Question about giving Saendra Credits


New Member
Oct 6, 2015
Uhhh yeah, i'll just get straight to the point.
After finishing the "Fools Rush In" (distress call) arc, and saving her friend the option becomes avaiable to give her some credits to repair her ship.
It's just that she won't accept my money, saying i've done already enough for her. Is there a way to give it to her? Is it something about having an amount of at least xy credits?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
You can only give her credits if you fail to save the friend (as in don't save him before the one week time runs out after doing the fight against the assasins in the dark deck), since you succeeded in it the friend gives her the codes she needs to get her ship rolling so she doesn't need the credits from you.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
You can only give her credits if you fail to save the friend (as in don't save him before the one week time runs out after doing the fight against the assasins in the dark deck), since you succeeded in it the friend gives her the codes she needs to get her ship rolling so she doesn't need the credits from you.

The problem, as I see it, is that  the toolltip doesn't make this clear. Since Saen ends up being broke and with a half-dead ship even when you manage to save her friend and get the codes, it's natural for PC to interpret the option as 'giving her money to help with the Phoenix'.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The problem, as I see it, is that  the toolltip doesn't make this clear. Since Saen ends up being broke and with a half-dead ship even when you manage to save her friend and get the codes, it's natural for PC to interpret the option as 'giving her money to help with the Phoenix'.

It was talked some time ago how not wise is to let Saendra let out in half-repaired ship on the next adventure. Savin said he will think over option added that will allow us give her credits even after rescuing that technician. But that for now song of the future along with follow-up quest after Fools Rush In.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That does create an odd tension, where the "best" option seems to be failing Fools Rush In and letting her friend/contact die. Sort of a feel-bad situation, and there's no reason for the character him/herself to know it, but knowing what I know I don't think I can let myself send Saendra out into space with a mostly blowed up ship.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Why is giving her money a better option than helping her save someone's life (and missing out on the best weapon in the game)?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's the conflict; giving her money doesn't feel like a better option, but the distinct implication has been that if you don't give her money, she goes off on her adventure in a ship that is decidedly unspaceworthy and it comes back to bite her.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
the distinct implication has been that if you don't give her money, she goes off on her adventure in a ship that is decidedly unspaceworthy and it comes back to bite her.

That sounds exceedingly sounds unlikely. Bear in mind that you're going with her, and it's not like they'll just go "whoops, your spaceship had a leak, Game Over."

You talking about the Secure MP?  

No, I'm talking about all the other weapons you can only get if you help Saen rescue that mechanic.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Snarky comments aside, I'm not drawing this from thin air; I was coming to those conclusions from author comments on previous threads. Not to the extent that an unrepaired ship meant an automatic bad end, but that it was definitely a negative. I'd love to be wrong, for the record.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Saendra's not just some chick with a spaceship and a bukkake fetish, she's an experienced space pirate who was apparently good enough to be a pretty major player in the Black Void. I'm willing to assume she knows what she's doing, and has resources off of Tavros she can tap to get the Phoenix up and running. Her main concern seems to be getting the docking codes so she can get off the station.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
True, but the engineer who said her ship isn't spaceworthy is confirmed to be Vahn, who definitely knows what he's talking about and has the benefit of being unbiased. Seandra desperately wants to get off station and seems to have a history of somewhat rash decisions. Vahn's only concern is that of a spaceship engineer trying to do his job and maintain standards of safety.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Well, I certainly wouldn't want to fly it, but the Rash Space Captain with a Dark Past, Unusual Space Buddy, and Flying Slagheap is a pretty standard setup. Since she's already on her way to being TiTS Han Solo, I guess I'm more willing to accept that everything is going to work out fine, possibly with thrilling offscreen adventure that gets a passing reference later. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Well have you considered that she might have other reasons to want to get off Tavros asap, such as an army of space pirates with a grudge knowing that she is there as shown in the Fools Rush In?


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Well, sure, I considered it, but since Captain "I always have more room on my ship for people I can do sex at" Steele is there, like, the whole time, I figure there must be something more to it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I thought they were putting in an option to donate money even if you succeed on that quest. Can't remember where I read it though.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Saendra's not just some chick with a spaceship and a bukkake fetish

I DUNNO, that sums her up pretty well.

True, but the engineer who said her ship isn't spaceworthy is confirmed to be Vahn

Is it? I assumed it would be Zeke Entara (who actually runs the place, versus Vahn who just works on your ships), but whatever. Same end-result.

Well, sure, I considered it, but since Captain "I always have more room on my ship for people I can do sex at" Steele is there, like, the whole time, I figure there must be something more to it.

Depends. I think if Saen's proven anything, it's that she's prideful to the point of self-endangerment. Unless her back's so hard against the wall her bones are creaking, she won't even accept a loan/gift from you. There's no way she'd abandon her baby (ship) and her entire lifestyle just to become Happy Crew Waifu #5. Even if the Phoenix was nothing more than a chunk of scrap metal with a booster rocket strapped to it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Depends. I think if Saen's proven anything, it's that she's prideful to the point of self-endangerment. Unless her back's so hard against the wall her bones are creaking, she won't even accept a loan/gift from you. There's no way she'd abandon her baby (ship) and her entire lifestyle just to become Happy Crew Waifu #5. Even if the Phoenix was nothing more than a chunk of scrap metal with a booster rocket strapped to it.

I think when her ship become just few debris flying into space she would get on PC ship...and asap get some other ship ot leave PC ship and go for another risky adventure ^^ But that just my thoughts, which you may not agree with anyway.

About credits thing - as many I hope for option in future about convincing her despite having codes to repeair more fully her ship with PC "donation" ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She won't take charity, so how about a guilt trip? "I helped you save your friend, now the least you could do to repay me is to TAKE MY MONEY!" Backwards as hell, but it might just work?


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Depends. I think if Saen's proven anything, it's that she's prideful to the point of self-endangerment. Unless her back's so hard against the wall her bones are creaking, she won't even accept a loan/gift from you. There's no way she'd abandon her baby (ship) and her entire lifestyle just to become Happy Crew Waifu #5. Even if the Phoenix was nothing more than a chunk of scrap metal with a booster rocket strapped to it.

Which was kinda my point. If she was just looking for a way out, well, Steele's ship is right there. She's got herself a plan, crazy as it may be, a ship, busted as it may be, an AI buddy, perverse as she may be, a robot hand, and a very poor sense of self-preservation. With those powers combined she's totally going to whoop some space pirate ass. Steele's probably going to help, of course, but she could totally do it on her own. Anyone who disagrees with that is probably going to taste her fancy new robo-pimphand.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I think when her ship become just few debris flying into space she would get on PC ship...and asap get some other ship ot leave PC ship and go for another risky adventure
Or steal Cpt. Steele's ship. She has a history of betraying people close to her for personal gain. I fully expect her to be the Long John Silver of her Treasure Plant quest.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Well, that I hadn't considered. Though I doubt she'd go for the Space Winnebago.

Now that it's in my head, there's a disturbing number of parallels though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Or steal Cpt. Steele's ship. She has a history of betraying people close to her for personal gain

Was there a memo I've missed? And since we are talking about treasure hunting, shoving money down her throat and calling it ' Steele funding their enterprise' has a decent chance of working.

Well, that I hadn't considered. Though I doubt she'd go for the Space Winnebago.

Now that it's in my head, there's a disturbing number of parallels though.

Wrong kind of prosthesis, no morality pet and, most importantly, not enough ruthless cut-throatery. 


Aug 26, 2015
Or steal Cpt. Steele's ship. She has a history of betraying people close to her for personal gain. I fully expect her to be the Long John Silver of her Treasure Plant quest.

Interesting.  I hadn't quite picked up on that, though I rarely get close to Saen so I've never done Fools Rush In.  I suspect I'd be more annoyed at the prospect if I liked her more, but as it stands I could see a spacefight where what Saen pilots against you is whatever you were piloting not too long ago.

Was there a memo I've missed?
I'm guessing it has to do with whatever gets said in the quest.

no morality pet



Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Wrong kind of prosthesis, no morality pet and, most importantly, not enough ruthless cut-throatery. 

The amputation is the key, not the location. Valeria could cover for both Jim and the parrot. She is a pirate, and a certain amount of ruthless cut-throatery is pretty much a given from that.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Was there a memo I've missed?

She was born to Black Void, and raised by Miriam Bragga's parents, they were practically sisters. She was going to be her second-in-command. Then she got her hands on the treasure map and promptly ditched her foster parents, her foster sister, and (one is forced to presume) most of her friends, so she could keep the treasure for herself (because apparently the cut for the XO wasn't enough).


Aug 26, 2015
For that matter Silver had a prosthetic arm in Treasure Planet.

So overall I'm not opposed, careful about it, okay, Savin?  Doing interesting things is fun and good, but going too far will likely make people who do like Saen more than I do, and thus the people most likely to see the content, unhappy.  Our goal shouldn't be to make people unhappy.  Myrellion served as a bit of a wake-up call for me on that.


Aug 26, 2015
I didn't say that's what I was going to do, just that it'd be pretty interesting.

I'm aware.  It's more of a generalized caution.  You might say I'm in a spooked mood at the moment, I'm not even quite sure how to articulate the concern.  Just...I've gone too far before as a writer, and regretted it later as a reader.
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