[RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.14 PUBLIC [01/06/19]


May 6, 2016
Hello all.
This is the first game I actually release (well, kinda of) for other people to see. I’ve worked on other games before but I always kept them between friends or just to myself. If you have any suggestion, compliment, criticism, bug/bad grammar report or question can be either posted on this thread or sent to my email: kolrencontact@gmail.com .

About the Game

Domination Quest is made using the RPG Maker MV engine, so there’s no need to install an RTP to play it anymore. The game is just an exe you can download the latest version at the end of this post. Another significant difference is that you now can also play you’re your mouse, so you get one free hand at all times. Yay \o/


Asus is the daughter of an ex-adventurer. After her mom retired from doing big jobs she and her family moved to the little village of Bordon, in the Grasslands. But Asus’ family isn’t a normal one: her mother is a very dominant type, who likes to make people serve her, man and woman alike. Influenced by her mother Asus trained her entire like together with her effeminate childhood friend, Mile, to be an adventurer and get people to serve her just like her mother.
But right on the day she and Mile were old enough to become adventurers a succubus appeared near the village. She told them that the demon lords are infiltrating the mortal realm disguised as them. Asus makes a pact with the demoness and now with the help of the succubus magic she’ll try to stop the demonic takeover while getting a few pets during the way.

Latest Version Notes:

And it's finally here. This is the last story update to the game and the official end of the project. Well, official only in the sense there's nothing else to add to it besides the art that's still being done. This update adds the final string of events and completes this version of Domination Quest. Is not what I first envisioned, by far, but it's still good to say it's finally finished after almost 3 years of development.

The release took way longer than expected to get out because Mars had a problem with his HD, resulting in him losing all of his work on the last few maps and me getting a new job on top of the holidays and family was over and by the end of it I had to make the ending faster than intended for the sake of closure. There's a new CG leaving 21 to be done and once they are all inside I'll finally mark the game as its 1.0 version. There'll be a post on Patreon and the blog soon regarding the next project but for now thanks for everyone that played this game. I know it's really faulty and even taxing at certain spots, but I just glad I finally officially finished a project.

Due to the delay in the release, I decided to skip a bit of the time-gating stuff and do a full public release right out of the gate in hopes of compensating for it a bit.

How to Install an Update Patch:
Download the patch and unzip it on top of the old game folder, replacing all files it asks to.

Latest Public Version

Development Blog

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Hello and welcome to the forum :)

First thing I noticed when looking at your thread and the blog was a complete absent of pictures. A few screenshots to show what your game looks like would be nice. This could also be used to show some game elements, like the HUD, battle system or unique things as your lust palace.

After about 1 hour of gameplay I managed to get to Riverbank and wanted to share my experience so far.

- The emotions of face pictures are nicely used, but I don't see why you only gave main characters face pictures and left out everyone else. It seemed a bit strange at the start that even little Asus and her father had no face pictures.

- Sometimes event actions take place after the teleport, for example the change of brightness in the cave or I think after the first scene with the succubus in Asus' mind a character vanished in her house after the teleport. These kind of things could be fixed by putting the switch/variable before the teleport action or using the fadeout/fadein system.

- I could walk into the door to my own house on the first occasion. [Screenshot] I was still able to use the door by standing before it and pressing enter.

- Some healing items before leaving the city and fighting some monsters would be nice. Also healing and aoe skills would be great, maybe for the two new adventurer who later join your group.

- The guild board says nothing before you have saved the city. Maybe a little textbox what it is even before you can take quests would be good.

- After the night with Mile in your bed at the Inn, he just disappears before you instead of walking into you.

- The bandit group you fight in the forest could be a bit higher in the battle screen. They are pretty much on the bottom of the screen.

- In general, I would have liked a higher hit chance, since I was missing a lot of attacks and the missing healing ability made things closer than I would have liked :D Money for healing items becomes less of a problem after saving the city, but before I didn't knew if I should invest most of my money for it or save for more important things

- The guild quest to go to your mother for the widow doesn't tell you in the dialog with your mother that you have to return to the widow after talking to her. I only knew it since it was written in the quest log.

- Teleport out of the 2nd city to Riverband was not on player touch but only worked by pressing enter.

- Here are some pictures of spelling errors I noticed. I'm not a native english speaker, so take it with caution :D [Picture]

I'll probable play some more later and give you more feedback ;) Can you say about how much longer the game is?

Edit: Small thing I just noticed in the title, if [17/04/15] is supposed to be the date for the newest version, the year might be wrong or is the game really that old? :D
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May 6, 2016
Hello and welcome to the forum :)

First thing I noticed when looking at your thread and the blog was a complete absent of pictures. A few screenshots to show what your game looks like would be nice. This could also be used to show some game elements, like the HUD, battle system or unique things as your lust palace.

After about 1 hour of gameplay I managed to get to Riverbank and wanted to share my experience so far.

- The emotions of face pictures are nicely used, but I don't see why you only gave main characters face pictures and left out everyone else. It seemed a bit strange at the start that even little Asus and her father had no face pictures.

- Sometimes event actions take place after the teleport, for example the change of brightness in the cave or I think after the first scene with the succubus in Asus' mind a character vanished in her house after the teleport. These kind of things could be fixed by putting the switch/variable before the teleport action or using the fadeout/fadein system.

- I could walk into the door to my own house on the first occasion. [Screenshot] I was still able to use the door by standing before it and pressing enter.

- Some healing items before leaving the city and fighting some monsters would be nice. Also healing and aoe skills would be great, maybe for the two new adventurer who later join your group.

- The guild board says nothing before you have saved the city. Maybe a little textbox what it is even before you can take quests would be good.

- After the night with Mile in your bed at the Inn, he just disappears before you instead of walking into you.

- The bandit group you fight in the forest could be a bit higher in the battle screen. They are pretty much on the bottom of the screen.

- In general, I would have liked a higher hit chance, since I was missing a lot of attacks and the missing healing ability made things closer than I would have liked :D Money for healing items becomes less of a problem after saving the city, but before I didn't knew if I should invest most of my money for it or save for more important things

- The guild quest to go to your mother for the widow doesn't tell you in the dialog with your mother that you have to return to the widow after talking to her. I only knew it since it was written in the quest log.

- Teleport out of the 2nd city to Riverband was not on player touch but only worked by pressing enter.

- Here are some pictures of spelling errors I noticed. I'm not a native english speaker, so take it with caution :D [Picture]

I'll probable play some more later and give you more feedback ;) Can you say about how much longer the game is?

Edit: Small thing I just noticed in the title, if [17/04/15] is supposed to be the date for the newest version, the year might be wrong or is the game really that old? :D

Thanks for playing. And most of the reasons the game doesn't have a lot of promotional images is because it was changing a lot in it's first versions, some of the changes still visible in the beggining of the game. I'll create a few things in the future. Now, for your points.

- The reason for not everyone having pictures is really simple. It's because they don'e they don't have them. Or better saying, most of them don't have those. Most of the NPCs were edited by other users who provided them for free in the RPG Maker foruns, so they don't have pictures of their own. And I'm not an artist, so I'll unable to create those pictures on my own. If face of this, I decided to only give the main cast pictures.

- As I said, the game chaged a lot in it's first versions, those small things are things that probably remained after I reworked those events. I'll probably revisit the old version content to fresh it out in the future, but for now, as I'm a one person team, I have to focus on the newer parts since there's already a few persons pledging on patreon and I don't want to keep them waiting. When I manage to get a few other team members, like an eventer and a (badly needed) mapper I'll make plans to redo those old parts so it makes them more appealing.

- I didn't know about this one. I'll take a look, thanks for pointing it out.

- There's already a healer on the game, but it doesn't join your party until you reach Seacoast. I know this makes the game a little harder, but it was kind of proposital. I like how people always expect the healer to show up ealrier in the game, so I holded her until a more advanced state. And for the healing itens part, as I said, I'll re-vist those part in the future to fresh it out. For now I think I'll let the newbie crushing to continue :p

- The guild boards in the next cities have those messages, this one is missing it because it was the first one made, so I'll have to add it.

- Again, that's one of the changes. In later parts of the game chracters doesnt't walk into you anymore, but dissapear in a fadeout/fadein.. The reason? I admit that is lazy eventing, but try to remember I'm doing everything alone and be gentl, pretty please.

- I'll take a look at their positions. The graphics that appear on the game aren't the same that appear on the editior because I use plugins to make them animated, so it's a little hard to position them.

- Toi tell the truht, the HIT chance is the default one, and I don't really have problem with hitting the enemies with it. Maybe you're just unlucky?

- Againg, I'll re-address those later when I have more people to help with with my workload.

- I'm already aware of this bug, it will be fixed in the next release.

- Thanks. I've already re-read the entire game text about five times now, so I probably wouldn't have found those. I'll fix it, so send me if you find more of them.

- And yeah, that's was a mistake, it was supposed to be the date of the last release.

And the game right now is about six hours long, so I guess you still have a lot to see. Thanks againg for the feedback and I hope you'll continue playing.

Malum Oculus

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2016
Like what I am seeing so far, it is nice to have a female domineering character instead of a male one, but the sex scenes are a little bland and could do with a little more, you know content. I can help if you want, if it is just writing quick sex scenes, I won't charge you anything since I like writing and I am a bit of amateur. 

If you want to test my skill to see if I'm any good, just send me one of your earlier sex scenes(i.e. the descriptive part, not the characters talking) from the beginning or something and see if you like what I can do to it.

Also great game, you have earned yourself your first $10 patreon!

PS. Feel free to tell me to f**k off, I won't take offence if you don't want my help, I can understand if you don't like a stranger butting into your game.

PSS. Don't expect me to reply to any message you send for awhile, since I will be away at a funeral and I am not sure if I will have access to internet for awhile.


May 6, 2016
Like what I am seeing so far, it is nice to have a female domineering character instead of a male one, but the sex scenes are a little bland and could do with a little more, you know content. I can help if you want, if it is just writing quick sex scenes, I won't charge you anything since I like writing and I am a bit of amateur. 

If you want to test my skill to see if I'm any good, just send me one of your earlier sex scenes(i.e. the descriptive part, not the characters talking) from the beginning or something and see if you like what I can do to it.

Also great game, you have earned yourself your first $10 patreon!

PS. Feel free to tell me to f**k off, I won't take offence if you don't want my help, I can understand if you don't like a stranger butting into your game.

PSS. Don't expect me to reply to any message you send for awhile, since I will be away at a funeral and I am not sure if I will have access to internet for awhile.

Thanks. I think I'll take up on your offer and send a few scenes to test you, at least four so I can see how do you do with each kind of scene. One hetero, one lesbian, on fute on female and one futa on male. And if you don't mind not getting paid for a while (even though you're givving me money, lol) I wouldn't see a problem in getting you on the team. But let's leave this matter for after the test so I can speak the details.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I'm assuming Whitestone is the end of .5.2 since I can't leave the city to the East.  So I'll be basing this on that.

  1. The lack of images or written scenes makes the sex scenes rather uninteresting.  Mostly I just find myself waiting for the flashes that indicate orgasm to appear since holding "Z" does nothing to speed that up.  This gets much worse towards the end as the scenes have less dialog and take longer to climax.  I'm assuming this is only due to how early in development the game is, but since it is a porn game it does stand out.
  2. The lack of faces, even generic RPGMaker faces, next to dialog was somewhat distracting at first although I did get used to it after a while.
  3. I'm not actually seeing a lot of deviation in sex scenes based on choices.  My synchronization isn't any stronger (as far as I can tell) for absorbing the souls of those men, I'm not more cruel or kind, and I can't seem to push a character into submission through repeated domination without an accompanying story quest.  Some choices do obviously cause changes (like every choice on whether to use a dick or not) but other things don't seem to change anything.  For example, when in Brightfish Mile asks if you're interested in a boyfriend.  Regardless of the answer I gave then, he was forced to blow me in the alley at Whitestone and told that Asus isn't interested in that kind of relationship.  This could be a bug caused by loading the old save after already going through that or maybe the result of me choosing what I think Asus would rather than going with a strictly pure or corrupt route.  But it doesn't allow for much replayability.
  4. I also noticed an unusual number of misses.  Luckily, enemies missed as often as I did and with 4 characters fighting I had a pretty substantial advantage.  It's not something that bothered me.  I just thought that since it's already been brought up I'd comment on it as well.
  5. Pretty much all enemies in groups of 3 or more need to be moved up.  As it is, the third enemy (or first I guess since it's ___ A?) is always crowding the bottom of the screen.
  6. If a targeted enemy is attacking just before one of your characters attacks them, your character will hit them before they return to their position.
  7. The basic enemies provide too little experience and Alife to be worth fighting.  They're also so slow that you're not really forced to fight them.  All they really seem to do is drain health so that bosses are harder.  Quite frankly, you could take them out of the game completely and it wouldn't change anything.
  8. Purely personal, but I kind of hated the magical academy.  Femdom is one thing, forcing boys to stay in an environment where they're nothing more than a tongue to be used while their lives at home are ruined just seemed cruel.
  9. The quest to break Maradan was unbearable.  The aphrodisiac fruit vendor isn't the one selling aphrodisiac fruit.  With so many potential aphrodisiacs seemingly being sold around the city, figuring out that you need to go to the bar to get something you can put the extract in takes forever.  And the actual breaking process provides no hints as to what you should do.  I initially got a reaction from one thing but nothing else.  Then I got a  reaction from the first thing followed by a second, but nothing else and no indication that I need to start over or that the pattern is specific to turn or order.  Eventually even the things that worked before stopped working and when I tried putting a finger in his ass first he broke immediately.

Overall a fun and interesting game so far, so don't take any of these too personally.  Just providing some input on the things that I noticed.


May 6, 2016
I'm assuming Whitestone is the end of .5.2 since I can't leave the city to the East.  So I'll be basing this on that.

  1. The lack of images or written scenes makes the sex scenes rather uninteresting.  Mostly I just find myself waiting for the flashes that indicate orgasm to appear since holding "Z" does nothing to speed that up.  This gets much worse towards the end as the scenes have less dialog and take longer to climax.  I'm assuming this is only due to how early in development the game is, but since it is a porn game it does stand out.
  2. The lack of faces, even generic RPGMaker faces, next to dialog was somewhat distracting at first although I did get used to it after a while.
  3. I'm not actually seeing a lot of deviation in sex scenes based on choices.  My synchronization isn't any stronger (as far as I can tell) for absorbing the souls of those men, I'm not more cruel or kind, and I can't seem to push a character into submission through repeated domination without an accompanying story quest.  Some choices do obviously cause changes (like every choice on whether to use a dick or not) but other things don't seem to change anything.  For example, when in Brightfish Mile asks if you're interested in a boyfriend.  Regardless of the answer I gave then, he was forced to blow me in the alley at Whitestone and told that Asus isn't interested in that kind of relationship.  This could be a bug caused by loading the old save after already going through that or maybe the result of me choosing what I think Asus would rather than going with a strictly pure or corrupt route.  But it doesn't allow for much replayability.
  4. I also noticed an unusual number of misses.  Luckily, enemies missed as often as I did and with 4 characters fighting I had a pretty substantial advantage.  It's not something that bothered me.  I just thought that since it's already been brought up I'd comment on it as well.
  5. Pretty much all enemies in groups of 3 or more need to be moved up.  As it is, the third enemy (or first I guess since it's ___ A?) is always crowding the bottom of the screen.
  6. If a targeted enemy is attacking just before one of your characters attacks them, your character will hit them before they return to their position.
  7. The basic enemies provide too little experience and Alife to be worth fighting.  They're also so slow that you're not really forced to fight them.  All they really seem to do is drain health so that bosses are harder.  Quite frankly, you could take them out of the game completely and it wouldn't change anything.
  8. Purely personal, but I kind of hated the magical academy.  Femdom is one thing, forcing boys to stay in an environment where they're nothing more than a tongue to be used while their lives at home are ruined just seemed cruel.
  9. The quest to break Maradan was unbearable.  The aphrodisiac fruit vendor isn't the one selling aphrodisiac fruit.  With so many potential aphrodisiacs seemingly being sold around the city, figuring out that you need to go to the bar to get something you can put the extract in takes forever.  And the actual breaking process provides no hints as to what you should do.  I initially got a reaction from one thing but nothing else.  Then I got a  reaction from the first thing followed by a second, but nothing else and no indication that I need to start over or that the pattern is specific to turn or order.  Eventually even the things that worked before stopped working and when I tried putting a finger in his ass first he broke immediately.

Overall a fun and interesting game so far, so don't take any of these too personally.  Just providing some input on the things that I noticed.

Thanks for you feedback. Don't worry abotu being harsh, feedback needs to be honest to be effective. Now, to some of your points:

1 - Yes, in fact, it was due to the early development of the game. In fact, up until this week I was the only one working in the game development. But right now a few people intrested in helping develop the game showed up: a scene writter, an artist and a mapper. From next version onwards I hope youll guys will see an improvement in the overall quality of the game, the visuals and texts will be more appealing and I'll have more time to work in it's mechanics. I believe that this friday or saturday I'll make a special post showing the work they made this week so you guys can see what's coming.

2 - This is because most the NPCs were custom made in the RPG Maker Web and released for free, but most of them don't got faces. Since it would be weider to have some generic NPCs with faces and others without it I decided to do like the "The Legend of Heroes" series and only give faces to the main characters.

3 - Believe me, every choice has some kind of consequence, some of them, like absorbing the power in the rescue quest from Highpool, aren't implemented yet, but will be. And the Mile choices are part of his stroy arc, so how you respond to him is just a way to detemrine how his relentionship with Asus will end, just like all others interactions with other party members. Some things, especially the earlier parts of the game, are a bit too generic. I'm working on it, since now I have more time to work on the texts properly without having too keep the releases to sparse. And also keep in mind that everything up until now is just the first half, things start to really show after the Salt Castle events (there still need to be implemented). And never expect Asus to be kind, she isn't that type of girl, what changes is how imposing you're with others. Aging, I hope to make those changes in the next releases.

4 - I think someone else also said this, but really, I didn't touched to miss formula. Here misses don't occur often, maybe it's just your luck? ANyway, I think this won't be a problem in the future game versions, since I have got my hands on a plugin to deal with it.

5 - This will get taken care of in coming versions.

6 - Again, will be taken car eoff in coming versions... I hope.

7 - See the explanition above.

8 - Well, that place was suposed to be cruel. So I guess I did a good job. But don't worry, I thought some people wouldn't like it, this's why I made it an sidequest.

9 - The breaking quests are supposed to be hard, relly hard depending on the character you want to break. Maradan (which is fun, since he's the first one that pops up) is one of the hardest. And is not that the fruit vendor isn't vending you the aphrodisiac, but to get the sure-win one you need to go aorund town to track the people that will help you create it. The more advanced the state of the aphrodisiac when you go to break Maradan the easier it get's to break him. And the choices are also meant to be  confusing, with just your guts to guide you through it. When I get to review that part I might re-do the quest to make it less hard, but don't expect much.


May 6, 2016
News about the project in the original post and in the blog. I'd you guys to give it a read. And I hope to be aming the next release soon enought.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hn.  Have you put the script down somewhere for people to edit?  That's easier than playing through a wank game.  People forget to take notes and the mistakes blur into general bad grammar and are mentally auto-corrected. 

The flip effect on Mile is pretty good.  I didn't really notice the look like a girl thing till he closed his eyes.  Speaking how do you pronouce that name?   Mi-lay?  Mile like distance?   Is it supposed to be Miles?
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May 6, 2016
Hn.  Have you put the script down somewhere for people to edit?  That's easier than playing through a wank game.  People forget to take notes and the mistakes blur into general bad grammar and are mentally auto-corrected. 

The flip effect on Mile is pretty good.  I didn't really notice the look like a girl thing till he closed his eyes.  Speaking how do you pronouce that name?   Mi-lay?  Mile like distance?   Is it supposed to be Miles?

For now I didn't put the script anywhere. Will probably do once the game goes to public release. And you pronouce it like the distance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
For now I didn't put the script anywhere. Will probably do once the game goes to public release. And you pronouce it like the distance.

So key correction you will see alot. Don't use cummed. Use came.     How hard did you cum?    I came harder than ever.

Also the characters seem to try to0 hard.   Mile is really pathetic in a way that's hard to buy or respect in reality.  It shoots past fantasy into parody and I'm left wondering why in gods name did Asus' mom sire a kid with her dad if he's like that.   Sure he ha assasin chops but he feels so limp it's as if he should have folded at the first monster he saw. 

The way he folded at oh I made a pact with a succubi was just kinda respect event horizon. I can't take him seriously as a character or a sub.  I can't take his friendship seriously.  I mean your a level one scrub and your friend is a level one scrub and is playing around with a mind-bending succubi and you roll over with some tits pressed on you?   Your friends mind and immortal soul is at risk and that's all the resistance you have? 

If he folds that easily to something wearing your face you never had him at all and he's worthless. 


May 6, 2016
So key correction you will see alot. Don't use cummed. Use came.     How hard did you cum?    I came harder than ever.

Also the characters seem to try to0 hard.   Mile is really pathetic in a way that's hard to buy or respect in reality.  It shoots past fantasy into parody and I'm left wondering why in gods name did Asus' mom sire a kid with her dad if he's like that.   Sure he ha assasin chops but he feels so limp it's as if he should have folded at the first monster he saw. 

The way he folded at oh I made a pact with a succubi was just kinda respect event horizon. I can't take him seriously as a character or a sub.  I can't take his friendship seriously.  I mean your a level one scrub and your friend is a level one scrub and is playing around with a mind-bending succubi and you roll over with some tits pressed on you?   Your friends mind and immortal soul is at risk and that's all the resistance you have? 

If he folds that easily to something wearing your face you never had him at all and he's worthless. 

Thanks for your correction, I'll make sure to review it in the game text asap.

And Mile is a complicated character to work like this. Trying to put it clearly: He trusts Asus to an extreme extent. Asus says that she "tranied" him ever since he was little, and it shows. He is jumpy, but he only goes full sub with Asus. It's probably going to show more in the reworked party chats, but he is very concient of the questionable decisions Asus make, but he also knows her better than anyone else, so he just let her do what she wants. In other situations, specially in some of Asus' comments, he says that he don't competly agree with it.

I know it may sound a little hard to grip, but an example is that if ALisa really had controlled Asus in any way during the cave scene, Mile would have noticed it. And in the new versions, with the addtion of party banters, it shows that he can be tricked into some situation when Asus name is used, but he can also stand his ground when someone try to make him do something he don't wants to. He may seem way more pathetic than he really is because, well, you're controlling Asus all the time and he is like this with her. But he's far from being week-willed. He cares about her more than any other party member, he knows her maybe even better than her own mom and Asus also cares about him in a special way, so much he's one of the three party members that won't leave your party no matter what you do.

As long Mile stand by Asus side you can be sure that's the true Asus. He might not agree with the decisions she makes, but he trusts her enough to believe she can handle it. And Asus likes Mile enough to know that he won't leave her for anyone else, even if she can't bring herself to like him as a man. Like I said, a complicated character to work with, but he's not as worse as it seems.

And for why Meru sired a child with her husband, well. That's a story on it's own, it's more or less the same, but with less intensity. Meru wanted a child and her husband was the only one that trully made enough of a impression on her for it. Those girls have a bit of a romantic point somewhere inside them, but it doesn't really show.
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Oct 18, 2015
Hi there i have a problem for you i meen a memory leak that eat up your comps memory like a hungry wolf in winter


May 6, 2016
Hi there i have a problem for you i meen a memory leak that eat up your comps memory like a hungry wolf in winter

EDIT: Litelary 5 minutes after I posted this I found about a possible solution for the memory leak. I'll test it and, if it works, it will be featured in the update release later this week with the busts.
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Oct 18, 2015
An other game breaking bug : the passage to riverbank is gone in the 1st town have funn fixin it


May 6, 2016
An other game breaking bug : the passage to riverbank is gone in the 1st town have funn fixin it

This is not a bug. As informed in the updates in the blog, the S series are a series of updates that will rework the old parts of the game with content made by the new team members. This upadate only features Bordon adn Verdant, the other cities will be featured in future updates.


May 6, 2016
New release for Patreons. Expecting a full release soon and a public release one week after it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
I going, to be honest with you... I couldn't do it! I want to say that I played somewhere between 45 minutes- 1h and Everything about the female protagonist and her mother just pissed me off. The father and Miles are no fucking better because they set up and just fall into the role of "their bitch." 

I think the real I'm going to destroy them point was with Mile's mom because at that point I was assuming that she was, in fact, some kind  of succubus which would make a lot of sense showing the level of control she has over people. It wouldn't even have been as annoying because at least there would have been at least a worthwhile exchange going on. Yet the longer I paid attention the more I believe that the closest to an exchange he gets is rubbing her feet or shoulders and hasn't gotten actual sex since his daughter was born...

Don't get me started with the protag because the longer I played the more I wanted to find ways to fucking kill her. Sorry, but I tried... They have been put on the list of characters have where there is no level of redemption that can make me feel anything but death and destruction for these characters. I literally want to go Nicol Bolas on their ass.


May 6, 2016
I going, to be honest with you... I couldn't do it! I want to say that I played somewhere between 45 minutes- 1h and Everything about the female protagonist and her mother just pissed me off. The father and Miles are no fucking better because they set up and just fall into the role of "their bitch." 

I think the real I'm going to destroy them point was with Mile's mom because at that point I was assuming that she was, in fact, some kind  of succubus which would make a lot of sense showing the level of control she has over people. It wouldn't even have been as annoying because at least there would have been at least a worthwhile exchange going on. Yet the longer I paid attention the more I believe that the closest to an exchange he gets is rubbing her feet or shoulders and hasn't gotten actual sex since his daughter was born...

Don't get me started with the protag because the longer I played the more I wanted to find ways to fucking kill her. Sorry, but I tried... They have been put on the list of characters have where there is no level of redemption that can make me feel anything but death and destruction for these characters. I literally want to go Nicol Bolas on their ass.

No problem. They aren't for everyone. If it's not your cup of tea there's no problem with it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
I played this way back in June, and got as far as Whitecastle (from looking at my old saves). However, in this latest build I can't seem to get past Riverbank. I clear the thieves hideout, have the merchant in my party to go to Merchant's stop, but the road won't open. Is there some special flag i am missing? All other quests are cleared. I did cheat money a little, but that has never cockblocked a game like this before...


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I have the same problem. Also cant reach the farm between the first town and riverside.

The farm is probably intentional, there's a girl you have to meet at Merchant's stop for there to be any content there.  Why Merchant's Stop is locked off is a mystery to me though.  I can't find anything about it on the development blog, there's no art in yet, and it severely cuts down on content I know already exists.


May 6, 2016
I played this way back in June, and got as far as Whitecastle (from looking at my old saves). However, in this latest build I can't seem to get past Riverbank. I clear the thieves hideout, have the merchant in my party to go to Merchant's stop, but the road won't open. Is there some special flag i am missing? All other quests are cleared. I did cheat money a little, but that has never cockblocked a game like this before...

I have the same problem. Also cant reach the farm between the first town and riverside.

The farm is probably intentional, there's a girl you have to meet at Merchant's stop for there to be any content there.  Why Merchant's Stop is locked off is a mystery to me though.  I can't find anything about it on the development blog, there's no art in yet, and it severely cuts down on content I know already exists.

I'm sorry for taking this long to answer both of you, things were pretty shitty over here. Both in development part and my personal life. But the reason you can't access  Merchant's Stop is because It's not available yet. Ever since the Whitestone update in the original version I noticed lots of trouble in the game database that were going to snowball in a big mess in later updates, so I decided to start to re-release the game so I could fix it, hence the "S" in the verison numbers. Both Merchant's Stop and Highpool will be featured in V0.S3. Seagull Rest, the Cathedral and Brightfish will be featured in V0.S4 and after that the game will start gaining nw content again, since Whitestone and the Magic Academy will be reworked to happen later in the game, after Salt Castle is done.

I made an announcement, but that was quite some time ago, so I guess it go burried after a while and some people missed it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
I see - it is actually referred to in your post here on June 20th. Must have missed it. Looking forward to this progressing, as I really am enjoying this one...