I am not sure on all the behind-the-scenes mechanics, but I think as long as you have a knot, any scenes that check for a knot will do so. I am not aware of a [char.knotSize] parser, at least not in the parser documentation I have available, but one might exist, and probably wouldn't be hard to create, since knots do have listed sizes.
Most transformatives seem to do a 1.5" knot. That could be base size which is then modified by length (with some unknown modifier). It appears that at character creation, Lupine's with penises have varying-sized knots, ranging from 2.3" at 6" length up to a 6" knot at 16". That seems to be a 2.6 adjustment based on length. I can also tell you that the Champ I have with a knot has a 31 inch tool and a 9-inch knot, so it likely scales to size.
Which is totally because I did that to test knot sizes and lengths for your specific question... and to check for parser errors and typos in knotting scenes... not because I feel the need to overcompensate or anything.
It depends entirely on which parsers any given writer chooses to use for a scene because there are ways to write things that don't have any penis size check but have a knot check (in which case it'll always play) but there are ways to combine parsers so a Champ with a penis of a given length can knot their partner but can't if it's longer. The game doesn't really check for knot size independently.
Not on its own, no.
Lots. A very quick check shows almost a thousand hits for pc.hasKnot, which is only one possible parser to use. Obviously a number of those are going to be found within the same scene but it still gives you an idea how many there are.