Which is funny because the group I'm referencing is also marginalized and demonized but somehow still devolves into infighting and pointless bickering/cruelty.
Just over generalizing, but it may be because the gun group has a natural inclination to talk frequently about politics and current events than the furry group, making it a higher occurrence for participants to rub each other the wrong way, especially if certain people have low tolerance of others' varying opinions. From what I've noticed, gun advocate forum members tend to be more outspoken on those themes and are quick to challenge an opposing idea, whereas furries tend to keep to themselves and/or only associate themselves with others of like-minds and would rather play or chat than to dissect/argue standpoints.
Not all people think the same; and with that in mind, not all groups of people act/react the same. Again, just an over-generalization, but the nuances are there. I'm sure in each group you can find the opposite--they are just in different proportions with respect to the majority/minority of the group as a whole.
More casual clothes and sleepwear would be nice, though that seems to be more of a role play thing than something significant/essential to gameplay, so that kind of stuff is just extra fluff and most likely lower priority. I'd approve of a Celise + Goo Armor scene too!
Aside from regular clothes, I'd like to see some "retro" throwback outfits. Bubble-helmet spacesuits and ray guns, go! I'm okay with scarves (top) and henshin belts (accessory) too--suit of armor optional...