[RPG Maker MV] Cursed Armor (Free and Finished!) - Living Armor, Slavery, Tentacles

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Ssg1: You gotta take the airship. Top right corner of the first town.


New Member
Jun 23, 2017
Picked this up the other day... so far, I've got 4 artifacts, the parasite helm, and have completed the pickup guild quests rank D-B, plus one from A that is non-repeatable( though I've avoided helping out the one guy in the room with the doctor, and have figured out how to turn the armor on/off, though i haven't found the pretty "full parasite" armor as of yet....

Have fought with and submitted to (multiple types of) slimes, bees, scorpions, (were?)wolves, bandits, undead, parasites and squids thus far; and despite there being both titles and stat tracking for pregnancies and lactation i have yet to find such content. can anyone direct me as to where to find such things?
also, how can i unlock the full parasite armor? on this maiden voyage run, i talked the king down rather than fighting... do i need to pick a fight in a new save?