Preset Request Thread (Xianxia)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Over the past week, i've ironed out a system for creating good but not overpowered presets with Ormael.  Now, the system is here.  Look through the GDoc link bellow, and put your request bellow.  Disclaimer: This is for CoC Xianxia, not Kitteh's Revamp mod.  

Preset GDoc Link

Here is what your request should look like (It doesn't need to look exactly like this, but it needs to have all the information for your preset and that information needs to be presented clearly)

Premade: Yes/No  (A Premade character comes with preset gender, complexion, build, hair color, genitals, breasts(or lack of) affinity and history.  If a character is not a premade, then you can choose from the usual, limited selection with every character made)
Description (This is what shows up as your past history or brief explanation)
Spells? no/vanilla/yes (vanilla start with charged weapon, blind, whitefire, arouse, heal, might.  yes: start with vanilla plus charged armor, blizzard, blink, ice spike.  Keep in mind you need a high enough starting int to start with spells.  The int requirements are  20/25/30/35/40)
Appearance (Premade Only: Skin/Fur/Scales, Build, hair color, genitals, breasts(or none). affinity(or multiple), history(or multiple))
(Other selections (choose-able regardless of premade, defaults are human/none): Face, horns, antenna, tongue, ear, wings, arms, legs, tail)
Stats (Str, Tough, Speed, Int, Lib, Sensitivity, Corr)
Starting equipment (Defaults are no weapon, comfortable clothes, bra/shirt, panties/loincloth, no accessory)
History: if not premade
Affinity: if not premade

Keep in mind you start with 15 in all stats, gain 2/2/1/0 if male, gain -1/0/4/2 if female, and gain 0/1/2/1 if herm, and possibly an additional 5 with affinity

No Premade
Description: You've always had a knack for all things strange and magical, and its readily apparent in your appearance.  No wonder you were chosen to be sent through the portal.
Appearance: Face: Naga, Tongue: Dragon, Ears: Fox, Wings: Cockvine, Tail: 3 Kitsune
Spells: Vanilla
Stats: 25 str/25 tough/30 speed/45 int/30 libido/15 sensitivity
Starting equipment: Wizard Staff, Robes, no undertop, comfortable loincloth
(Note, by my calculations this should take 38 out of the 40 points.  No points spent on form, 3 on spells, 5 on equipment, rest on stats)

Why isn't this integrated into character creation?
Several reasons.  The biggest one is that if this was put into character creation, it would kill the existing special names.  (Keep in mind that many of the special names allow you to start with stats and perks not allowed by this system.) However, he idea of portions of this being integrated into post ascension character creation is being toyed around with.  We'll see how that turns out.  

Why is this in a separate thread?
We figure there is about a 50/50 chance this will offend the Analmancer's boner.   If and when this gets veto'd, at least this thread and not the original Xianxia mod thread will be closed.

Keep in mind that a lot of this is still subject to further fine tuning. 
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
Alright! Let's give this a try!

Name: Claire

Pre-made: Yes. Female. Average Build. Fair Complexion. White Hair. C Breasts. Affinity: Speed. History: Scout.

Description: You're an accomplished pirate that has long since become bored of the local seas. Upon your return to your Ingram, your hometown, you are suddenly made champion. You're very excited, after all, you're going to an unknown land with plunder just ripe for the taking.

Appearance: Completely human.

Spells: No.

Stats: 15 Str/ 25 Tough/ 43 Speed/ 17 Int/ 25 Lib/ 15 Sen

Starting Equipment: Medium Back Pack. Tight Leather Pants. Comfortable Bra. Comfortable Panties. Flintlock pistol. (Assumed to be 10 points but I didn't see it in the gdoc, so will edit if value is different.)

Here is the Calculation for the points (Just a way to check to make sure I didn't screw anything up.):

+10 Tough- 5 points

+20 Speed- 10 points (Note: Additional points come from speed affinity, and female bonus.)

+10 Libido- 5 points

Medium Back Pack- 10 points

Flintlock Pistol- 10 points

Total: 40/40 points spent.
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Oct 7, 2016
Spent way too long on this lol


Yes: Female, Light Skin, 5'0" tall, Slender build, White hair, A-cups
Affinity: Smarts 
History: Schooling

A human girl who studied magic, and accidentally dabbled into Black Magic, which ended corrupting her; Turning
her into a Half-Demon. As a Half-Demon in Ingnam, people would ridicule and discriminate her constantly,
until one day she snapped, and accidentally killed people in the process. The people
of Ingnam no longer turned a blind eye and voted to exile her, forcing her
to become a champion, and to go through the portal to Mareth.


Appearance: (I hope this isn't too in-depth)
Horns: Demon, 2 horns
Antennae: None
Hair color: White
Hair type: Human
Hair length: 24 inches (61 cm)
Beard: None
Tongue: Human
Eyes: Human
Ears: Elfin (goblin TF)
Face: Human, feminine (80/100 femininity)
Breats: 2 breasts, A-cups, 1 nipple per breast, 0.2-inch nipples (0.5cm)
Skin: Human, light tone, smooth adjective
Arms: Human
Wings: None
Legs: Demonic claws (male variant)
Genitals: 1 virgin human vagina, 1-inch clit (2.5 cm), compact butt (3/20 butt)
Tail: Demonic
Piercings: None
Build: 5'0", Lithe frame (0/100 frame), untoned muscles (0/100 muscles), girly hips (6/20 hips & thighs)

Stats: (Female bonus + Affinity + 0 cost Lib, Sen, Cor taken into account)
16 Str / 15 Tou / 39 Spe / 60 Int / 50 Lib / 15 Sen / 50 Cor 

Starting Equipment:
Tube top, Wizard Staff, No Upper underwear, No Lower underwear

Point Calculation:
+ Tube Top - 0p
+ 2 Strength - 1p
+ 38 Intelligence - 19p
+ 20 Speed - 10p
+ Wizard Staff - 5p
+ Spells - 5p
Total: 40 / 40p
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