

Oct 28, 2015
I've been repeatedly taking anal from Miranda in hopes of getting pregnant, but after at least ten tries, nothing seems to be happening. What are the odds of getting pregnant? (I have the mpreg perk.)


I just set my fertility to 100.00 through save editing and it still isn't doing anything. Is male pregnancy just not fully implemented yet or what?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
I think I read from somewhere that Miranda specifically never will get you pregnant because she doesn't want children. Not sure of that though.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Klaital has the right of it. Miranda's pregnancy content is locked away until and unless you recruit her in act 2. Alder has been sitting on plans to write some in-game conversation material that makes this clear, but he's basically never gotten it done. So, yeah, much as I'd like to use this to poke him towards getting that little info done at last so we can avoid this confusion in the future... I can't.

If you want to get your character pregnant, you'd be best served by picking a sire who actually has some content for siring offspring. Which, at this point, is some of the random encounters, and I don't know which ones. Bunnies I'm confident are, and apparently it's possible to get knocked up by Orchid somehow, but as for the wild lizans, cats, naga or stallion... no clue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
The stallion at least can get you pregnant, happened to my character once. More specifically, it happened from using the 'ride him' option after defeating the horses.
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Active Member
Nov 19, 2015
Don't do Zebras. They derp out in the Nursery. 

One ERROR in zebra.qShort() child. 

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
To build on this topic, why don't we try and figure out a list of the NPCs in the game who have the capacity to impregnate a PC? Ignoring followers, as well as Miranda and Cale (who for lore reasons take contraceptives so they won't become deadbeat dads), these are the phallus-equipped NPCs I'm aware of. However, I don't know whether or not they feature the sorts of sex scenes to make pregnancy possible.

Randy Stallion-morph: Crossroads encounter

Bunnies: Crossroads encounter

Feral Cat-morph (herm and male): Crossroads and Hills encounter

Herm Naga: Desert encounter

Lizan (male): Desert encounter

Feral Wolf: Forest encounter

Zebra Shaman: Hills encounter

I think most of these have scenes for penetrating the PC's vagina (if they have one), but I don't know what ones, if any, have scenes for anally penetrating a PC, which makes the mpreg trait harder to take advantage of at the moment. The bunnies are the only ones I know for a fact have a "fuck PC's ass" sex scene as either a win or a loss option.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
^There is also the Gryphon Morph from the Shadow Lady brothel. Unless that's been changed.

*Edit* I think you have to be enough of a gryphon morph in order to get the pregnancy to trigger, IIRC.
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New Member
Nov 27, 2015
It could be that my save is a bit bugged and some of these aren't supposed to happen, I have this bad habit of turning on debug, play around with items and such; then forget and save the game.

Having said that, here is a snip from my nursery:

One infernal child, fathered by Magnus.
Two canid children, fathered by Terry.
Two chimerous children, fathered by Layla.

I I think they all may have been from the Mpreg trait, cant remember exactly.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
so far i have these kids from the mpreg perk 

One canid child, fathered by Terry.Four leporine children.One chimerous child, fathered by Layla.One canid child, fathered by Cale.One satyr child, fathered by Estevan.One reptilian child.Two demonic children, fathered by Magnus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Get some anal experience, ask Rosaline for enchancement potion, bring potion to Jeanne for completed recipe.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
is there a list of the npcs that a male/herm character can impregnate?

Currently it's just Isla (ferret morph in the Hills) and placeholder content for Terry and, I think, Layla.

I want my male PC get pregnant. How can I have the mpreg perk?

You need to either complete Cale's transformation into a buttslutt or have anal sex 10+ times (pitching and catching both count), then speak to Rosalin. She'll give you the basic recipe for Anusol and a free sample of it. Take a sample, either from Rosalin or one you brewed, to Jeanne, and she'll teach you how to make Anusol+. Be aware that you aren't guaranteed to get the mpreg trait when you drink Anusol+, you may need to drink multiple vials to get the trait. When you get the TF message about a strange warmth in your stomach that makes you hold your belly, you've gotten the trait.