

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
I have this crazy idea

Rather than 3 classes (tech specialist, smuggler, mercenary), a fourth one will be added, something more focused on willpower, this class uses psionics to aid themselves, its level signature trait is how it either passively gives Captain Steele a kinetic field if the shields deplete or increases lust attacks, etc.

With the introduction of PsiAmplifiers from the Uveto Kara quest, I think that this is a key accessory item that boost your abilities or provides some sort of defense, probably, psionics

Psionics aren't well presented on this game other than the Uveto scene, there's so much possibilities for such trait, from armor, weapons, accessories and many more

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
How crazy and completely new and unheard of.

Psionic content is a "late game" addition for the player. Uveto is a mild taste of it. It will be done up at a later date.

you mean like biotic's in mass effect?

i feel like that should be a learned skill or ability that upgrades you class