Reaching corruption 100 ASAP?


New Member
Dec 26, 2021
Till now I played the game as a pure character and I want to see all the dialogue changes that a Corrupt playthrough has. What is the fastest way to get corruption 100 as early as possible? Possibly before I see any noteworthy content that might include these dialogue changes?


New Member
Dec 26, 2021
Fuck Kas whenever possible, ideally in a way that has you directly ingesting demonic cum. Be a jerk whenever given the option, sexually assault people, etc.
Are there any repeatable encounters or items that I can use to rapidly gain corruption?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
You don't need to get to 100; 75 is the point when your personality changes to Dark Knight. You can get a head start by sucking off/getting fucked by Kas in the prologue. A bunch of one-time events raise Corruption by a small amount. Repeatable events that can be accessed early in the game include winning or losing to the cultists at the river crossing in Harvest Valley and fucking or getting fucked by the tainted centaurs roaming the same region. I believe the former stops increasing your Corruption once you hit 75 while the latter caps out at 50.

If you have money to burn and don't mind the main effects of the item, you can buy Virility Boosters from Vaush (encountered randomly in the Foothills) which give you +3 Corruption per use and cost 150 EC each.

Once you're at 75 you'll see all the content that's affected by the Dark Knight personality and most content that's based on high Corruption independent of personality, which includes those Bad Ends currently in the game that are gated behind a threshold; Kas at the Wayfort (Blow Her and don't stop) and Sandre and Caera in the Undermountain (lose to them enough times) are the ones that I know off the top of my head.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
Sex with Eryka after beating her gives +3 corruption, is repeatable and occurs in the Old Forest.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
There is one way...but it involves bullying everyone's favorite elf companion sadly, and for vagina wielding champs only :v


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Losing to Sandre and Caera should also give you some Corruption.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
It does (and is hot!) but I didn't mention it because it requires Undermountain access (so you can't do it early in the game) and it's impractical for raising Corruption past 75 since you have to alternate winning and losing so you don't hit the loss threshold where they Bad End you.

And I still can't believe how long I spent accidentally preventing myself from seeing that content because I was running to Sanders to keep my Corruption below 75 for personality purposes...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2021
Repeatable events that can be accessed early in the game include winning or losing to the cultists at the river crossing in Harvest Valley and

This is the way. Every time you ford the river you can proc this. This is so reliable it can be a source of irritation, especially since it's a really over-the-top wanton sex scene that causes what for some can be a stat penalty. The mobs involved are low-level and low-statted and the Corruption gain is very, very high and the scene is basically three steps from Start.

You'll have max Corruption in well under a day in game-time.

You don't need any other option, even later in the game. You don't even need to be a monster to other people or have a particularlized anatomy (I think gangbang is available to all comers).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2021
Just thought of something.

Most games can't make something like "Corruption" or other magical taint something really coherent and heavy -- this game is no exception, but I'm not seriously knocking that; it's a very hard thing to do and the game is ironically less about its title than its characters. So that in mind:

If the river cultists set up shop next door to Brother Sanders' workspace, you could have sex with the priestess and get the corruption removed on a whim.

Then I realized that's how many cultures irl have handled non-magical, plain-old sex for milennia, as well as other not-immoral-but-pretend-immoral behaviors.

If your main sexual partner was the priestess and you got Sanders' blessing after having sex with her regularly in order to keep your abstract "badness score" down, that would be the most realistic thing in the game.