Can someone explain to my why a wand (Specifically the Mage Wand from Hawkethorn) is an off hand weapon? The spellbook I get, but why would a wand be one?
Can someone explain to my why a wand (Specifically the Mage Wand from Hawkethorn) is an off hand weapon? The spellbook I get, but why would a wand be one?
Because you cannot really hurt somebody with a wand, it is too small and fragile to be used as a bludgeon. Therefore, it isn't a "weapon" but a spellcasting focus.
This was before we had any "ranged magical weapons" like the Rods that do an arcane blasty kind of basic attack -- that was never in the game's original design spec.
Alright, fair enough. Thank you everyone for answering this. Was ready to tackle the game with a spell book and a wand like a little sorcerer would, and rusty knife threw me for a loop.