Rare and hidden content


Feb 10, 2018
So, i've played tits for a while and it seems i found most of content. Is there any rare/hidden content that not so easy to find and ect.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
What makes you think n27anuxi would know if they did? Does she have a portrait?

There's a Treated Male Zil that's supposedly the rarest encounter in the game.
You found Zheng Shi's Probe have been to New Texas and are level 7 or higher.
Specifically, squares with 'Orange' in their names.

There's a Sylveren Pirate spaceship encounter, found only when flying to Myrellion, Uveto or Zheng Shi. 10% chance of a fight, I don't know how the game chooses between her and the Corona Lord.

Dane has a chance to appear at the New Texas Milking Barn if you've gotten Mhen'ga's Probe, but not Myrellion's.

If you get all the Fiction Codex drops on Mhen'ga or Tarkus, enemies on that planet will start dropping piercings as rare drops instead.

Korgonne Barbarian Females have a 5% chance to drop their Shield generator, which can be the Improvised Shield, and cannot be obtained any other way (the wiki page for the shield says it's unobtainable but I'm pretty sure I've seen it drop anyway). As an aside, I'm always amused when one drops a Salamander Shield. Who thought it was a good idea to bring a heat-resistant shield to an ice world?

Technically, there's the holiday content, especially the Event Whorizon and the Kashima Incident. The Kashima Incident has a unique one-use Stimbooster.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
What makes you think n27anuxi would know if they did? Does she have a portrait?

Yes she does.

Also, Gil is pain the ass to find randomly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
He's marked on the map but a lot of people don't know Vark exists because there's very little reason to wander out that way. Not really hidden intentionally.


He's marked on the map but a lot of people don't know Vark exists because there's very little reason to wander out that way. Not really hidden intentionally.

Yeah, I tend to forget about him, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
Yeah, I tend to forget about him, unfortunately.

Just kidding. He's honestly not designed to be that obtrusive, I assume he'll get more attention after the expansion. Also, to avoid making this thread randomly about me, have you done Wetraxxel stuff? He's also isolated in a weird place and has a fair bit of content. He's not technically hidden but nothing would prompt you to visit his area.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Also, Gil is pain the ass to find randomly.
I forgot about him. Just buy this one specific Transformative, from one merchant, and don't take it immediately.

He's not even in the codex.

He and his hounds are pretty good sources of XP, and they're less annoying to fight than the other stuff in the area. No drops (other than the rares that can come from anything), though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
I forgot about him. Just buy this one specific Transformative, from one merchant, and don't take it immediately.

He's not even in the codex.

He and his hounds are pretty good sources of XP, and they're less annoying to fight than the other stuff in the area. No drops (other than the rares that can come from anything), though.
I think he doesn't have a codex because he's the only actual character that's a Wetraxxel. iirc there are some supposedly milling around the fort/city/whatever that Taivra lives in, and his wives exist, but none of them are real characters except him. I kinda want to write one eventually.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
There's a bunch of stuff that doesn't happen/doesn't proc if you don't read *all* the codex entries; the appearance of SkinClear is the first one to come to mind. There's also a bunch of NPCs that only show up within narrow time windows or require a series of actions to unlock. There's a lot of stuff that IMO you'd only come across by reading the backer release postings, or reading the wiki/source code when they're updated.

I think the single most difficult (well, 'time consuming") thing to do in the entire game is unlock all the fiction codex entries. Easiest to unlock but easiest to miss is Tanis.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Speaking of Tanis, how about his Bow Training? You have to talk to him while you have a bow equipped or in your inventory, but coming back from the abandoned Xenogen camp doesn't count. The Primitive Bow is terrible, and Carl doesn't sell the Shock Bow until level 6. If you trained with him, did you train enough for Concussive Shot? Did you train enough to get his unique Bow? You aren't guaranteed to get an Aim increase each time, either, so you might not.
Also, setting up the Waterfall/Zil Village taxi relay.

Fetch & Carry are really hard to make appear. Or maybe it's just me.

The cave on the South Eastern edge of Uveto?, the one that enables Milodan Priestesses (and apparently starts an unfinished side-quest).
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Speaking of Tanis, how about his Bow Training? You have to talk to him while you have a bow equipped or in your inventory, but coming back from the abandoned Xenogen camp doesn't count. The Primitive Bow is terrible, and Carl doesn't sell the Shock Bow until level 6. If you trained with him, did you train enough for Concussive Shot? Did you train enough to get his unique Bow? You aren't guaranteed to get an Aim increase each time, either, so you might not.
Also, setting up the Waterfall/Zil Village taxi relay.

The cave on the South Eastern edge of Uveto?, the one that enables Milodan Priestesses (and apparently starts an unfinished side-quest).
I've never realized these were considered difficult. For Tanis I suppose it's my fault, as soon as the bow training was implemented I was there to do it, and I've done it every time I started a new game.

The Priestess though, I really don't get. I make sure to cover every area of the map in every game that has one, "There's no such thing as Optional Content".

Of course, there is technically optional content, like preg stuff or choosing mean dialogue, but I like the finality of the statement.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I've never realized these were considered difficult...

"There's no such thing as Optional Content".
I'm bringing them up as potentially hidden. It's hard for those of us who have been playing for awhile to really know what a new player might consider hidden or unintuitive. We also don't know what n27anuxi has or hasn't done.

"There is such a thing as Unfinished Content, the results of which will be unclear for years of real life time, possibly forever".

The Frostwyrm might also be a bit weird. First loss, you live and are let go, second loss is a Bad End. Lesson: Avoid losing! You need to win 3 times, then lose. Possible, but you have to be at the point where you win more than you lose, but winning isn't guaranteed. She's also found only on the furthest edge of the map, with nothing else of interest (aside from the Milodan Priestess cave). The Frostwyrm is good XP, but otherwise drops nothing of value, so you're unlikely to farm her. In the future, it will be entirely possible for someone to skip Uveto and come back later, equipped enough they'd have to lose on purpose.

Using the Rat's Raiders against your Cousin:
To my knowledge, all of this is required:
1. Rat's Raiders only start appearing 3 days after landing on Zheng Shi, and you've seen the event with Urbolg.
2. Encounter them 4 times.
3. Get reputation to 50+ (Be Nice gives +11).
4. Notice and choose Not Enemies.
5. Read the Rodenian Codex Entry.
6. See the Christmas scene with them on your ship. (I was unable to trigger this on testing. Wiki says 25% chance when boarding your ship. Either I was insanely unlucky, or tistheseason doesn't enable it. ??? does not seem to show up without it.)
7. Encounter your Cousin.
In short, you need to delay the confrontation with your Cousin and it has to be Christmas in the real world. The button doesn't appear at all unless you qualify for the scene, giving you no hint it even exists.

I don't know how the game chooses between the Sylveren and the Corona Lord.
Just wanted to add: All I know is, the Sylveren has the greatest chance to show up when I'm unprepared for her.


The cave on the South Eastern edge of Uveto?, the one that enables Milodan Priestesses (and apparently starts an unfinished side-quest).

I literally stumbled upon this running from Frosty. It's well-hidden, for sure.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
What about the Broken Psi Amp? Currently useless, but maybe very useful later.

1. Reach level 6.
2. Get Zaalt's Distress Call. (Which is often recommended for unlocking Uveto early.)
3. Choose to Help Him.
4. When he attacks you, win, then choose to Help Him instead of Killing Him or turning him over to the Authorities.
5. Collect your sweet, sweet, 10K credits. Wait...
Scratch all that.

1. Go to Myrellion, meet Kara at the bar.
2. Don't turn her in. Get paid your 1K credits.
3. Reach level 8 or retrieve the Probe. Get contacted by Kara.
4. Do Kara's 2nd Quest.
5. Don't betray Kara, don't lose to Amara Faell.
6. Get Zaalt's distress call. etc.
7. Choose to Interrupt.
8. Choose No.

Wily Rodent

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2021
This is the TiTS forum, not CoC. Please do not practice necromancy or other kinds of sorcery here.


Active Member
Aug 23, 2022
Does Shade count? I remember with my first character I completely missed the fact that she's your half-sister, and my second current character missed it again as I didn't do things in the right order for the dna-scan scene to trigger. Also if you jump into Kara's stuff too quickly you'll get locked out from Shade for the rest of the game.

And I'm not sure if this counts either, but if the character is fully galotian, there's a certain Kelly scene(s) where the game recognizes that you're a galotian and modifies some some paragraphs and describes how "accommodating" your body is.