Possible Cherri glitch


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Im pretty sure Cherrys interactions are glitched, because once i did the initial introduction to her tap hall, the game acted like i had already done everything for it. I could bang Cherry, and Molli acted as though i already had been feeding her cum and such, even though i hadnt done that used any of the holes yet.

Apologies if i am explaining this poorly, i can try and go more in depth if you want.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
crap i forgot id already posted a bug report for this. i would have just given that a signal boost. my bad, sorry


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
dammit, sorry, lost track of this one.

well, to be honest, after going over it again really the only thing that stands out is that you can just waltz into cherris room right off the bat with no buildup or anything. maybe i just glanced over something but i feel like there mnay have been some kind of oversight from that. sorry if im wasting your time.