tool shed with DS mom first, then went back to the campfire and talked to the sister (it took me a bit to realize I was supposed to search the bathing mom's clothes). During the conversation around the campfire, DS mom has a couple of lines, but her sprite doesn't move back to the campfire, which seemed a bit disjointed.

2. The whole 'bank is foreclosing on the farm' plot came as a shock to me. I guess I just wasn't expecting it, but it also felt bit like mood whiplash. Up until now, the game has been mostly invested in the whole mystery about how the valley seems to make everyone chronically horny (I liked that subplot, btw), and there hasn't been any real indication of friction between the valley and the city (aside from the sailors' conversation in Esme), so the sudden intrusion of sleazy con-artist bankers felt like it came out of nowhere.
Oct 25, 2016
1) There's not meant to be an order in which you attempt the side events in the morning, but there is definitely a bug in the Fiona/Sara interaction at the fire. Thanks for spotting that one out~ it should be fixed at the next build

2)More will hopefully be revealed in next update, when we return to Esme. And I'm glad your first impression of them is like that, its what I was going for! Whooo!

Also , I wont be able to work on the game till after X-mas, cause of finals. Real Bummer, yep!


Aug 27, 2016
Is it normal to have a red orb everytime (well, I stopped after 15 tries...) we examine the wardrobe in room 1 at the Inn?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
More will hopefully be revealed in next update, when we return to Esme. And I'm glad your first impression of them is like that, its what I was going for! Whooo!
Ha ha, I suppose if that was what you were going for, good job! And you definitely nailed the sleaze-ball factor. But I think my thinking was more along the lines of "this again?" I'm not sure why I have the impression that a lot of farming sims start with the farm in debt, since as far as I can recall, the only one that did that was a certain defunct breeding game. Regardless, given the dialogue, it doesn't look like you're heading in that direction anyway, so I look forward to having my expectations confounded.