Question about Alraune's fate


New Member
Dec 16, 2017
So i'm at a bit of a crossroads over what to do about her after defeating her. if i'm reading the text right she is the only one of her kind at the moment as she does not know where she came from, and was basically corrupted by Kasyrra becoming the source of the corruption of the old forest.

If I end her life the garden is still corrupted and the flowers remain but the source is gone? but her children will still attack travellers in the forest. If I spare her life everything is still corrupted and the source is still there? and she continues to let her children attack people.

I kinda of see her as a victim in this so i feel bad if i kill her but the option for spearing her just seem to lead to some sex scenes and no real change in the forest. So my question is this, if i let her live is there any plans to uncorrupt her or fix the Forrest in the future?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Right now it really seems to be up to the player, without any long-term consequences of the choice. Most of my champions have spared her because yeah, I kind of feel sorry for her and feel she deserves a second chance since it wasn't really her doing and the champions think likewise. I've got a couple other champion runs where trying to play in-character as I've imagined them, they've killed her instead either because she's corrupted and that's that (I have a feeling that one is going to end up in either a lot of trouble or face a nasty moral dilemma later on as a result, but that's the fun of roleplaying) or because they really didn't fancy the requirement to get freaky with the plant-woman that literally oozes aphrodisiacs. So I guess eventually I'll find out what if any difference it makes other than the Alraune and Herald sticking around in the garden.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
There will be more to the Alraune, and the forest in general, later on. Right now the Effigies *narratively* do stop attacking people, but we opted not to disable their encounter since there's nothing to replace their scenes -- it's generally kind of shitty that you lose access to content for succeeding a quest (see: Arona). There's plans to make the Bimbo Hornets and Effigies have a consensual post-quest appearance so you can still access most of their scenes, but that's time and energy nobody's opted to put in yet, so for now the original encounters remain active. If I'd known it'd take me like a year to get around to Arona Companion I'd have done the same with her, too :p


There will be more to the Alraune, and the forest in general, later on. Right now the Effigies narratively do stop attacking people, but we opted not to disable their encounter since there's nothing to replace their scenes -- it's generally kind of shitty that you lose access to content for succeeding a quest (see: Arona). There's plans to make the Bimbo Hornets and Effigies have a consensual post-quest appearance so you can still access most of their scenes, but that's time and energy nobody's opted to put in yet, so for now the original encounters remain active. If I'd known it'd take me like a year to get around to Arona Companion I'd have done the same with her, too :p
If it's not too much to ask could you make it so we can spare the alraune without having sex?