Possible Brienne Pregnancy Bug?


New Member
Oct 26, 2016
Hey everyone!

Long-time lurker and technical-joinee, finally getting the guts and drive to start participating, or at least posting among all you lovely folks.^^

Makes me feel a little silly about what my first-ever thread-question is about to be, especially if it HAS been raised or addressed before and I just didn't find it, but...well, here we are.^^'

To whit:

So I have Brienne in what is my oldest and "main" save.

At the time I "dug up" said save, Brienne was either pregnant, or very shortly thereafter I made her so again. That is to say, Brienne carried it to term and delivered as normal.

Further down the line however, I got her pregnant again...and it's been DECIDEDLY longer than 45 days (fast pregnancy mode on), and yet she not only hasn't delivered yet, but the "Pregnancy" talk option for her is not and has never been actually present for the whole length of it.
In fact even if I somehow borked that and Rap-Preg mode wasn't registered as "on" (fairly sure it is but still), its been AT LEAST 100 if not nearly 200 days, and it doesn't seem to have really "moved;" it almost seems like it's "half-borked" overall.
That is to say, I think the FLAGS are working, since I went through Family Matters like this and everything was referenced and procced accordingly, as are the "Mini-references" peppered throughout her other interactions that draw attention to it...but Indeed, I don't think the "rest" of her "basic pregnancy progression scenes" are triggering...

Now, I don't necessarily have an "issue" with it per se, personally I love Brienne's preggo-content and art.^^ But it IS getting a little weird, not to mention a bit of a shame that I'll "never" see her non-pregnant art ever again...

And I realise therefore indeed maybe this should go in "Bugs"...but again not sure if this IS a bug or just me who inadvertantly may have borked something...

Anyone else run into this?