Racial Abilities


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I remember in CoC that the player could get abilities based on what creature type they were. Ghost players could posses people, dragon players could breath fire, 9-tailed foxes had their own set of abilities. In TiTS, I can only think of a few races that get abilities or perks based on belonging to their race. The red myr have that lust spit, and the gold myr have that boob storage container thing. Are there any other races that give you extra things beyond cosmetic changes?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Currently being avoided. They want to avoid encouraging people to be something they don't want to be for something they want or all being the same thing so until some plan comes along that works there will be no racial things that don't stay if race changes.
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Aug 26, 2015
The general goal is to avoid racial abilities, but consistency is for chumps so there are of course exceptions:

  • Having vanae milk will give you the Vanae Milk Squirt special attack, which is like teasing only without the fun.  I haven't really tested how it fares compared to teasing damage-wise because I prefer honey milk, but I gather it's similar.  Could be useful if revised to do Drug damage like it probably should.
  • Being sufficiently kui-tan will give you the Nuki Drunk perk, causing you to get drunk slower and sober up slower.  There aren't a lot of times this is useful but it's a thing.
  • Being sufficiently kui-tan and having balls will give you the Nuki Nuts perk, causing your balls to inflate with your cum volume.  I find it gross but you might be into it.
  • Gold and Orange Pills can give you the Myr Honeypot perk, causing you to lose thickness and gain milk over time.  It's a thing if you're into that, I might use it on occasion.
  • Red and Orange Pills can give you the Myr Venom perk, causing you to do a bit of lust damage on melee attacks.  This is the only one that's a net positive to your combat ability, yet another reason red myr and their venom are the worst.
  • The Treatment does a bunch of stuff to you that makes you stupid and weak-willed but jacks up your teasing capabilities to compensate.  Doesn't affect normal gameplay all that much, but helpful if you want to play a bimbo or brute character.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
;_; It wasn't meant to be that way. 

Well you still can rework it. Like your Vanae area exp. still sit in backlog and that was only part of it anyway so still few more times when that part of game will be touched, thus some moments you can give devs reworked vanae milk (with more fun factor ^^).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[...] yet another reason red myr and their venom are the worst.

Amen to that. Always avoid aphrodisiacs and other mind-altering substances when I can. Hell, I might just choose the Golds over the Reds simply due to that, when the Myrellion story-line is finished. (That, and they would probably integrate into the UGC better than their red counterparts.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
That, and they would probably integrate into the UGC better than their red counterparts.

I don't know about that. The gold queens seem pretty snob and xenophobic to me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't know about that. The gold queens seem pretty snob and xenophobic to me.

Not sure how you can justify "xenophobia" in such a short time since first contact. Any diplomatic mishaps can be chalked down to unfamiliarity with a foreign culture, such as when Steele asks one of the Queens about egglaying. The Myr have no idea what birthing live young feels like, and it therefore comes off as being insensitive or downright rude. The reds might act friendly, though I get the feeling they would end up much like the Dzaan or Thraggen, a very warlike species cordoned off by the UGC, barred from any meaningful interaction at a national or planetary level. Honestly, removal of spit-glands from Reds via genetic engineering seems like the best option for any long-term solution. That, or forcibly turning all Myr into Orange Myr via the use of aerosols.

Just my 0.02 bucks on the matter.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Not sure how you can justify "xenophobia" in such a short time since first contact. Any diplomatic mishaps can be chalked down to unfamiliarity with a foreign culture, such as when Steele asks one of the Queens about egglaying. The Myr have no idea what birthing live young feels like, and it therefore comes off as being insensitive or downright rude.

Regarding xenophobia, I may have used a stronger word than intended, or misunderstood -English is not my native laguage. I was actually referring to this :

In Gildenmere, Myrellion :

  1. Northeast checkpoint : "From the sound of it, Queen Girella is a tad xenophobic."
  2. Southeast checkpoint : "You get the impression that offworlders aren’t welcome in that part of the city"
  3. Southwest checkpoint : "One stern look in your direction tells you all you need to know: they won’t let aliens pass"
  4.  Northwest checkpoint : "they’re only letting myr pass through the checkpoint. Offworlders like yourself aren’t welcome"
I mean, I get that the writers had to explain why Gildenmere wasn't bigger, but when I read this, I perceived this as some Gold Queens being xenophobic. Unless the Golds were being overly cautious because the UGC threatens them with total anihilation if they try to nuke the Reds -which is understandable- and they were wary of alien spies seeking to sell them out to the Reds, but still...

I also may be biaised because the Golds use chemical warfare and don't take prisoners because they kill everyone, which makes me side more with the Reds.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I also may be biaised because the Golds use chemical warfare and don't take prisoners because they kill everyone, which makes me side more with the Reds.

It's partially accurate, much like the French in WW1, the Golds were the *first* to use chemical weapons. The Reds enslave their prisoners (trenchwives) with venom, which, in my opinion, is worse than outright executing them.

I don't have much love for the Golds either, though. They're way too idealistic and out-of-touch. If not for the venom, I'd totally support the Reds.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I don't have much love for the Golds either, though. They're way too idealistic and out-of-touch. If not for the venom, I'd totally support the Reds.

Well tbh I think choosing between the Golds and Red is supposed to be a difficult choice. For instance, I really dislike the Red's tough military society and rigid system, but I draw the line at killing people in a painful, horrifying manner (ie chemical warfare). That said, the Reds were ready to launch an atomic bomb on the Golds, so it's pretty much even stevens in the end.

EDIT : we should probably start a new thread to discuss Golds vs Reds not to derail this one though.
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