Recruiting for a D&D 3.5e Campaign


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
No need to get snippy with me man. Geez some people just don't know how to go "Sorry for your trouble" so I can be like "It's k It's like whateves" and then we can go on with our lives.

Geez, some people just don't know how to post on a thread without complaining.  Especially when their complaint has zero relevance and wastes a space on the thread.
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Oct 9, 2015
Potential Doll friend.

Personality Type:  

  • INTJ-T


  • Servant

Hobbies and Talents:

  • None yet!


  • Questions:

    What does it take to befriend your character?: Acceptance
  • What does it take to ruin a friendship with your character?: Laughing/mocking them
  • How trusting are they?: Highly
  • How forgiving are they?: not very

[*]Notable friends: None!


  • Favorites:

    Food: Strawberry milk
  • Music / Song: Lute
  • Story: The mouse and the lion
  • Color: Purple
  • Season: Summer
  • Weather: Dry, warm
  • Time of Day: Midday
  • Animal: Horses


  • Food: Plain milk
  • Music / Song: Drums
  • Story: Cinderella
  • Color: Grey
  • Season: Winter
  • Weather: Snowy
  • Time of Day: Afternoon
  • Animal: Ducks.


  • Minor: Hammers
  • Moderate: Statues
  • Major: Crushing traps
  • Irrational: Bottomless Pits


  • Minor: Dolls
  • Moderate: Books
  • Major: Warm cuddling partners
  • Irrational: Fire


  • Social: Doll
  • Physical: Fake
  • Lifestyle: Silent and alone
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Potential sorcerer friend.

My character's ideal appearance.

Personality Type:  

  • INTJ-T

  • Sorcerer
Hobbies and Talents:

  • What is something your character loves to do but is terrible at doing?: Dungeoneering
  • What is something your character hates to do and is terrible at doing?: Fighting
  • What is something your character loves to do and is good at doing?: Sorcery
  • What is something your character hates to do but is good at doing?: Fellatio

  • Questions:What does it take to befriend your character?: Acceptance
  • What does it take to ruin a friendship with your character?: Laughing/mocking them
  • How trusting are they?: Highly
  • How forgiving are they?: not very
[*]Notable friends: Animals

  • Mother's name: Palance
  • Father's name: Taren
  • Sibling(s): Silvea
  • Happy memory: Doing her studies
  • Sad memory: Her father's disapproval
  • Status: Alive, retired
Life History:

  • Infancy:Happy memory: Being read to.
  • Sad memory: Breaking her toys
  • Happy memory: Her friends.
  • Sad memory: Being taunted by the boys.
  • Happy memory: Learning magic
  • Sad memory: Being ostracized
[*]Young adulthood:
  • Happy memory: Buying her own place
  • Sad memory: Getting burgled.

  • Favorites:Food: Peaches
  • Music / Song: Lute
  • Story: The mouse and the lion
  • Color: Purple
  • Season: Summer
  • Weather: Dry, warm
  • Time of Day: Midday
  • Animal: Horses
  • Food: Vegetables
  • Music / Song: Drums
  • Story: Cinderella
  • Color: Grey
  • Season: Winter
  • Weather: Snowy
  • Time of Day: Afternoon
  • Animal: Ducks.
  • Minor: Ducks
  • Moderate: Statues
  • Major: Spiderwebs
  • Irrational: Bottomless Pits
  • Minor: Silk
  • Moderate: Books
  • Major: Warm cuddling partners
  • Irrational: Big butts

  • Social: Outcast
  • Physical: Voluptuous (Large assets and hips mean she's clumsy)
  • Lifestyle: Bookish, and Reserved

You did read the part where this campaign his full right Lewd?


New Member
Oct 27, 2015
If you ever get any openings/start a new campaign/ or w/e, I'd love to get in on this, Just PM me <3


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
Would love to play but schedule and time isnt great. Plus im a dm for a dnd campaign but its hard to do over kik. Plus im the only ''adult'' so it woukd be cool to play a adult themed one. I currently use the 5e(i know its trash) but i did home brew and it was pirate themed.
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Aug 28, 2015
So a great deal of time has gone by and with that some changes. I will be editing the opening post but suffice it to say that the scheduled time has changed and a slot has opened up for those who would like to join. Our sessions are now at a much more reasonable time and we actually expanded to have another player. With the departure of one of our players we now have a slot open for someone new. It is my hope that we can recruit someone from this forum.
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Aug 28, 2015
How erp heavy is it and whats the general gist of the game?

Erp only exists if the players want it to happen mostly. Sometimes there is a sex-themed monster or even a monster girl. RP tends to happen far more than ERP honestly. And even then there is actual role-play within the ERP or associated with it. It's not just soulless smut. We are trying to go for something of a story here. That being said, some things are kind of sexy in this campaign and the setting has sexual stuff varying in amount based on where the party is.

The general gist of the game so far is that the group has traveled to this more erotically themed world other than the prime material plane and have decided to stay for a while after numerous adventures there. Right now they are going on adventures into various dungeons that each character has a desire to go to. So one character wanted to investigate a particular dungeon so the group decided to go and take a look. Then another character wanted to investigate this other dungeon and so the party is there at the moment.

It's story-driven to a certain extent. But it also has sandbox elements to it as well. The world, which the party can leave almost whenever they want, is kind of sex-themed, but if they decide to leave for a more normal place then they can do so with relative ease.

I hope that helps.

Ran Yakumo Kyu

New Member
Jan 2, 2017
Personality Type:



Lives off by hunting and sleeps on the wilds, but often likes to dance with or without payment.

Hobbies and Talents:

What is something your character loves to do but is terrible at doing?: Magic tricks! she never did quite figure out how to do them correctly so most of the times people can see right through them.

What is something your character hates to do and is terrible at doing?: Hates to sleep indoors, she prefers the starry sky and doesnt quite like to risk another sudden fiery awakening

What is something your character loves to do and is good at doing?: Dancing, and hitting things, often at the same time

What is something your character hates to do but is good at doing?: I dont think theres a lot else that she particularly likes to do, but perhaps the fact that she has to get indoors to get money from her dancing counts



What does it take to befriend your character?: Strike her fancy, travel together and she will eventually warm up to you in time

What does it take to ruin a friendship with your character?: try to attack her? set places on fire? outright piss her off too often?

How trusting are they?: very familiar, very friendly, not quite so trusting

How forgiving are they?: depends on what there is to forgive, 7 out of 10 maybe?

[*]Notable friends:
theres a hunter that every so often passes through the forest, cute catfolk whose name she never learned but they would often hunt together


Mother's name: Rika (MIA)

Father's name: Kong (dead)

Sibling(s): a dead sister shed rather not speak of

Happy memory: when she learned to sing for the first time

Sad memory: village burned, enslaved, raped, take your pick!

Status: (dead, alive, etc.)

Life History:


Happy memory: being petted lots! :3

Sad memory: when parents argued loudly


Happy memory: started learning martial arts with sister and father!

Sad memory: mother went away


Happy memory:

Sad memory:

[*]Young adulthood:

Happy memory: fought with sister all the time

Sad memory: fought with sister all the time



Food: meat

Music / Song: loves to sing, often beautiful almost chorus like songs, making people that hear it actually feel as if one with nature

Story: journey to the west

Color: plentiful (not a particular color but prefer when something has many colors)

Season: spring

Weather: cloudy to soft rain

Time of Day: sunrise and sundown

Animal: cats! also foxes, but thats kindof a given


Food: bugs, burgoise foods

Music / Song: hard/strong songs, equivalent of rock or metal

Story: turtle and hare

Color: black, also white

Season: winter

Weather: far too sunny or storms/heavy rain

Time of Day: midday

Animal: birds, mostly ravens crows and phoenix


Minor: (something that causes for general concern when they think about it): having to get food ready for winter

Moderate: (something that gets them worried when they think about it): having nothing to eat

Major: (something that absolutely terrifies them so much so that they may try to put it out of their mind): what happened to her mother?

Irrational: (everyone has a phobia of some kind, however major or minor): fire


Minor: (something that makes them generally content when they think about it): being able to survive on her own

Moderate: (something that makes them happy when they think about it): learning more of her schools techniques by herself

Major: (something that gets them really excited when they think about it): singing! dancing! traveling in groups and telling stories and possibly having sex after!

Irrational: (people are attached to something that defies any and all explanation, what is it for this character? This is not a significant other, this can be anything from a food to an idea and anything else, but not a person.): the legendary roasted dragon meat that she has heard many a tale about


Social: (Something that makes socialization difficult in some way or another. Even very socially adept people have flaws that can make things hard for them.): has a tendency to expose herself far too easily, uncaringly so even given her only clothing is an extremely loose kimono

Physical: (no one is perfect, what is something slightly off about your character's appearance? They don't have to be hideous, but just something physically "flawed" about them): there is such a thing as "too big", but for those that dont care theres also the fact that she has claws rather then nails

Lifestyle: (Something that if a friend called them out on it, they'd feel embarrassed or ashamed knowing that it's true about the way they live): i doubt she actually feels embarassed about it, but she will always sleep and live of the wilderness, shed rather never sleep indoors if she can help it no matter how much that might be awkward for others or outright out of society

oh right heres an image of this lovely fox:


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
[Hello just curious if this was still a thing and if you're still accepting folks to play I have a neat idea for a character but don't want to waste effort on filling out that sheet if its not needed Thanks!]