Several transformatives seem to have been designed with the expectation you could spam them. Fertite+, Bovinium and Mino Charge, for example.
In Flash, you could just hold down 1 and go through an entire stack (or multiple stacks) in seconds.
In JavaScript, you have to select the item, click the Use button (2), Click Next (1), select the item again, repeat.
+100% Fertility went from 1 input to 30 (10 items * 3 inputs).
In Flash, you could just hold down 1 and go through an entire stack (or multiple stacks) in seconds.
In JavaScript, you have to select the item, click the Use button (2), Click Next (1), select the item again, repeat.
+100% Fertility went from 1 input to 30 (10 items * 3 inputs).