Potential item addition: MPreg mod


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
I’ve gotten the itch to start writing in a more structured way and for better or worse adding fetish content to one of my favorite porn games seems like a good way to start. Rather than diving in right away into something overwhelming (expansions to existing characters, new characters entirely, god forbid a new planet) I decided to follow the community recommendations and start with something relatively small, a transformative.

I’d like to write out a mod for male pregnancy. Considering the amount of gender-bending play we have already, I’m honestly a little surprised it’s not in already. MPreg is a pretty common kink and I’m sure there’s at least a decent subset of players who’d get a kick out of getting bred without needing to grow a vagina. Furthermore, if it’s accepted, I plan to go on and add the option to use it on a couple NPCs, who would then gain PC-sired pregnancy as an option.

The basic outline is an expensive mod that applies its changes as a course of transformations over time, somewhat like Lapine Ears or the Treatment. Applying one would induce a number of changes that shift the player towards an androgynous/femme male and culminates in them growing a rectal womb. At its most basic, that’s all it does.

If there’s interest, we could expand it and build it out, adding a wider range of transformative effects (mental and physical) and adding overdose consequences, like developing multiple wombs, hyper-fertility, and potential perks giving you an anal fixation, breeding obsession, etc. Being wary of feature creep, I’ll keep these on the “potential extras” list.

What I have: An item description and a rough Codex entry, including an overwrought background history that I’ll probably cut (might use it for future content).
What I would need to do: transformation descriptions, transformation tables, overdose effects, potential perks.

What I’m worried about: I’m totally ignorant of programming beyond the fact that it’s always way more complicated that one would think. Hopefully, adding anal wombs wouldn’t introduce a huge technical burden; ideally, one would be able to simply mirror the Womb Classic code with minor adjustments. For a real cheap hack you could simply use Womb Classic, including all fertility/pregnancy modifiers, and just change the display names. But I’m worried that I’m being optimistic and it would actually be a huge problem. Even more concerning is how PC pregnancy works. If it’s a flag on a body part, that rolls for pregnancy when someone comes inside, that’s fine. If it would require someone to go through and reprogram every single anal scene then that’s probably not reasonable. I guess not every NPC has pregnancy coded, so you could narrow it down by that, but still. I don’t have a grasp of how much effort an addition like this would have, so if the programmers think that it would be too much work for a relatively small, niche addition, I get it.

That’s my thoughts for now. Let me know what y’all think. Worth pursuing, or should I ditch it and work on something else?


Well-Known Member
From a game mechanics standpoint, there's nothing preventing this for Steele (anal pregnancies do exist, they're just not conventional pregnancies like I assume you're talking about); it would simply require a change to the tryKnockUp() function. The main problem with this, is that all currently vaginal-exclusive pregnancies are written under the assumption that they take place in (one of) Steele's vagina(s). Making anal work for all pregnancies would mean having to modify the text for every single non-anal pregnancy in the game, particularly birth scenes: the most egregious example of which is the laquine pregnancy birth scene, which features the babies being born out of multiple vaginas if present.

A smaller issue is that some NPCs prefer anal because they don't want kids and are under the assumption that they can't impregnate Steele there.

NPC pregnancies are handled on a case-by-case basis anyways, so how much extra work anal pregnancy would be depends on the details of that specific NPC's pregnancy. It would also require adding a tryKnockUp-type function in their anal scenes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
From a game mechanics standpoint, there's nothing preventing this for Steele (anal pregnancies do exist, they're just not conventional pregnancies like I assume you're talking about); it would simply require a change to the tryKnockUp() function. The main problem with this, is that all currently vaginal-exclusive pregnancies are written under the assumption that they take place in (one of) Steele's vagina(s). Making anal work for all pregnancies would mean having to modify the text for every single non-anal pregnancy in the game, particularly birth scenes: the most egregious example of which is the laquine pregnancy birth scene, which features the babies being born out of multiple vaginas if present.

A smaller issue is that some NPCs prefer anal because they don't want kids and are under the assumption that they can't impregnate Steele there.

NPC pregnancies are handled on a case-by-case basis anyways, so how much extra work anal pregnancy would be depends on the details of that specific NPC's pregnancy. It would also require adding a tryKnockUp-type function in their anal scenes.
This is good to know. So I should, as part of the project, pull out and do a rewrite of pregnancies and births to make them all line up. That looks sizeable, but eminently doable. The NPC issue can be dealt with over time—I think it’d be pretty funny to add a couple surprise butt pregnancies to drop on folks who thought they were playing it safe.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Make sure to ask permission from all of their original authors before you do; while Fenoxo is ultimately responsible for saying if something will or won't get in-game, he tends to avoid going against the wishes of an NPC's creator.
Gotcha. Will do. To clarify, is this about adding surprise pregnancies to NPCs that were originally not intended to get the PC pregnant, or should I also ask the writer of every standard pregnancy that I rewrite into an anal pregnancy?
Also, this might be an amateur question, but how do writers and contributors access scene data? If I want to rewrite all pregnancy and birth scenes, I presume the intended method isn’t to play through the game for hours, questing for every single pregnancy and copy-pasting them into a word document.

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
I wouldn't get your hopes up on trying to implement this niche. There has been many discussions about this before, and the prevailing consensus has been negative towards adding this type of content.

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
That would defeat the purpose of what rickshawdick was seeking to add to TiTS (not that it would happen anyways). The closest thing to that niche that has been permitted is using the anal cavity as an egg incubator.

Even Semith, a character that was designed for the mpreg fetish, never got pregnancy content.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Semith had a vagina on his tail. And, frankly, the whole appeal from mpreg is that boys are pregnant. And, to me, vagina male pregnancy has more appeal that pregnancy through butt,


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I get that but man, when we have something as simple as "give guy a pussy so that he can get pregnant" instead of whatever mess we try to use to justify ingame butt babies, I feel like the choice is simple. Now, I am bi so I do not know how gay guys and straight/bi girls feel about vaginas on their men but I feel like if people wanted male pregnancy for certain characters, they could have always done with already established rules inside of the universe.

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
The point is that trying to implement this as intended is a fruitless endeavor. Even with all times this has been brought up, the staff are not that interested in implementing this fetish. Anything tangibly related to it (cboys and male herms) is just splitting hairs on the matter.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
If you are arguing that no one of the existing writers is interested in male pregnancy, sure. I still do not get why would they be opposed to it if some fanwriter went and wrote a cboy/male herm that you could get all knocked up and stuff. In CoC2 for example, there is already a character that is planned to have mpreg content as either Cboy or male herm called Liulfr written by Birds. And no one is forbiding them to do so that I know off. So I do not see why TiTS staff would be against someone submitting the same.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Would it be easier to implement the rectal womb if the transformation was included in Omega Oil's effects? It could be an overdose effect after Omega Fever kicks in to avoid giving it to players who don't want it.

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
The contention here is what is defined as male pregnancy. Sure if you want to include cboys and male herms, there may be a possibility of having it implemented. The issue is that this is not what is being referred to. As per rickshawdick's initial post, the intention is to implement an option to have live birth, anal pregnancy. This is what the staff lack interest in adding to the game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
In that case, I am with the staff on that one. I have no interest in seeing it. Not opposed to it being implemented in game myself but not something that I want.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
This was actually a thing like FOREVER ago, had a document and everything. I believe it was Nonesuch who was doing it. If anything ask them for the old doc and see if you can finish it up or commission it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Thanks for the feedback. Looks like people are lukewarm on this, so I'll put it on the back burner, at least until I get more experience making content elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Would it be easier to implement the rectal womb if the transformation was included in Omega Oil's effects? It could be an overdose effect after Omega Fever kicks in to avoid giving it to players who don't want it.
Funny you should mention Omega Oil, I actually wrote it partially out of a desire to future-proof for m-preg a looooong time ago, back when staff was still undecided on whether to implement it.

Obviously now it's obsolete in that respect lol