Ring of Fate question


New Member
Aug 28, 2022
I have been looking around using Google and the forums and haven't seen this answered (maybe missed it). I have been looking at doing a Dark Knight personality run and thought its effect would be useful. Does the ring capping out at 99 corruption prevent you from losing your soul and getting that kind of bad end or does it just make it so the same can happen but just 1 point of corruption sooner?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2023
Currently, i don't believe there's any bad endings directly caused by having too high corruption. There's only one scene in the entire game, long before you can obtain the ring, that unlocks an option that leads to a bad end, but even then you actively have to push the button that makes it happen.

So you can go ahead and play a dark knight without much worry of suddenly getting a game over. The Ring of Fate capping corruption at 99 is more or less a cosmetic effect in practice as of right now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
There are some Bad Ends based on your Corruption score and the ring won't do anything to prevent that because the threshold is below 100. Losing to Sandre and Caera enough times and having 75+ Corruption will still Bad End you even with the ring equipped, for example. That part of the ring's effects is more for plot purposes than it is gameplay mechanics. Bear in mind that the official stance of the devs is that Bad Ends aren't canon.

Now, should some Bad Ends be written that are gated behind reaching 100 Corruption the ring would presumably prevent those, but at this point that's just hypothetical.
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