Project Event Dump Thread ***Submitted***


Jun 15, 2020
I've been stumped for over a month trying to formulate a little story using an amalgamation of things that blend well together. I will say... it's coming along very well.

I'll be frank, there is not and will not be a 50 page story and details explaining this whole project in the making. Instead, there will be trickles here and there of separate documents for NPCs, events, and implementations from a premade story bible to this here document: Khancepts

Understand these are mere concepts to be added as catalogs to the PC's Codex. Bits and pieces will be fleshed out in more detail from either NPCs or events.

UGC Carrier Port - Prerequisite to The Ebon Kawhk.
The Ebon Kawhk

The Deputy - Deuteragonist.
Manhunt Event (Razor & The Lord/Liege) - Staging Deuteragonist & Foil. Precondition to unlock fundamental characters and events.
Cloaked Figures (The Xarth Triad) - Staging Support. Prerequisite to Manhunt Event.
Wallae - Charmingly peculiar P-2 android posted in the inspection checkpoint.
UGC Overseers (The Prophet/Chief & The Paladin) - Top officers only conceived through banter among a coterie of loveable idiots.

At any point during this second week of March, every document shown so far will be submitted to hold and use for reviewing/testing purposes. I am absolutely confident and content with the current casts displayed, the concepts written out, and side story to take root. Now. Starting from here, the latter half of this 'prologue' will be finished. Transitional characters such as The Major, The Councilwoman, and potentially one more will be up next, and once that is done only then will this project experience its first big crack, ending off with a baby-mode quest primarily designed as an introduction to close all introductions. Most major characters met or heard of so far will be attending, with some making their first true debut.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2015
I'm incredibly confused after reading this. From what it sounds like though, this would probably be better suited for the ideas sub forum at this point in time.


Jun 15, 2020
I've been stumped for over a month trying to formulate a little story using an amalgamation of things that blend well together. I will say... it's coming along very well.

I'll be frank, there is not and will not be a 50 page story and details explaining this whole project in the making. Instead, there will be trickles here and there of separate documents for NPCs, events, and implementations from a premade story bible to this here document: Khancepts

Understand these are mere concepts to be added as catalogs to the PC's Codex. Bits and pieces will be fleshed out in more detail from either NPCs or events.

UGC Carrier Port - Prerequisite to The Ebon Kawhk.
The Ebon Kawhk

The Deputy - Deuteragonist.
Manhunt Event (Razor & The Lord/Liege) - Staging Deuteragonist & Foil. Precondition to unlock fundamental characters and events.
Cloaked Figures (The Xarth Triad) - Staging Support. Prerequisite to Manhunt Event.
Wallae - Charmingly peculiar P-2 android posted in the inspection checkpoint.
UGC Overseers (The Prophet/Chief & The Paladin) - Top officers only conceived through banter among a coterie of loveable idiots.

Every document shown so far has been submitted as of March 18, 2022. I am absolutely confident and content with the current casts displayed, the concepts written out, and side story to take root. Now. Starting from here, the latter half of this 'prologue' will be finished. Transitional characters such as The Major, The Councilwoman, and potentially one more will be up next, and once that is done only then will this project experience its first big crack, ending off with a baby-mode quest primarily designed as an introduction to close all introductions. Most major characters met or heard of so far will be attending, with some making their first true debut.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So I see what you've done is write several hundred pages of content all in your own little microcosm without talking to anybody on the staff about anything you're doing and then submitted it all at once. Edit: And looking back through your nine whole messages on the forum, you were even told this was a bad idea.

Not only have you made it basically impossible for us to review, but you've gone so far ahead that any changes that we did need to make -- like the name of the ship, which all by itself is enough to get this sent back for rewrites -- are going to be a massive pain in the ass to implement, if we even catch them in the massive walls of text.

Thanks a bunch.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
I don't mean to necro a dead thread I just gotta comment on the sheer stupidity of doing something like this. I don't know whether arrogance or some mental issue was at play but to go through with all of this even after multiple people who were far more experienced than you told you it was a bad idea is insane. I get having ideas that you want to get out there, I get being obsessive, but this game isn't your own personal playground, you are not writing in a bubble. If that's what you want then make it a personal project, make tabletop characters/campaigns, write a book, hell make your own game. If you want to contribute something to this game however it needs to make sense relative to the rest of the game and be written in a way that follows the rules. All you have done is waste your own time and everyone else's and the worst part is you probably don't even realize what you did wrong or care. I really hope you'll learn from this experience but judging by the fact that we even got to this point I'm guessing you won't.
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