Requiemforameme's Emporium of Hopes and Dreams


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
Hello friends! My name is Requiem and this is my author thread. I was asked to make one and here it is.

Coded and In the Game

The Lotus Eater

Submitted and waiting to be Coded

Luca's Relationship Expansion

Active Work

Rowan Introduction - The Slaver Mistress (see below).

Things I've thought of but have either dropped or hit writers block with.

Lisette Margrave - Lisette is going to be reworked into another idea and the dungeon I might want to use later. Anyway I figured I might as well link what I wrote for those that like reading things like this. It's mostly a combat encounter with some bits at the end I most likely won't be using.

Space Cruise Dungeon - Something I think I might work on in the near future, but with lots of changes.

Hopes and Dreams - These don't have docs yet.

A MILF on Uveto who is a (former?) Slaver Mistress and is Dominant in bed. Absolutely into kink and maybe some rope play. After establishing a relationship I'd like to add in a Bad End or two. I have an idea for a Gala Event with her manor as the location rife with sexual exploits and Bad Ends.

A bad end for the Nyrean Huntress (Beta). A couple new scenes to show that a bad end is imminent and a simple finish. I'm not sure if I should focus on her learning to be dominant or not. Maybe have her be overly excited to have her first harem member?

A group of UGC specialized combat medics called Valkyries. The PC can meet a unique Valkyrie per planet and encounter them like Kattom. They provide healing and maybe sell Health items? I'd like them to have different sexual preferences.

Some random VR Sims for the Lotus Eater
Sim 1: Space Ork Slavers
The PC enters the sim as theirself or Stella Goodhead. It will be a repeatable dungeon/puzzle with three different bad ends and one good end. The PC will fight three enemies consecutively with a moment in between the first and second enemy to heal or reduce lust but not both.

Sim 2: Super Awesome Completely Safe Beach Resort
The PC enters the sim as theirself. They will experience a sexualized vacation to some space resort. The PC will be given some choices and the simulation will end. I'm not sure yet if I want the sim to end on a safe and secure note or a straight bad end. There will be an initial scene and then a choice of three "Attendants". Each attendant has their own path with two scenes. The last scene for each attendant will be the end of the sim.

Sim 3: The Odyssey
The PC enters the sim as theirself or an Avatar. They will go on a sexualized version of the Odyssey in spaaaaaaaaace. The scenes will offer intro to the challenge Odysseus faced then allow the Pc to choose to solve the issue or fuck their way through it. If the player fucks their way through it then they'll be given a choice to move on or bang again (bang again leads to bad ends).

Sim 4: Game Show
For reference:
The PC enters the sim as theirself or an Avatar. Then goes onto an extranet game show where they suffer multiple orgasms and transformers at the hand of an all powerful host. The player will compete against other contestants for the right to move onto the next challenge. Each challenge will present 3+ options for the pc to choose from: one will always win, one will always lose and extras will simply apply transformations to the pc.

Sim 5: James Bond Rip
The PC enters the sim as Stella Goodhead. Goes on a space and sex themed 007 adventure where after certain points the PC will be given some choices. Usually going like such: Fuck a character, Continue with the Plot, Trigger Obvious Bad End.

The Lotus Eater - Replay
A VR Simulation or something a kin to it for the PC to relive certain one off scenes that they cant access again. Not sure which scenes would be chosen or how it would be implemented.

Anyway that's what I got for everybody. It's not much right now but I hope I'll be able to keep making to amazing game a bit better.

- Cheers Requiem
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i could have sworn i've seen this thread before


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
Yeah. I copied the title from the "Ideas thread" I made. (I really liked it). I got asked to post to the main forum so I did.

This one is hopefully about all my work rather than what I just want to work on.

Moving on. Hello! Got any comments, suggestions or wants from my past or future work?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Didnt you also say you would try and make a thing where we could revisit old one-off scenes? I distinctly remember you and I discussing that, and you being all over that shit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
I would still like to do that, but I believe I short of dropped it after thinking about how it would be implemented.

Like how does the one off scene work? Should it a snap shot copy of the initial one? Should the scene change based on the current PC? What scenes should be chosen? It was a lot to think about.

Thanks for the reminder. I'll put it into the main thing so I dont forget again.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I would still like to do that, but I believe I short of dropped it after thinking about how it would be implemented.

Like how does the one off scene work? Should it a snap shot copy of the initial one? Should the scene change based on the current PC? What scenes should be chosen? It was a lot to think about.

Thanks for the reminder. I'll put it into the main thing so I dont forget again.
Dont give up on it, man. I'm sure theres a way to do it!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
My current plan (Which is subject to change) is to write a short intro for Rowan and get her in. And then write some obnoxiously sized thing to introduce Lisette, because I want to use her intro for the Space Cruise Dungeon Idea I had.