Questions About Alternate Starting Planet


Well-Known Member
I know that the alternative starting planet is still being developed but I had a few questions about it. Also I already know that the theme of this alternate starting planet will be a post apocalyptic theme ala Mad Max, and I know that they already came up with a name for this planet I just forgot what it was.

First of all will the alternate starting planet have a probe too? And if so how will the whole thing with the rival be settled? Will Jack/Jill go after the same one as you, or will they just go after the probe on Mhen-ga leaving you to go after the probe by yourself? If the alternate starting planet also has a probe would it lead you to Tarkus just like the probe on Mhen-ga? How would one gain access to the alternate starting planet? Would you just have the choice between the new starting planet or Mhen-ga at the beginning?

I know some if these questions may not be answerable and will probably just be up for speculation but maybe if a Mod finds this thread they could shed some light on the subject.
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