
Oh jeez

Dec 14, 2016
Is it possible to get others pregnant as a male or do you have to give birth to the baby as a female/herm?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
This is what Savin gets when he leaves create topic permissions on here.

Anyway yeah, there are some NPCs you can impregnate.


New Member
Dec 5, 2016
Why doesn't increasing your character's fertility also increase the number of children your character can have? I increased my character's fertility to 1000%, only to find that it had no overall change to the amount of children birthed. Maybe the stat is only supposed to increase the likelihood of the character getting pregnant, but logically, if the virility and amount of a male's semen remains unchanged but the fertility of the female' womb increases over time, shouldn't the amount of children able to be born also increase over time?

P.S. I tried this experiment multiple times with the same NPC. Nothing changed except the time, lust levels, and fertility levels. There are no other factors to be considered in this problem.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I know some pregnancy's are affected by fertility, for example if Sera knocks you up you'll likely get triplets because the fertility was ramped up to the max during her impregnating you scene to insure you actually got pregnant. So I'd presume this affects other NPC's too, but it might only work when the PC gets pregnant, and not when its NPC's that are getting knocked up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2016
I know some pregnancy's are affected by fertility, for example if Sera knocks you up you'll likely get triplets because the fertility was ramped up to the max during her impregnating you scene to insure you actually got pregnant. So I'd presume this affects other NPC's too, but it might only work when the PC gets pregnant, and not when its NPC's that are getting knocked up.

I've birthed 5 kids from Sera at once before on accident by raising my fertility to 1000, and proccing the scene twice (with 2 vaginas). I say 'accidentally' because I was tired and didn't mean to procc the scene twice but w/e.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
I've been wondering about the fertility speed and quantity modifiers. Is there any way to change those without save editing? What does the quantity modifier even do?


New Member
Dec 5, 2016
I know some pregnancy's are affected by fertility, for example if Sera knocks you up you'll likely get triplets because the fertility was ramped up to the max during her impregnating you scene to insure you actually got pregnant. So I'd presume this affects other NPC's too, but it might only work when the PC gets pregnant, and not when its NPC's that are getting knocked up.
Let me clarify: I used a male NPC to get my female character pregnant. However, the amount of children born didn't change, regardless of how high I increased my character's fertility

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
There are probably perks or status effects that affect pregnancy.

I don't remember the formula for children birthed, but it could vary from NPC to NPC. Ask Nonesuch in regards to Sera.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There are probably perks or status effects that affect pregnancy.

I don't remember the formula for children birthed, but it could vary from NPC to NPC. Ask Nonesuch in regards to Sera.

- Increases the speed at which your pregnancies progress.
(Increase fertility speed by 100%)

Breed Hungry - Increases speed that semen is created at and the pregnancy speed.

having both of those perks helps speed up pregnancy.

This perk increase % of how much easier it is to get prego.

Fertility - Increases your odds of getting pregnant.
(Increase fertility by 15%.)

And of course there's items in the game that allow you to increase your characters fertility, one of the ovilium eggs you lay and another 1 or 2 items you can buy from a merchant.