Redscale's adventure


New Member
Feb 19, 2017
If you're interested in feedback for the game:

Mass combat - pathfinding needs a serious update. Especially on the kobold caverns ambush where it seems the AI have no idea where to move or in some cases what actions to use on both enemy and friendly minions. People's main issue with this part of the game is that it's time consuming but personally I take the middle ground where I only control spellcasters and let the others be controlled by computer so... can't really say I'm to bothered. Can be a bit tedious if you just want to move to other areas. A quick move or travel option of sorts would be nice to see. That or a way to make the routes safer perhaps through bases or simply sending slaves to scout.
A note on follower exp. Are they supposed to only get exp through mass combat?

Slave management - Managing a huge amount of slaves is time consuming. Sexing up slaves for gender and affection or other actions, with some exceptons, kicks you back to the main menu and you have to look for the place where you left it again! Really does a number on my OCD right there. Are there perhaps a menu change or mass scenes to counter this in the future?

<<Superkobolds>> - I dunno about this one. There always seems to be a lvl 18-22 kobold somewhere that I just can't beat or recruit for that matter, Doesn't matter if I outdo it by far on level or not. Movement won't give the upper hand, Any attack moves hardly do any damage even when boosted/covered by followers and it's way to good at defending. Hard to think this is anything but a bug. Having these sure deaths on random encounters leaves a rather sour taste so these should be fixed regardless why they're happening. I've seen that the fleeing option have been enabled at a later point of the game but only on some areas and encounters. Whatever the condition needed it'd be nice to see it reached faster or simply just enabled.

Last but not least looking forward to seeing the story unfold and more fun things to do with bases!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I have plenty of enslaved Lycans and dozens of axes, and I still don't have the option. Nor do I have the option to build a logging camp.

Game's fukt

Did you equip the lycans with the axes? I think you need to. Also, lycans in your base don't give you any options for cutting wood in the field. They need to be counted among your currently active pawns.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Did you equip the lycans with the axes? I think you need to. Also, lycans in your base don't give you any options for cutting wood in the field. They need to be counted among your currently active pawns.

Very much so. I have ass loads of axes, and a decent number of Lycans in my pawn party. Is there a way to equip tools? Lumber axes aren't included in the weapon category, and I seen no button that allows me to equip tools.


Jan 21, 2017
Did you equip the lycans with the axes? I think you need to. Also, lycans in your base don't give you any options for cutting wood in the field. They need to be counted among your currently active pawns.

Very much so. I have ass loads of axes, and a decent number of Lycans in my pawn party. Is there a way to equip tools? Lumber axes aren't included in the weapon category, and I seen no button that allows me to equip tools.

The currently live version is bugged in this respect. I have a fix in the next version, but there is other stuff in progress that I need to wrap up before I can post. It should be out before the end of February, ideally.
The chop wood button (and mine button) checks your inventory for tools and hands those out to the first workers that need them in your party. (Some characters may either count as having suitable equipment by default or have weapons equipped that count. Which reminds me, I need to actually go update the lumber/mining camps to have them count those alternatives as well.)


Jan 21, 2017
If you're interested in feedback for the game:

I am interested in feedback, thanks! It's a pretty big deal to me, helps keep it from feeling like I'm just posting to a black hole. Thanks for taking the time.

Mass combat - pathfinding needs a serious update. Especially on the kobold caverns ambush where it seems the AI have no idea where to move or in some cases what actions to use on both enemy and friendly minions. People's main issue with this part of the game is that it's time consuming but personally I take the middle ground where I only control spellcasters and let the others be controlled by computer so... can't really say I'm to bothered. Can be a bit tedious if you just want to move to other areas. A quick move or travel option of sorts would be nice to see. That or a way to make the routes safer perhaps through bases or simply sending slaves to scout.
A note on follower exp. Are they supposed to only get exp through mass combat?

Pawns initially got XP almost exclusively through mass combat, but I have been improving that. Currently the front 8 pawns can earn a little XP from attacking during combat (sometimes even if you don't see a message. If a pawn is chosen that can't react to your enemy's choice they get 'fail' XP).
Followers can get XP from sex with you, mass combat, and also when they are the one taking the lead in single combat. Unlike pawns, they track XP for individual stats like Redscale does.

A big part of what I'm working on right now is the ability to create separate parties to send on missions. The most basic option is to load them with some stuff and send them to a base of your choice, from which they can exchange items/members with the base, and chose another destination or simply disband. Once that's 100% I plan to add additional options like infiltrating Howling Tree and hunting nezumi down where they live; stuff Redscale can't do. (He's Kill-On-Sight in Howling Tree, so that will wait until I take the time to setup the invasion/conquest scene and he's just too big to fit in the nezumi's tunnels.)

My point being that by setting followers as party leaders for such missions they can earn XP from fights too. They can't earn Devour XP, though, which means they won't level quite as easily as Red can.

Slave management - Managing a huge amount of slaves is time consuming. Sexing up slaves for gender and affection or other actions, with some exceptons, kicks you back to the main menu and you have to look for the place where you left it again! Really does a number on my OCD right there. Are there perhaps a menu change or mass scenes to counter this in the future?

I'll keep this in mind and think about it for a while as I go. I need to clean up what's in progress right now. I can probably do something without too much work to kick you back to the pawn menu instead.

<<Superkobolds>> - I dunno about this one. There always seems to be a lvl 18-22 kobold somewhere that I just can't beat or recruit for that matter, Doesn't matter if I outdo it by far on level or not. Movement won't give the upper hand, Any attack moves hardly do any damage even when boosted/covered by followers and it's way to good at defending. Hard to think this is anything but a bug. Having these sure deaths on random encounters leaves a rather sour taste so these should be fixed regardless why they're happening. I've seen that the fleeing option have been enabled at a later point of the game but only on some areas and encounters. Whatever the condition needed it'd be nice to see it reached faster or simply just enabled.

The flee rules require that you can fly and your opponent can't, which means no using it in the warrens/mines, nor against bluescales, nor while under the effects of a spider's Web attack. (I used to not allow it in Dragonbone cave because it's "indoors", but I've since changed that. The cavern there is quite tall, and while you can't fly to the sky you can certainly get up away from a rat.)

I'd like to make 'dogfighting' rules for flyer v flyer that would enable you to flee from bluescales but not just instantly get away. I have ideas, but it isn't my top priority yet.

Last but not least looking forward to seeing the story unfold and more fun things to do with bases!



New Member
Feb 19, 2017
Pawns initially got XP almost exclusively through mass combat, but I have been improving that. Currently the front 8 pawns can earn a little XP from attacking during combat (sometimes even if you don't see a message. If a pawn is chosen that can't react to your enemy's choice they get 'fail' XP).Followers can get XP from sex with you, mass combat, and also when they are the one taking the lead in single combat. Unlike pawns, they track XP for individual stats like Redscale does.

Aight in that case there's a bug in that that needs fixing. As what my note was about is that they didn't increase in levels even if they're stats were raised pretty high. I fiddled around a bit as well (cheated) and gave some of them superhigh stats without any increase on levels. Unless stats and levels are seperate for followers? They weren't for red. As for exp through mass combat the wandering eye doesn't seem to benefit at all.

I'll keep this in mind and think about it for a while as I go. I need to clean up what's in progress right now. I can probably do something without too much work to kick you back to the pawn menu instead.

Goodie! I know it's still early in the making but having things like these being tidy from the start I believe is going to help a lot. Especially, to my understanding, since you're planning to put a whole deal into the management aspect of it. At least bases anyhow

As for the superkobolds thing. It really is just that. A low leveled kobold that is for some reason way over his peers. Much stronger than orgres or happens even the lvl 100 bluescale patrol. Just the other day I beat the bluescale patrol of a couple of times and went to the mines do loose against a a lvl 18guard. Even my pawns at that time was over double it's level. And these appear at random without any way of getting out.
I'm inclined to say that it's something about the combat system and not the kobold that's acting weird. I'm not really that deep into making games or coding so can't say for sure. I guess the weird thing then is why I haven't experienced the same thing with other races. Anyhow that's how it appears to me.
Also pretty sure I fled from a spellcaster in the kobold caverns one of these times. If having clear skies above your head is the requirement to flee something isn't quite right hehe

Thanks for the early reply. I'll keep a lookout for other weird things happening and I'll try to get a savestate with a recent fight against on of these really strong kobolds. If I don't die first that is
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Jan 21, 2017
Can you send me a screenshot with you fighting one of them? (In Windows you can use Print Screen button on keyboard to copy screen image to clipboard, then paste into Paint or other editor. If you hold Alt when you press Print Screen it will only capture the window that has focus, which is all I need anyways. For other OS, you will need to consult the internets for directions.)
I can be emailed at
You could send me your save file as is, no need to fight one first; at least I could play from there with your current stats and see the difficulty for myself when I run into one. (and hey, since I can mess with source code I can up the odds to 100% for testing.)


Jan 21, 2017
Version 0.30 is live.
Page has more details, but the biggest change is that you can create separate parties to act in the background and do things for you. Current options are travelling between your bases (they can carry inventory with them, and drop off/pick up and head back the other way. People have been asking for a way to setup caravans to deal with some of the materials that are only able to be produced at one base or the other).
Second, they can go into Howling Tree if you have located it, to trade with the market there.

In either event, it gives a way to play as the followers/pawns in single combat, and earn some XP that way, etc. More content of this sort coming in March. (For one thing, I still need the Nezumi raids I promised.)


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
I'm on day 2 irl of playing this game, and... this is probably the hardest pr0n text game I've ever played, which isn't a complaint, just something to notice compared to most. On the Contrary: This game has been very fun, and I can't wait to get further into the game.

What I do have to say in constructive criticism, are of the few bugs, glitches, and frustrating moments I've had with the game.

I'm not sure if it's a glitch or a feature, but upkeep on stats is exceptionally hard to juggle, considering the combat system discourages you from grinding out certain stats; I can't grind fire breath and lightning to increase power, since moving from one to the other is easily counterable by the enemy. it also doesn't help that the stats randomly decay when certain events happen. An example of this is the very first time talking to the mother. Also, sometimes stats don't increase even though the game says it does.

The upkeep in hunger is a lot less frustrating, although it too also dramatically goes down at certain points for no reason. I saved my game at ~90% hunger, and suddenly I was down to less than 50%.

speaking at saving the game, it's very vague at what percent of your energy considers your character "tired" and even if I knew, it's still a bit frustrating that I have to rest at such a low energy level to even save the game. perhaps instead of having to be at such a low energy, you can rest regardless of your energy, and resting just restores all of your stats, maybe including health, since it would make sense for it to be restored that way instead of right after battle.

I haven't been able to get that far in the game because I keep getting game overs, So I don't have much more feedback except perhaps in a future update, make defeats a bit more forgiving against nonspecific random-encounters a bit more forgiving, like maybe taking equipped items in your party's inventory taken... or maybe combine it with my "rest for health" idea like you're at 0 health, and running into any more enemies will be the result of an actual game over. eating should also restore health, but not all of it like resting does.

Anyways, that's all for now.

edit: unbeknownst to me, resting apparently is supposed to restore your health... I guess your health restoring after every battle is a... glitch? or it doesn't and I'm just not noticing it or something. also apparently, energy doesn't seem to play in the factor of what makes your character "tired" so I say... what does?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Been playing the game off and on for a while now. I like the character stuff and the porn, but to be completely honest the mechanics kinda hack me off. Managing a base is headache-inducing and while the single combat system is bearable (if annoying whenever you meet an opponent who can fake tells), the mass combat system just completely turns me off. There's just too much to process at once, too many things you need to memorise, if you can't brute force it then I find it more frustrating than enjoyable. It's an ambitious game, but I find it simply overcomplicated.


Jan 21, 2017
I'm on day 2 irl of playing this game, and... this is probably the hardest pr0n text game I've ever played, which isn't a complaint, just something to notice compared to most. On the Contrary: This game has been very fun, and I can't wait to get further into the game.

What I do have to say in constructive criticism, are of the few bugs, glitches, and frustrating moments I've had with the game.

Glad to hear it. I can't necessarily implement changes for all criticisms I agree with, by I'm glad to hear them. It helps me understand my own creation better.

I'm not sure if it's a glitch or a feature, but upkeep on stats is exceptionally hard to juggle, considering the combat system discourages you from grinding out certain stats; I can't grind fire breath and lightning to increase power, since moving from one to the other is easily counterable by the enemy. it also doesn't help that the stats randomly decay when certain events happen. An example of this is the very first time talking to the mother. Also, sometimes stats don't increase even though the game says it does.

I'm sorry if it's confusing. The visual indicators of your stats are relative to your level. If you mouse over a stat you should see the actual value at the bottom. You shouldn't ever see the number go down aside from new game/re-load or changing context to a different character.
However, if you level up (which is driven by your stats increasing), the indicator will display your stats relative to your new level. I.e. if you get to level 5 without any increase in Fellowship, your Fellowship will look like it's really low. Because a 2 is average for a level 2, but it's pretty low for a level 5. If your Strength is 10 at that point, it'll display as quite high. But if it stays 10 while you work your way up to level 20, that 10 will be looking low.

The upkeep in hunger is a lot less frustrating, although it too also dramatically goes down at certain points for no reason. I saved my game at ~90% hunger, and suddenly I was down to less than 50%.

Saving involves sleeping for six hours in universe, which gives your body time to convert nutrients to energy + health. You will fully restore both if you have enough nutrition, and even if you are at full health/energy, you use a minimum amount of nutrition sleeping. You also get a partial refill of health/energy from nutrition every 'hour' if needed, so the more you get hurt / worn out, the faster you'll burn nutrition.

(A secondary consideration, your nutrition cap scales with stats, even though you see it as %. So leveling will make the same nutrition look like a lower %. But aside from the first couple levels, that will generally be minimal and hard to notice, like a % here or there.)

speaking at saving the game, it's very vague at what percent of your energy considers your character "tired" and even if I knew, it's still a bit frustrating that I have to rest at such a low energy level to even save the game. perhaps instead of having to be at such a low energy, you can rest regardless of your energy, and resting just restores all of your stats, maybe including health, since it would make sense for it to be restored that way instead of right after battle.

You have to wait for enough time to pass before you can rest. 12-18 hours in game (it's based on the dawn/noon/dusk/midnight cycle, even if you are underground and don't see the messages.) I was worried that the refresh from Rest was too powerful, and also with a base running it's too easy to just sleep and let your economy chug forward while you aren't even actually playing. As a compromise, the Wait button allows you to burn time, but forces you to wait a minute to burn an hour of in game time without the risk/interaction involved in doing an Explore. (You get a boring experience when boring your dragon avatar by waiting around. :p)

BTW, Waiting lets you convert some nutrition to health/energy, so if you're close to death it may be worth it, assuming you've been doing okay at eating.

I haven't been able to get that far in the game because I keep getting game overs, So I don't have much more feedback except perhaps in a future update, make defeats a bit more forgiving against nonspecific random-encounters a bit more forgiving, like maybe taking equipped items in your party's inventory taken... or maybe combine it with my "rest for health" idea like you're at 0 health, and running into any more enemies will be the result of an actual game over. eating should also restore health, but not all of it like resting does.

Whenever you are out of combat, energy fills into health, much as it does when you Defend successfully. Every hour some nutrition fills into health/energy. Rest refills health/energy if you have the nutrition, or uses up all your nutrition if you don't have enough.

(Also, incidentally, resting with 0 or very low nutrition will cause your body to slowly consume itself and eventually die. You must eat to live!)

Anyways, that's all for now.

edit: unbeknownst to me, resting apparently is supposed to restore your health... I guess your health restoring after every battle is a... glitch? or it doesn't and I'm just not noticing it or something. also apparently, energy doesn't seem to play in the factor of what makes your character "tired" so I say... what does?

Hope that answered your questions. Doesn't actually sound like you had glitches to report, though definitely it would help if I managed to explain things better in game.


Jan 21, 2017
Been playing the game off and on for a while now. I like the character stuff and the porn, but to be completely honest the mechanics kinda hack me off. Managing a base is headache-inducing and while the single combat system is bearable (if annoying whenever you meet an opponent who can fake tells), the mass combat system just completely turns me off. There's just too much to process at once, too many things you need to memorise, if you can't brute force it then I find it more frustrating than enjoyable. It's an ambitious game, but I find it simply overcomplicated.

Thanks for your feedback.
Based on feedback, I'm convinced I should actually abandon the current mass combat system entirely. I'm considering putting back in a scaled down version that is more like JRPG or PokeMon style. I.E. 2-4 active characters, no map, choose targets for actions menu-style, keep or evolve the interaction rules (i.e. defend/trap are untargeted and apply to ally applicable enemies, etc.)


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
Hope that answered your questions. Doesn't actually sound like you had glitches to report, though definitely it would help if I managed to explain things better in game.

Yeah, this definitely helped explain a lot of vague things. The only thing the in-game help explains so far is combat flow, so the rest is not very easy to understand from an outside perspective. The game plays vastly different from other porn text games, and it kinda feels alien almost.

To be frank though, only being able to save when you rest in the cave kinda forces me to play for long bursts of time (both in-game and irl), considering I have to juggle hunger along with time. it further becomes frustrating when I die without being able to save for a long time. Now, I'm not saying that resting and saving should be separate things... but I'm saying resting and saving should be separate things.


May 16, 2017
Glad to see this game's still rocking, looking forward to seeing how it gets better and better :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Hmmmm how about having your "slaves"/subjects get food for you? (raising livestock, capturing enemies, raising enemies as "livestock")
Or just have your subjects breed enough offspring so you can eat a couple from time to time...


May 11, 2016
Hmmmm how about having your "slaves"/subjects get food for you? (raising livestock, capturing enemies, raising enemies as "livestock")
Or just have your subjects breed enough offspring so you can eat a couple from time to time...
I'm fairly certain that would come later, as Istaran has yet to implement any productive breeding of Redscale's subjects. Or at least, last I checked.


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
is it normal for a bluescale princess to nullify your lightning when they attack? if so, then that's unfair, especially at lower levels.

edit: they also can overpower you too. that's double unfair.

edit #2, for some reason, resting at the cabin sometimes doesn't save the game. I found that out the hard way as about 30-60 minutes of my time got erased.
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Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
is it normal for a bluescale princess to nullify your lightning when they attack? if so, then that's unfair, especially at lower levels.

edit: they also can overpower you too. that's double unfair.

edit #2, for some reason, resting at the cabin sometimes doesn't save the game. I found that out the hard way as about 30-60 minutes of my time got erased.
The combat system is designed so that each option completely counteracts other options. It isn't unfair if ya learn it. Although, note some enemies can bluff an attack if they are intelligent enough I believe.

If you can read her tells then you can stop her overpower with an attack of your own, similarly with her lightening.


May 11, 2016
is it normal for a bluescale princess to nullify your lightning when they attack? if so, then that's unfair, especially at lower levels.

edit: they also can overpower you too. that's double unfair.

edit #2, for some reason, resting at the cabin sometimes doesn't save the game. I found that out the hard way as about 30-60 minutes of my time got erased.

Its not unfair, it's balanced for the player to fight her at higher levels as it would be somewhat overpowered to recruit her when Redscale is at a lower level. Also, the bluescale princess was originally how you could use the lightning attack, which would make sense for her to be immune to it. Your Kobold pawns may also be having trouble in this fight as well if you're fighting her at a lower level.


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
It's not fair if it's not clear why the lightning attack, which is said to be strong against both of those, is hard-countered by her, with no explanation whatsoever. That is what I mean. This isn't Pokemon where it's obvious which type is strong/weak against what type. The only, ONLY leading explanation is that she's a thunder dragon.

the cabin not saving still needs an answer though.


May 11, 2016
You're saying you don't understand how an enemy that uses lightning attacks, is immune to lightning attacks? I don't know what to say other than that your lack of common sense is alarming to me.

As for the cabin not saving, that's one for Istaran to answer. Bug fixing isn't my area of expertise.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
You're saying you don't understand how an enemy that uses lightning attacks, is immune to lightning attacks? I don't know what to say other than that your lack of common sense is alarming to me.

As for the cabin not saving, that's one for Istaran to answer. Bug fixing isn't my area of expertise.
No need to insult the fella. He'll get it eventually and wonder why it was ever difficult in the first place, or he'll give up and it won't be anyone's problem then anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
You're saying you don't understand how an enemy that uses lightning attacks, is immune to lightning attacks? I don't know what to say other than that your lack of common sense is alarming to me.
Well do you become immune to lightning attacks once you learn how to use them yourself? Even if it's a natural ability of blue dragons rather than a learned one, there's no need to be snotty, because it's not as clear-cut and obvious as you're suggesting. It's not like using you're fire on a fire elemental here.


May 11, 2016
Alright, my bad. I'd assumed it'd make sense that an enemy that is elementally based on lightning would be resistant to it. This is running off of the same vein of logic that Redscale would likely be immune to fire attacks due to him being a fire dragon. Unlike CoC and TiTS and other games with text-based combat such as Redscale's Adventure has, you need to actually read through and pay attention to different enemies' attacks and their characteristics. This will be a reoccurring theme with other enemies. The Bluescales' Princess is the first enemy you'll likely encounter at the moment in which the power of observation will be your most invaluable tool.
Sarimax's issue seems to stem from him not paying close enough attention to the world Istaran has created. I suppose it's unfair of me to assume he's been paying as close enough attention as I have, as I'm genuinely interested in the story for more than just the hot dragon sex. I'll try to put it simply: The bluescales' princess has been using lightning longer than you have, so it would stand to reason her lightning attacks would overpower yours. If only you some way to shield yourself from her attacks, then fight would go by much more smoothly.