[Rejected] No Good Deed / Ithaca The Demon Hammer


Dec 4, 2021
Hello, Hello, Hello Oxo crew and fellow erotica enthusiasts.
I'm a long time follower of Fen, Savin, and the projects they've hosted here. I'll wear my inspirations on my sleeve. My first game on this website was the original CoC. I had been passing up choose your own adventure type games and was shocked aroused and amazed to find one that had me hooked.

The same stuff that got me interested is the stuff that I'd like to create in content for the new game. I liked the fact that the world had characters who wanted nothing more than to to tie the PC up in a little bow and keep them. Characters that altered play or straight up ended the content were my favorites. Izma, the Minotaurs, Ceraph especially. In Tits, Jerynn is my favorite character with my favorite bad end. Maybe it's the patient futa doms that light my fire. A good waifu belongs in any well balanced diet, a husbando for extra nutrients and protiens, casual sex with harpy harems puts some spice in your life. However, whats a smut game without the consequences to keep you on your toes? Or curl them when appropriate.

This is my first submission. If I need to change something with the formatting or the sharing settings, don't hesitate to tell me. I've got quite a bit more to do, but I want to make sure it's worth the added time before I finish the project out. Or just need to change a key detail that would affect everything else. I know that I need to replace some of the comment sections with the appropriate parsers earlier in the document. Feedback would be appreciated. Just don't break my legs. I'll need those to run if things go sour.

Update: I'm not sure that the devs actually weigh in on these submissions, so I'll just go ahead and get back to writing. I would like to know that it's worth finishing out from somebody on the team if they get the chance to breeze through this thread. My major concerns are:

1. Is it ok to write a demon character for the armory slot at the wayfort? Was there already content planned for that?
2. A lot of the demons give unique, somewhat theatrical vibes. Is an affect-subdued demon ok?
3. Am I overstepping any bounds with the concept, or breaking any intended world building rules?

I did read the event documents, but I'm in the habit of checking and then double checking. Better safe than sorry.

Edit: (3/22/2022)

This is my first real submission here on the forum. I don't have any experience with the finalization process. I have reached a point here where I don't know what I don't know. I fully expect to have this batted back to me with technical changes required, but I'm not sure what's required and am otherwise flailing directionless without the relevant feedback.

Thank you everybody who has helped so far.
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Dec 5, 2020
Hello, Hello, Hello Oxo crew and fellow erotica enthusiasts.
I'm a long time follower of Fen, Savin, and the projects they've hosted here. I'll wear my inspirations on my sleeve. My first game on this website was the original CoC. I had been passing up choose your own adventure type games and was shocked aroused and amazed to find one that had me hooked.

The same stuff that got me interested is the stuff that I'd like to create in content for the new game. I liked the fact that the world had characters who wanted nothing more than to to tie the PC up in a little bow and keep them. Characters that altered play or straight up ended the content were my favorites. Izma, the Minotaurs, Ceraph especially. In Tits, Jerynn is my favorite character with my favorite bad end. Maybe it's the patient futa doms that light my fire. A good waifu belongs in any well balanced diet, a husbando for extra nutrients and protiens, casual sex with harpy harems puts some spice in your life. However, whats a smut game without the consequences to keep you on your toes? Or curl them when appropriate.

This is my first submission. If I need to change something with the formatting or the sharing settings, don't hesitate to tell me. I've got quite a bit more to do, but I want to make sure it's worth the added time before I finish the project out. Or just need to change a key detail that would affect everything else. I know that I need to replace some of the comment sections with the appropriate parsers earlier in the document. Feedback would be appreciated. Just don't break my legs. I'll need those to run if things go sour.

Another edit pass.
Finish out primary content.
Add more parser tags to make coders job easier
Add variations for different body types/acknowledgements for feathers, features, and heights, etc.
Weep gently with my guitar.
Create Bust
Looks great so far. I was just thinking that there aren't enough sexable NPCs in CoC2 that don't have the champion's best interests at heart, or at least ones that are loose on the whole consent thing. Looking forward to getting corrupted my man, good luck.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
I can't say I'm really into this type of character so I'll just avoid the sex stuff. But I have to say this did have me intrigued. One thing though this character is bizarrely tall. the PCs max height is 8 feet and 9 feet is taller than Brint at 8 and a half. I feel like she either needs to be a foot shorter or their needs to be a reason why she's that tall, none of her talk options really explains why she's so unnaturally tall.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2017
Ooh I like the premise! I'm always up for more dommes and I like the idea of a more subtle manipulation/corruption approach. Guilty pleasure I guess. xD

I tend to play my champs/steeles as heart of gold but a tad naive to people calling her a good girl so I do like seeing the occasional NPC take advatange/exert their agency over the PC at times.

I found it a bit hard to visualise her from the brief description though.


Dec 4, 2021
My brother! How far are we talking though? Transformations, bad ends?
I would love to include some type of restrictive mechanic like a bodysuit or similar feature that would restrict the characters options like Ceraph's piercings did in CoC, but It really depends on what kind of limits the devs are ok with. I don't want to put something in that's going to be a complete pain to code, and I also know that they want to keep item bloat from being too ridiculous. I'll throw in a suggestion or two, but they obviously have every right to veto it. I'm thinking a perk that's a bit of a hindrance if nothing else. As for bad-ends, absolutely. Chances are at least 2.
I can't say I'm really into this type of character so I'll just avoid the sex stuff. But I have to say this did have me intrigued. One thing though this character is bizarrely tall. the PCs max height is 8 feet and 9 feet is taller than Brint at 8 and a half. I feel like she either needs to be a foot shorter or their needs to be a reason why she's that tall, none of her talk options really explains why she's so unnaturally tall.
Thank's a lot for this feedback. I actually didn't take the time to look at what kind of baseline the "giant" characters set. I should have. I'll probably drop her down to about 7.

Ooh I like the premise! I'm always up for more dommes and I like the idea of a more subtle manipulation/corruption approach. Guilty pleasure I guess. xD

I tend to play my champs/steeles as heart of gold but a tad naive to people calling her a good girl so I do like seeing the occasional NPC take advatange/exert their agency over the PC at times.

I found it a bit hard to visualise her from the brief description though.
Thank you for this feedback. I'll add more to flesh her out.
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Dec 4, 2021
To anyone who may be checking in on this topic, the updated copy is being kept on my local machine and this will be updated periodically. Currently still on track for the ETA listed on the main post: Late January after finishing out the content/ edit passes.

Document last updated: 12/17/2021
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Dec 4, 2021
Update: Project is seeing a decent clip of progress. Having received some forum opinions on writing styles, there is a little more time I want to take on fleshing some more aspects of the content out. I've got a full idea of what will be out in Ithaca's initial release with potential for an update or two provided it's both accepted, implemented and received in such a way that doesn't suggest the need to rethink the direction.

New ETA is mid-late February. The document posted here will be updated with progress January 25th.
Just a tiny bit more to do. Will wind up on the morning of the 26th. Not happy with the delay, but it's still going up.
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Dec 4, 2021
Ok. As of now, the document here has been updated. Anyone who has ever written one of these knows how quickly scope creep happens. You add one thing because it has to be there to make sense, and the next thing you know, you're thirty pages deep and you feel like you've gotten nothing done.

I still have a lot to do, including further edits. Any feedback is much appreciated.

Also, When i go through the document looking for suggestion comments, I can't find what part of the document they're supposed to pertain to. I don't see them in the doc at all, just in the UI that aggregates them. Do I have a setting messed up, or are the people making the comments deleting them afterwards? I'm not entirely sure how that whole thing works.


Dec 4, 2021
It does give me a chance to address the question sooner rather than later. It’s unlikely. These projects are time investments. Anything you see making it into the game has writing, and then edits representing many hours. This project has a minimum of about 3 pages of material cut because it didn’t fit anywhere, or an important change was made. That alone represents time where I sat down. Spent several hours writing and editing, and then cut the content. Any writing that I do here, I want to contribute to the game in a way I’m fully behind if it’s approved.
This character has many signposts telling the player what kind of content she offers. I’m trying to make sure that if she has her way, it’s because the player is into it. I very much want feedback if anyone feels she falls short in that department.
That said, because her having her way is the player’s choice, I do not feel like investing a ton of time for a revenge route that I myself am not committed to. If you don’t want to get mauled by a tiger, don’t get into the cage. There were signs all over the exhibit, engaging is on you.


Dec 4, 2021
Man, I can't wait until this updates.
Sorry guys. The month of February has been far busier IRL than it has any right to be. We'll be back on track in March. 2 things I want to avoid. Continuing to project deadlines I can't keep, or trying to rush the project just to be done with it.

This will update around march 10th. Not sure when the project will be submitted, but it's close to completion at this point.


Dec 4, 2021
Super brief update. Delay aside, I've made a major decision about this project. I'm going to go ahead and polish what I've got and get it submitted. It will be missing some content. I ran a poll about what kind of comments people liked getting about their characters. That was not just for shits and giggles, but incorporating this fully requires a lot of extra time. The problem is the perfect version of this project and the project as it stands are still a long time apart on a time scale. What I don't want is to forgo the good for the perfect and never get this to finished. Worse would be achieving that "Perfect" project and having the whole concept rejected for some fundamental issue.

So the goal is this. Submit what I have and make sure it can even get approved. What's fleshed out is acceptable as a stand-alone. Provided it gets through, I can submit an expansion filling in all of the blanks. This will also allow me a brief break so that I can approach the expansion refreshed and without the same weight over my head.

I spent most of the day editing. The submission version should be in by the end of the week. It will be missing the bad-ends. I'm sorry, those are the best part, which means I want to do them justice. The submission version will also be missing a lot of commentary that's not the bear bones genitalia acknowledgement. Bear with me guys. We'll get there.


So.... I check the document on the day I posted this. No feedback. Think to myself "Well I guess everything is fine? (Intensely Aggressive question mark)".
Wake up this morning and edit the offline document. Yea, this is just about ready.
Log on here and check the online document... Blown away.

Thanks for the feedback guys, particularly the mvp Lobet. I didn't take all of your exact suggestions, but I took many verbatim and at least the spirit of others.
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Dec 4, 2021
Just wanted to check. There's nothing else I need to do right? Just leave this here till someone is able to weigh in on it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
Did you use the submission form or reach out to Savin at all?
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Dec 4, 2021
If anyone visits this thread looking for an update, it has been rejected with suggestions to re-work it and make it usable by the Dev team. I'll be working on getting it up to snuff as time permits.

I wanted to thank the dev team for their time and even more for their feedback. Till next time!