power surge not regenerating shields?


New Member
Apr 11, 2024
obviously playing as techie, lv 9, was trying to see if i could brute force my way through the janeria fight (i cant lol), when i noticed that power surge stopped working in one of my attempts. it DOES regenerate energy, but not shields. the only thing ive changed has been my characters equipment. previously using zinga 16b rifle and currently using "black light" rifle... oh and i upgraded from basic heatbelt to arctic warfare heatbelt... think i used hammer shields at some point too. theres also the required switch to the diving suit but since i noticed this in the middle of my attempts i dont think that's relevant? i also tried to test power surge on some other enemies on uveto and havent noticed a similar issue, just in the janeria fight.


Aug 26, 2015
From what I can see in the code, the energy gain is a guaranteed 33 points, but the shield regen is highly variable depending on your setup.

The actual equation for the shield gain is:
let amount = Math.ceil((attacker.bimboIntelligence() * 1.5 + rand(attacker.level) + attacker.shieldsMax() * 0.25));
Where bimboIntelligence() is your character's intelligence, but if you have the bimbo perk "Fuck Sense", it'll be a value based off your character's libido instead. The rand() is a random value, from 0 up to but not including your character level. And the shieldsMax() is the maximum shields your character has, so wearing equipment that don't give give shields or under the effects of anything blocking shields would make that addition 0, of course.

Hopefully this explains the result, but if it is still an issue, please post your save file for testing, if possible.