Rorai's Free Art Thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I guess that ther artist is quite busy at the moment, or had to rest for a while.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
He might have reached the point he disappears again. Tis how these threads normally go.


Dec 8, 2015
I've just started playing this again after a few years away... But if you're still taking requests I'd love it if you drew my Ithlwyn ;u;

You are a half-gryvain. You’re a good 6 feet and 6 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.98 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a set of dress clothes, using a set of plain panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a plain bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with tanned skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with shapely, dark blue lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes have a curious mix of feline and dragonic features; a pair of black vertical slits instead of rounded pupils, each sat within a dark yellow iris. Tendrils of black crawl across your eyeballs proper, extending from a dark ring just barely visible at the edges. The moderately long, dark blue hair atop your head is parted by a pair of rounded protrusions with small holes on the sides of your head that serve as your ears. Long, bony fins sprout behind them. Your mouth contains a tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, and a pair of magnificent wings sprout from your shoulders. When unfurled they stretch further than your arm span, and a single beat of them is all you need to set out toward the sky. They look a bit like bat’s wings, but the membranes are covered in fine, delicate scales and a wicked talon juts from the end of each bone. You have girly hips that draw the attention of those around you, and your nice bottom has the barest amount of sexy jiggle. A tapered, prehensile tail, almost as long as you are tall, swings behind you like a living bullwhip. Softly rounded at its tip, it quickly increases in girth closer to your body - almost as thick as your waist at its widest. The dark blue scales sheathing your hefty tail’s length merge seamlessly with those of your lower back. Two human-like legs grow down from your girly quarter, sheathed in scales and ending in mostly human feet, with the addition of scales and clawed toes. Your tight middle is nice and smooth.

You have two jugs, capped with one 0.6-inch nipple each. The coin-sized areolae are dark blue. You could easily fill a big FF-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your dragon-prick is 12 inches long and two inches across. With its tapered tip, there are few holes you wouldn’t be able to get into. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The knot is 2 inches wide when at full size. A scaly empty sack filled with two large balls swings low under your draconic tool. You estimate each testicle to be about six inches around and 1.9 inches across.

You have a dark blue, draconic pussy, with six 0.5-inch clits and an intact hymen. Moisture gleams in your juicy wyrm-cunt. The lips and insides are covered in numerous nub-like protrusions.

You have one unspoiled bum, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
Wow! I just found out about this thread and I absolutely adore your art! It's fantastic!

If I'm not too late, I'd love to throw my hat in the ring with a request.

Ciaran is a Treated ausar, colloquially known as a Hellhound. He stands seven feet, eight inches tall without counting his unusual horns, which are far more vertical than those of most treated humans (like a Minoan bull). He has tanned skin and thick onyx hair with a few grey strands. He keeps his hair relatively short but unstyled, his mop parted by furry jackal-like ears the same color as his hair. His left ear has a notch missing from it, seemingly damaged at some point. A black cowboy hat with holes for his ears rests on his head, the brim on the sides upturned to fit between his horns. His eyes are a striking, fiery shade of orange, and in darker conditions they shine {PC is Bookworm: with bright tapedum lucidum} like those of a nocturnal predator.

Whenever he speaks you can see his white teeth, seemingly sharper than most ausars'. While his neck is clean-shaven with a faded blue bandana tied around it, his face is covered in a dark five o'clock shadow the same color as his hair and streaked with grey, though there is a quartet of parallel scars on his right cheek where the hair will no longer grow. His features are sharply defined and a bit weathered from years spent outdoors, making him look distinctly middle-aged. Having seen Ciaran naked, you know he has many scars on his body that speak of a life of violence. The left side of his muscular neck has a scarred-over bite wound, presumably from an animal attack of some sort. His torso, both front and back, is marred by over a dozen scars of various sorts: stabbings, clawings, gunshot wounds, even flashburns from laser or plasma weaponry. There's no doubt his arms and legs are scarred as well, but his thick fur totally conceals any imperfections.}

His incredible physique speaks of many hours spent honing his body in the gym, with broad shoulders, big pectorals covered in coarse hair, and a set of perfectly-sculpted abdominals. The muscles of his arms and legs are well-defined even through the dense onyx fur covering his limbs. The claws of his fingers and toes are far more wicked-looking than a normal ausar's, though you notice that those on his right hand have been partially filed down.

Currently Ciaran is wearing an outfit straight out of a 20th century Terran Wild West film: long-sleeved crimson denim shirt, a short and darkly-colored poncho, black denim pants, and trail-worn cowboy boots that appear to be made of tanned varmint hide. You see a very large bulge in the crotch of his pants {PC has sexed Ciaran: which you know to be concealing a thick canine cock a few inches over a foot in length, with a knot twice as thick as one proportionate to his already-large penis would be. Hanging beneath his member is a sack almost triple the size of the human norm, filled with four testes}. A tail with heavy black fur pokes out of his pants just under his belt. There's a gold ring at the base of his tail, though it's nearly lost in all the black fur. Perhaps the only part of Ciaran that could be described as "cute", his tail wags mischievously as you finish your appraisal of the hellhound, its owner having apparently noticed your stare.

This is a character that (hopefully) will soon be in the game (I copypasted his in-game description and added a few details cause I'm lazy), that I would absolutely love to have some art of, especially from you. Draw him however you'd like, in whatever state of dress or undress you'd like. Just the chest up like you did with Erra is fine by me if that's what you'd prefer to draw. Even if you don't draw this, thanks for doing this thread.
Hey! Just popping in to say I'm not dead, hope it was worth the wait! I plan to work on more but I'm slightly all over the place at the moment.


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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Commissions when?

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Hey! Just popping in to say I'm not dead, hope it was worth the wait! I plan to work on more but I'm slightly all over the place at the moment.
Thank you so much! This just made my week! I love this, and I've really been looking forward to seeing this! :yes: I really appreciate you doing this for free. This is some amazing artwork to receive at no cost. I hope IRL calms down for you soon!

Edit: I was so excited I forgot to mention what I liked most about this: The eyes. You did a perfect job of capturing his eyes, and I can't stop staring at them.
I'm also about 40% less straight than I was before you posted this picture. :allears:

Edit edit: I just wanted to say I'm changing the design of my character a little to look more like this portrait, because I just love it that much. :D
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Mar 26, 2017
I love this art style.

I guess if this is a sort of fire and forget thing, I'll post a character that Savin's looking over.

Reference thread for Mjerin.


Mjerin {PC has gone to Talk > Race: is a self-described qilin. //else: appears to be a heavily modded half-gryvain, half-equine morph.} Like a lot of the residents of New Texas, she’s a very large individual at around 8’ in height by your guess, her horns adding a bit more on top of that. She towers over or matches those in the gym, including most of the larger bulls. {PC height less than 80: You feel just a <i>little</i> bit small and insignificant standing next to her… }

The {PC has gone to [Talk] > [Race]: qilin //else: curious hybrid} has clay-red skin. Some darker red scales cover parts of her body - notably thighs, arms, clawed hands and shoulders - like most gryvain, although Mjerin appears to have less scales than the norm. Other places - elbows, back of her calves - have tufts of silver and jade fur, much like a horse’s mane. The silver-and-jade hair on her head is uniformly straight and about 2’ long, bound in a tight ponytail with 3’’ of binding instead of a hairband. Her shorter silver horse-tail bobs about, tilted at an angle above her shorts and is bound in the same way as her hair.

A set of two ornate, fearsome, jade-green draconic horns extend from the top of her forehead. Complex, erratic swirls and patterns adorn them. They curve back over her head, the points then curving upwards towards the ceiling. You’d say they were at least a foot long. Her ears appear to do the same: long, lithe things, almost elven in shape with a slight upward bend towards the tip. They’re also a foot long by your reckoning.

She has a surprisingly feminine face: a straight, pointed nose and lack of makeup add a hint of masculinity. Her eyes are draconic but are red in colour instead of the typical yellow you normally see amongst gryvain. {PC has had sex with her at least once: You know that her mouth hides a dextrous, foot long tongue: a thought that tickles the hot, sordid memories you have of her.}

She is exceptionally powerful in her build: A rock-hard mass of sculpted, flexing muscle. Her shoulders, abs and biceps have particularly detailed muscle mass. She stands on two similarly built equine legs with strange hooves. Said hooves are slightly splayed and are jade green in colour, patterned much like her horns. {PC has done [Training] four times: You’ve heard her true voice: somehow, she’s got a second set of vocal chords, powerful enough to emulate a mythical dragons roar.}

Her shapely chest heaves and expands with every stretch she makes, all tightly bound inside a black sports top. She looks like an E-cup, although her overall size makes her chest seem more reasonably proportioned. Looking further down, your eyes are drawn to the impressive bulge between her legs. Black straps peek out over the rim of the strained pair of skintight black shorts that hold it all in, implying a particularly restrictive jockstrap. Underneath it all, you envision her curled up twin horsecocks that threaten to burst out at any second. She also has a Terran pussy, one that’s quite sensitive and criminally underused.

I've even thought of base hex codes and palettes for things because I'm a penis.

Skin: 924840

Eyes: B6291A

Hair: 8cadb2 (silver) #a3d0b5 (jade)


Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nooo, draw Sonya, Tacit had his post in first.
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
Nooo, draw Sonya, Tacit had his post in first.
Night Trap switched places with Zevos. Im sketching bimbopenny right now just because Ive really been wanting to, then i will go back to the normal order.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I was really just quipping at SoAndSo, but I getcha.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Holy shit, does that mean my Anno and Syri request is still valid?


Well-Known Member
I have second request for after my Marshmallow Hermaphrodite done, was given the idea from another thread.

Below in spoiler are the posts that gave me said idea.

Obligatory make Anno and Syri dance Fusion Dance or put on those earring to fuse them? :smuggo:

@ArmyJuan He goes by the name Savin here the one who done the deed of animating from the void Anno (and Syri too).

With those earring no need for tail fore. they will just..merge with leg to leg, tail to tail, tit to tit and cock to... smth :p

With the Potara earrings they'd merge only for a hour tho.

I was referencing how you almost called them "Perfect Cell"

So what you're saying is, I can fuck both sisters literally simultaneously?

This reminds me of Majuu Jouka Shoujo, where hot magical girls combine to form an even hotter magical girl in order to have more sex with tentacles.

@NotYouNorI I thinik Potara earring was pernament fusion. Only Goku and Vegeta due to some reason casued defusion that sorta shocked everyone cuz all belived using those earring will caus invertable pernament fusion.

Both are near perfect so if we had dream when both fused it would be like Cell getting his perfection/final form.

But would they be called Anri or Syno?

That applies only if the two fused are Supreme Kais, otherwise it lasts one hour.

Syno. Because Vegeta and Goku fusing that way made Vegetto. :p

Spoiler box itself is the idea.
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May 14, 2017
Hey there! I saw the work you did and absolutely had to give this shot, even if it'll take time I love the work you do! Putting the base description of the character below along with some specifics!

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.52 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor incorporating ablative chitin plates, using a hardlight anti-gravity thong for underwear, and girding your upper body with a slepra down bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with fair skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with full lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Fairly unremarkable hazel eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. A pair of floppy rabbit ears stick up out of your moderately long, blond curled hair, bouncing around as you walk. Your mouth contains a tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Your furry arms end with small, delicate paws. Each finger has a soft pad on the underside as well. You couldn’t ask for a less threatening pair of mits. You have pleasant hips, and your butt wobbles enticingly with every step. A short, soft bunny tail sprouts just above your generous butt, twitching constantly whenever you’re distracted. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your belly is fairly well-toned.

The top half of your body is willowy and breast-less, graceful yet vaguely austere, capped with one 0.4-inch nipple each. The average-sized areolae are pink.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your shaft is 6.5 inches long and 1.4 inches across.

You have one sphincter, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

I would really like to see him wearing some purple latex thigh highs and opera gloves, along with a pink steel chastity cage with matching collar. Any seductive pose will really do for me so I leave that up to your creativity.

Bonus: This bit is optional if you want to but I'd really love to see him being walked around as Syri's pet for some public use by her! This is one of my favorite scenes since it was implemented! Not to mention I'm sure people would love to see more syri in general, lol.

Thank you for taking the time to work on this or read this when you get the time! Hope everything has been good on your end of life!
Mar 4, 2017
I really hope im not WAAAAY to late but i'd like to see...if it's not too much trouble :I... your take on my Honeypot/Myr-Zil(now with extra red venom!). I mostly want to see how you would handle the golden "glow" in the already yellow bosom... i tried myself and...well... i suck. (+i have NO idea how to get the damned abdomen right T_T)
MyrZil 1.png
MyrZil 2.png
If you choose the clothes worn then maybe scratch the stockings.
But you can choose any armor or undergarments you like(i only wish for something that allows view on the golden glow in the chest)

Keep up the good work, you already found a great fan in me(yepp ,even WITHOUT drawing my apex-insect *gasp*), and greetings from germany o/
So I'll step into the queue, here.

A character from a thing I'm beavering away at quietly in the background; Vern, the ex-smuggler from New Texas:-

He's a jovial sort, very outgoing & friendly. Maybe a tad too loud & talkative, but then again; he is a New Texan, so what do you expect? He stands a little over seven feet tall.


You see the horned man's expansive torso through his open leather vest, seething with muscle beneath tanned skin covered in tattoos: Gothic script, oriental scenes and swirling tribal designs sprawl across his vast, hairy pectorals and cheese-grater abs, cascading out over his mighty shoulders and spiraling down his watermelon biceps to his beefy forearms.

The wide jaw of his classically handsome, masculine face bears a heavy layer of stubble, his ears are distinctly bovine in appearance and a thick, silver nose-ring pierces his septum, a second ring is set in his lower lip, and numerous piercings adorn his ears. A chain draped across his burly chest implies nipple piercings, too! Large horns sprout from the sides of his head, angled forward like those of a bull.

Below the table you see he's wearing chunky, steel-capped boots and black, leather pants with a large, obvious bulge straining the cowhide covering his right thigh which he occasionally rubs uncomfortably.

He adjusts himself under the table again and slugs back his drink.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his forearm he grins. "<I>Well hey there, [], mighty swell ta meecha!</I>" He grabs your hand and pumps it enthusiastically.

Edit: also, this thread is awesome & Rorai should feel awesome.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I've been writing a new character that I want art for instead of my plant d4agon. Ill update the requrat by the time I'm second in line