

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
So has anyone here played Rimworld? It's a colony sim game, where your colonists crash on a Rimworld (hence the name) and have to build up a colony to survive (and maybe do some terrible things).

It's really fun and (as most players say themselfs) shows what type of character you really are, simply because of the things you can do (the more "hardcore" stuff) :

Cannibalism: You can butcher and cook/eat other people if you want/have to and yes it gives a very bad mood to your colonists (unless they are cannibals to begin with), but hey it's better than starving!

"Part" harvesting: Your colonists can get injured and even loose/get parts of their bodies destroyed. In extreme cases you could harvest prisoners for "parts" (arms, legs, some organs) to get them up and running again (but harvesting a prisoner for parts gives a mood debuff)

^Those things are ofc optional.


New Member
Sep 21, 2015
When the name for the game was getting decided, I was pretty surprised it was 'RIMworld' - sounds very R18...

But good game, although a few things always tick me off, so can only stand the game for 15min at a time.


Mar 2, 2016
Rimworld is great, but the mods on nexus add a lot of depth. The problem is the dev has been on hiatus for almost a full year now. To be fair, he was getting burned out working on it alone, but its looking like it will be one of those early access games that never gets finished.

*cough cough dayz cough*


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Rimworld is great, but the mods on nexus add a lot of depth. The problem is the dev has been on hiatus for almost a full year now. To be fair, he was getting burned out working on it alone, but its looking like it will be one of those early access games that never gets finished.

*cough cough dayz cough*

...Rimworld has already more content than most early access games in their (near end) BETA and RimWorld is still in ALPHA.

Regarding mods: Tynan specifically programmed RimWorld in such a way that mods can easily be integrated and he actively helps the modders if they have problems. I prefer to get the mods directly out of the forums, due to Tynan and his mods having their eyes directly on them there.

Regarding the hiatus: Tynan had worked on the game for 2+years nonstop and released a new version nearly every month, sometimes with big content increases/big improvements to the code, so a 6 month vacation should be in for him (do you know he also has written/writes books about programming?).

And DayZ was just made due to the populartiy of the mod and as a "cashgrab". I highly doubt that the makers have as much dedication and experiences as Tynan.

Before someone asks: The dev of RimWorld is named Tynan Sylvester (as you can see on the Ludeon page)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
So Rimworld will be released to be bought on steam on July 15th.

I personally plan to buy it after I next get paid.

It has a decent amount of content at the moment, and looks like it will only get more.

Added to the fact the steam community can set up mods for it, it will only expand from here.

Keep gaming everyone~ <3