(Pregnancy - Optional) Sombionic – Sex Combat 'n Monsters! (3D)


Dec 25, 2023
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Shoot monsters and have sex with them during combat! In Sombionic you play as a female scientist fighting monsters and genetically engineered humans, harvesting their rare genes and organs for your own inventory.


ADVANCED TREE-BASED SEX SYSTEM. (Media below has NSFW variant in-game)
The animation system allows you to dive deeply within the tree structure and select animations based on parent nodes. Additionally, users can alter camera perspectives, explore various angles, execute abilities, engage in mini-games, and compete against AI opponents to score points.

animation tree.gif

Harvest a biomechanical heart, a mutated brain and synthetic lungs among various other organs to enhance your stats. Your body serves as your inventory.


Personalize your DNA by customizing colors, body shape, tattoos, skin markings, makeup and hair to create a unique appearance.

character creator.png

Once pristine habitats are now overrun by genetically enhanced species, their presence transforming these landscapes into biopunk arenas of rivalry.

  • Campaign
  • Roleplay
  • Boss War
  • Erotic Gallery



Subscribestar - https://subscribestar.adult/Sombionic


Steam (Wishlist)



Discord - https://discord.gg/n4QnGGVxUD

I’ll be active on the forum daily and I’m looking forward to your feedback and suggestions! Do you have any ideas about Biopunk enemies you’d like to see In the game? What sex animations you’d like me to include during combat? Are there any organs you want me to add in the game and what stats they could influence (currently added are: heart - max hp, lungs - speed, brain - fire rate)

Comment below any Biopunk abilities you’d like to see in the game for the main character or enemies or just anything else!

Thanks for reading my post ♥
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Dec 25, 2023
Welcome to v0.2 of Sombionic! Many new things were added including user reqested features, read below!

Don't forget to Wishlist the game on Steam!

• New H-Scene
• Enemies can romance you during combat
• Customize your character’s equipment – equip and unequip individual items: hair, glasses, gloves etc etc.. [read more about in the Steam's community hub]
• New Character type – Mutant.
• New Character type – Slime.
• Navigation System – Compass Points of Interest.


And much more…

Week 1:

• Skippable prologue (while playing it and from the menu).
• Checkpoints are now working correctly.
• Hold ‘E’ is converted to just Press ‘E’ in most of the cases, where it’s still hold, you will see a UI popup letting you know you should hold.
• The shooting range tutorial has only 1 task, which is a combination of the static & dynamic targets.
• The shooting targets count for the tutorial is reduced from 30 to 10 (but its repeatable if you wish).
• Enemy difficulty is toned down during the first level.
• If you break the collision in the cave level you won't fall down, but be teleported inside the cave again.
• Saving your progress after the level has been completed is fully working.
• Fixed full screen and windowed mode not switching.
• Small localization errors were fixed.
• Fixed small bugs in the UI.

Week 2 + 3:

• A new AI that stays in place and attacks – it will be used for tentacles and tanky characters that are optional to kill, but drop a decent loot.
• A new AI with low health, low movement speed, and a small target detection radius – Oh, am I making this guy weak on purpose? Exactly! This will be used as a pretty much lvl 1 creep that you can easily kill to heal yourself and it won’t be required to be eliminated in order to progress the level. I thought this could be much better than just spawning a lot of health packs you can freely pick.
• Added a default inventory when you first start the game – Melany’s Pigtails + Lab Girl’s outfit + M4 Rifle (+ A UI Update) – This will prepare it for v0.3 when you will be able to customize each individual item from your inventory and take it off.
• Pressing the “I” key opens the inventory rather than pressing ESC and then opening it manually.
• Updated the controller’s physics to be more consistent – should solve some going through walls issues while dashing.
• Changes to the romance scenes ability UI.

Week 4:

• Enemies can drop items that heal you upon interaction.
• Limit the amount of enemies and enemies of the same type that can attack you concurrently.
• Default crosshair, which is always visible even if you don’t aim with a gun. You can turn it off from the game settings, if you don’t want to see it.
• The player camera was moved to the right to give you a better view and going from non-ADS to ADS mode easier.
• Changes to lvl 1 in the Campaign's combat during quest 'Find the Lead' - added health pickups, decreased the amount of enemies on wave 3 and spawned more lower health creeps that drop health pickups when killed.
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Dec 25, 2023
Hello guys,

To those of you, who are interested to try it out, I’ve got good news that I’ve released a free demo on itch!

Download: https://melanyxin.itch.io/sombionicdemo

This is a trial version of my game with a few sex scenes, some of the features such as in-depth cloth customization are cut, some game modes are missing, but it’s enough for you to see the vision of the game and I’ll be waiting for your feedback.

If you want to get the latest builds updated every month, then you can support me on:

Patreon | Subscribestar

Now, with the free build people can see if they like the game before buying it and test how well it runs on their computers, even though I spent a lot of time optimizing the project.

Something which I didn’t expect when I released the first build was to receive a lot of requests for accessibility features such as:
  • Increasing the size of the font, UI etc.
  • Reading the dialogues at your own pace, instead of automatically continuing the conversation.
If you want to help me you can wishlist on Steam, I will be hosting a free beta with limited spots in a few months and you will receive a message if you wishlist!

Again, I want to ask you to leave a comment letting me know what do you think about this trailer and any Biopunk mutants you'd like me to add to this game.




Dec 25, 2023
Hey guys,

This is the newest version 0.3 of my game introducing the Boss War game mode a new adult animation scene, achievements, buff system, scoreboard and many new things (patch notes below).

The rules of the game mode are simple - Slay mutants and harvest their flesh to summon the yellow buff. Defeat it, claim its powers, and use them to take down the rival boss. The first team to secure 3 victories claims the win and earns greater rewards.


Patreon or Subscribestar

Wishlist the game on Steam to get notifed when the free Beta releases (limited spots).



Boss War – New Game Mode +1 new map.

New adult animation scene with Melany x Kryth and Melany x Artilor.

Buff system – more info below.

Hotbar update – Pick up consumables from the ground and see them displayed above your health bar. Items like syringes and pills will help you heal.

Scoreboard to show your and enemy stats.

Updated the parasite ability of Melany to deal additional damage on impact and spawn a damage zone for 5 seconds, which will hurt enemies nearby.

Better spawn effects to all enemy characters

More customization options for Melany like transparent clothes.

And more…

New achievements.

Adult animations now support props (like chair, bed etc).

Added medkits that drop from enemies.

Myrmidalus added to the database (ESC – Dataset) of enemies.

Consumables picked up from the ground will now go directly into the Hotbar instead of the main inventory, eliminating the need to manually move them.

Buff system: You can pickup buffs that last a certain duration and could change anything from player stats to visuals like applying VFX. Currently, you will see that during the Boss War game mode when you pickup the yellow buff, your gun will glow yellow and your damage will increase while attacking the enemy boss for a certain duration.

Effects can be applied to the camera to create dramatic moments, such as making the camera shake when a boss lands a hit during combat.-Random music is picked during adult scenes.

Updated the rhythm game and it’s UI during animation scene.

Improved target selection for enemies: When an enemy attacks, it will choose the nearest available target point. Melee AI will prioritize positions in front of you to stay directly in your path, while ranged enemies will select target points on your sides to maintain distance.

Characters can be made to look in different directions, which is primarily useful for point-of-view (POV) cameras during animations or cutscenes.

Victory and Defeat screens

Loot rewards screen when you finish a level

Helpful notifications when you first enter an animation scene, introducing you to the UI.

Target Selection System: Currently in the early stages, with full implementation planned for v0.4. The AI will be able to select targets based on an interest rating, which can increase depending on factors like the amount of damage the target has inflicted on the AI or other variables, such as prioritizing the player or specific enemies.

Improvements to the animation system include assigning a unique ID to each character based on their animation. This will be particularly helpful when managing animations with multiple characters of the same type, allowing me to identify which character is playing a specific animation—such as assigning them a different look-at target.

Better loop drops system with item min / max amount, drop percentage and more customization.


Dec 25, 2023
Hi guys!

Play this build while getting ready for the Christmas event, complete with festive cosmetics dropping later this month!

Play now on Patreon or Subscribestar
Wishlist the game on Steam to secure your spot in the free beta when it launches—spaces will be limited!




  • Character Creator: Big breasts, Small breasts, Big butt, Wide hips, Big arms, Thin eyebrows, Long nails, Stomach bulges.
  • New H-Animation.
  • Emote System: Express yourself during gameplay with a variety of emotes, from yoga poses to dances and more.
  • Tentacle Enemy: Introducing the first trap enemy type. The Tentacle lies hidden until you get too close, then it strikes swiftly before retreating back into hiding.
  • Stun Enemies: When you shoot enemies, they glow, play a unique stun animation, and enter a hit state loop, enhancing the gunplay experience and making combat more dynamic.
  • Skin wetness.
  • New organs.

And more…

  • Photo System: This allows you to control the camera's rotation and movement, giving you the ability to closely view the animations while the player controller is active. The feature is used for the Emote System.
  • New effects: Enhanced the gunplay experience with the following effects:
    -Tracer: A yellow line that appears with each shot.
    -Impact Effect: A small yellow explosion upon bullet impact. For organic targets, like enemies, this mixes with blood, while shots that hit non-organic surfaces show a standard effect.
    -Bullet Holes: I've refined the effect for bullet impacts on non-organic surfaces for added realism.
  • Smart parasite target detection: Your parasite ability will now target enemies in front of it at first and if none are found after 1 second, it will increase it’s sensors to 360 degrees, therefore targeting enemies behind it. In prior builds, you might have noticed that sometimes the parasite will start chasing targets behind you when you want to throw it on those in the front.
  • Boss War Cinematic: Short into cinematic with a few dialogue lines to explain to you what to do during the boss war game mode when you enter it for a first time (could also be seen on the image above).
  • Maw: In the Boss War game mode, the Maw creature now has its own model and animations that activate during feeding.
  • Hair Physics
  • Organ upgrade – Brain: The brain organ will increase your weapon’s damage, from 24 to:
    -Tier 1(Common) – 36 damage
    -Tier 2 (Rare) – 48 damage
    -Tier 3 (Legendary) – 72 Damage
  • New organ – Adrenal Gland: This organ will take the task of the brain prior to this update – making your gun shoot bullets faster, but also it will stun enemies, based on the tier of that organ. The adrenal glands, located on top of each kidney, play a key role in regulating the production and release of adrenaline.
  • Stunning enemies: Added a “light hit state” for enemies, triggering a brief hit animation when struck. During this state, enemies will temporarily stop moving or attacking. These hit animations can be chained multiple times before a cooldown kicks in. The more “Adrenal Gland” items you carry in your inventory, the higher the chance of triggering the stun effect. Additionally, the cooldown between chains will shorten, allowing more consecutive hits to land before the enemy can recover.
  • Inventory Restrictions: Added a system to limit the number of specific items that can be added to the inventory. For example, the torso allows equipping a maximum of two adrenal glands to prevent the player from becoming too overpowered. At the moment, this is the only organ with such a restriction.
  • Improved UI for when you hover over organs: Now it can show pretty long descriptions now and soon the item stats will be visible as well.
  • Better & more optimized enemy spawner: During the Boss War, where waves of enemies are spawned and after awhile it got a bit complex, so I had to rewrite some parts of that system and now it gives me more flexibility to start and stop waves as well as kill all the enemies of the current wave.
  • Item Descriptions: Added missing item descriptions for hair, shirt, shorts, boots, and glasses.
  • The character customization system has been integrated with the NPC customization system, allowing for shared use and the ability to customize every material property, including color, wetness, metallic effect, and more.
  • Audio issues fixed: When you start the first level of the campaign, you can hear a loud noise of enemies spawning, this has been fixed.


Dec 25, 2023
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Hey everyone!

The outfit you see is now available to claim in the store when you download the game. It’s only here for 10 days and once you get it, it’s yours forever! It won’t return until next Christmas, so don’t miss out!


Patreon or Subscribestar

Wishlist the game on Steam to access the free beta once released - spots are limited.

Patch notes:

•Limited time Christmas outfit.

•Preview outfits in the store.

•Cinematic tutorial on how the animation game mechanics work in the first level.

•Adjust the AI's damage output dynamically during gameplay.

•Equipment inventory update (UI and functionality).

This build is available to people who support with Tiers of Soma and up!


Dec 25, 2023
Hey guys,

Check out the video for a quick overview of the latest features in this build of Sombionic. This update includes optional kinks requested by players, such as pregnancy and X-ray after climax, with plans to expand them to all scenes in the future. More optional Biopunk and monster-related fetishes will also be added over time.

Play now on: Patreon or Subscribestar
Wishlist on Steam to secure a spot in the free beta later this year! Limited slots available, and wishlisting ensures you get notified.


  • Pregnancy (Optional)
  • X-Ray (Optional, currently during pregnancy)
  • Solo animation scenes support
  • Melany masturbation scene – 8 animations + NSFW dialogues
  • Climax system
  • Companions

The Repetitive Pregnancy System (Parasitic) allows your character to generate ova and undergo fertilization, leading to fetus development with visual changes. The womb has a capacity of 18, with each fetus taking up a varying amount of space. Once mature, fetuses can be spawned as temporary allies. The seed remains viable for a few minutes, and a tonic or special location can clear the system. This feature is optional and does not affect progression.

And more....

NSFW animation UI update + added Kinks

Customization - You can customize skin color with a color picker instead of just presets, so it will be similar to eyes / clothes customization.

Loot - Introduced different types of loot that can spawn across the map. Some loot can only be collected once, while others can be looted multiple times when replaying the same slot.

FPS Cap – cap the FPS to 30, 60, 120, 144, 160, 165, 240, 360.

Universal inventory system - at checkpoint your inventory gets saved and it will be the same as the one you see in the menu. You can also load your inventory at any checkpoint.

Cinematic - tutorial on how the animation game mechanics work in the first level.

Notifications - I’ve finally made a system to display notifications for a limited time at different parts of the screen. The systems above show notifications, which you can turn on / off from the settings.

Settings - Saving your settings will display “You have unsaved changes” message.

Engine update - This is a preparation for a bigger update, finally on the latest version of this one, which allowed me to update navigation and audio systems for better features and performance.

Checkpoints - Added more checkpoints, so you don't have to restart the level if you die.

Audio & Navigation systems updated for better performance and my ease of use.

+many more bugfixes, smaller features and systems to make the game feel more polished