Race Percentage Overflow?


New Member
Dec 11, 2018
Why do the race percentages in the codex overflow? I encountered this in an earlier game, now I'm in a brand new game as a pure human and I'm 150%. Wat?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
It takes 4 of 6 human traits to be considered human, 150% just means you have 6 human traits. So it doesn't mean Steele is 150% human, it means Steele has 150% of the number of traits needed to be considered human.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I admit that it can be a bit confusing. My PC ended up being 250% avian and 25% canine, despite not having taken any canine TF at all...


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Most body parts contribute to at least one racial score. Take human face, which contributes to human, ausar, kathrit, ovir, etc. etc. racial scores. When your score for any particular race is above a threshold, you qualify as having that race as "what race you are". If multiple races qualify, the race with the highest score is chosen. If no races qualify, you are defined as a "alien hybrid".

As a side note: most variants for races (such as tiger shark for shark) generally have less point contribution per body part, but have a defining feature that grant a large bonus to that score, and a corresponding penalty to the more generalized race, if and only if your generalized race score would be above a threshold.

If you want to see how this works in real time, go play CoC Xianxia. The appearance window has a submenu that displays all your racial score. Toss around transformations and you can see how some common body parts affect many scores, and how some related scores (such as harpy and phoenix) interact with each other.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
May I all remind you that having a male-looking Kathrit Cuntboy is a physical impossibilety and one is automatical a half-pussy, EXCEPT if you grow wings, for reasons I can not grasp with my silly mortal mind.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
May I all remind you that having a male-looking Kathrit Cuntboy is a physical impossibilety and one is automatical a half-pussy, EXCEPT if you grow wings, for reasons I can not grasp with my silly mortal mind.
The isssue there may be that you went too masculine for the race score? I've not tried making a dick-wielding super masc kath before so this is all conjecture.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
The isssue there may be that you went too masculine for the race score? I've not tried making a dick-wielding super masc kath before so this is all conjecture.
I know, afterall, the standart male kathrit is a Trap, as far as the game is concerned, what makes the creation of a cuntboy a challange.

The thing is, one does count as a kathrith if one has wings. I was not 'not kathrit enogth' but 'too human'.
That means that my Kathrith-Score was good enogth, but my high human score (Same vagina, facestructure, ectra... Usuall stuff) meant that my Half-Kathrith score was higher then my Kathrit-one.

My problem is that when the score is good enogth to accept you as a full on kathrit, it should not even consider to place you as a halfkathrit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, seems like something a coder should look into. Toss a bug report, maybe? Someone will either get to it or find it impossible.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2017
Carl's backyard
Too Human!

You ever play that game? I only got it years after the servers died, and it was clearly on online game, so it was difficult but fun.

Always wanted to. Norse legend mixed with cyberpunk, created by the studio that gave us Blood Omen and Eternal Darkness. Gotta grab a copy at some point.