Position of multiple pussies ?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
How are multiple pussies supposed to be placed ? Do they stack vertically or horizontally ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Since that isn't meantioned it's up to layer imagination how their are placed. Verticaly, horizontaly or forming triangle(in case PC got 30). So it's your call how you imagine their are placed


Aug 26, 2015
Art generally portrays them horizontal.  I can't imagine it's terribly comfortable.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Since that isn't meantioned it's up to layer imagination how their are placed. Verticaly, horizontaly or forming triangle(in case PC got 30). So it's your call how you imagine their are placed

I see. Unfortunately this leaves me uncertain as it concerns choice of type and their arrangement. As it concerns number, I think you can get three tops with Pussyblossom and this is not a field where I'd be especially tempted to break the limit with save editing. On the other hand, I might perhaps not mind a third breast row or three breasts per row, but there is no canon means of getting them I know of.

Art generally portrays them horizontal.  I can't imagine it's terribly comfortable.

Yep. I would expect vertical or even triangular stacking to be more comfortable, even with very wide hips.
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Aug 26, 2015
Honestly those don't sound pleasant either.  There's not a lot of room for adding more stuff down there.

If I were going to do a character with multiple vaginas I'd have one in front and one on the tail.  Vagina + tailcock is hotter, though.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Honestly those don't sound pleasant either.  There's not a lot of room for adding more stuff down there.

If I were going to do a character with multiple vaginas I'd have one in front and one on the tail.  Vagina + tailcock is hotter, though.

True, although as for having huge boobs or multiple breast rows, I'd expect being a giantess might provide a bit more room and balance. I fancy vagina + tailcock (the only way the dickgirls-disliking me would tolerate the herm combination) but I found tailcunts much less sexy than multiple pussies in comparison. Unfortunately I dislike too much anal sex, too, so multiple pussies it must be.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well CoC never allowed PC get actualy more than one pussy afaik even if in code there was support for this (well I my suspect that some near bad end for Sand Witch enc was allowing two pussies for PC). As for multiple breast rows TiTS allow way more than pussies for PC to have. But as Couch said more than one pussy already seems like trying to stuff too much stuff in one tiny place...something that can't be said about more than one cock :laugh:


You could just barely stick another cock under the first one and I suppose one above? But then that's on the belly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I think around 5th cock it would be hard to imagine how their all are kept there unless even those 4 first ones are as large as twice PC leg thickness... then all I can think it's happening cuz....it porn logic of TiTS :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The only way it can make sense is if you're made of goo. :)

Goo... solved all issues since 1939 xD

Well sadly for TiTS goo form is something is ireversable normaly without cheating or save editing.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Out of all the odder fetishes in these games the multipussities and cockregation stuff always stood out to me as the silliest. No matter what the actual positioning is (and it would never be anything but awkward) none of it seems in any way practical and just the thought of double dicks flopping on top of each other makes me giggle.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nonsense, two-dick master race.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Prehensile tentacles tend to help with imagining placement logistics. Thats why i usually save edit so that I have one primary dong (usually horse)  that I head canon is surounded by 2-3 prehensile tentacle cocks. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, it isn't that hard imagining the placement of two cocks, at least, with the amount of art on the internet depicting them. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yup two cocks not seems hard to imagine even three. After fourth or fifth it getting harder to imagine this. Stil if thier all not super thick even all ten as game limits to this amount would be not hard to imagine how their look but then again...bunch of think long cocks...well that othermatter how it would look from anesthetic point :laugh:


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Well, medically speaking, there may be room to house multiple female genital apparati in the abdomen w/o much discomfort if they are staked vertically between the navel and the anus. Various medical conditions indicate there is some significant spare room in the abdominal cavity for more organs, human wombs aren't that bulky at rest, and twin pregnancies prove the human body can manage multiple pregnancies at once. Double penetration of multiple abdominal vaginas in all likelihood wouldn't be much different from double penetration of vagina and anus, and if anything significantly more comfortable, since both canals would be built for intercourse. Far-future genegineering capable of the mods we see in TiTS almost surely can make things easier by making liver, guts, etc. more efficient so they can afford to be smaller and create more room in the abdomen. So on second thoughts, prevailing artistic convention notwithstanding, in all likelihood the best (most plausible and manageable) arrangement of multiple pussies should be vertical stacking. Characters with this mod should have a different kind of undergartments or bodysuits that cover from the waist downard if they care to have their crotches covered.

More or less the same reasoning may be valid for multiple penises, although in such a case it may be best for comfort to use genegineering to house testes in the abdomen.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Or make them tentacle like :)

While I have grown to fancy a tailcock on my otherwise hyper-feminine Steele despite my vast dislike of dickgirl characters, I exoerimented with giving the PC a tailgina and realized I do not really like it much (it looks too... detached and odd on such a phallic organ as a tail), so this is a poor option for me.
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While I have grown to fancy a tailcock on my otherwise hyper-feminine Steele despite my vast dislike of dickgirl characters, I exoerimented with giving the PC a tailgina and realized I do not really like it much (it looks too... detached and odd on such a phallic organ as a tail), so this is a poor option for me.

I like the tail cunt. But I was more talking about multiple penii


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
I like the tail cunt. But I was more talking about multiple penii

Ah, Ok. There is admittedly something good to be said about multiple tailcocks, but I'm not sure code allows for them. Perhaps something to experiment about.


Ah, Ok. There is admittedly something good to be said about multiple tailcocks, but I'm not sure code allows for them. Perhaps something to experiment about.

Unless you save-edit. You can only have the one. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i think it was more about having both tailcunt and tailcock at once then having more than one tailcunt/tailcock at once. Having more than one the same type of then tail isn't issue but having more than one type tails at once is something that req. save editing and generaly can led to sometimes weird scenes texts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ah, Ok. There is admittedly something good to be said about multiple tailcocks, but I'm not sure code allows for them. Perhaps something to experiment about.
Unless you save-edit. You can only have the one. 

it's even that hard. It's just one variable, "tailCount". Find it in your save file using offline minerva and change it's value to whatever number of tails you want.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Save editing is not any problem for me, as it concerns gaming 'morality' or general competence. But as I understand it, to have both tailcunt and tailcock is not really possible even with save editing. At most, you can have one, then duplicate it and mess with the second tail's flags to give it the appearance of the other. Honestly, it looks such a likely mess I've never bothered trying. But to get double tailcocks with save editing, this might indeed be something interesting.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Save editing is not any problem for me, as it concerns gaming 'morality' or general competence. But as I understand it, to have both tailcunt and tailcock is not really possible even with save editing. At most, you can have one, then duplicate it and mess with the second tail's flags to give it the appearance of the other. Honestly, it looks such a likely mess I've never bothered trying. But to get double tailcocks with save editing, this might indeed be something interesting.

Actually, you can get a double tailcock without save editing. Though only the feline version. 


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Actually, you can get a double tailcock without save editing. Though only the feline version. 

Good to know. Too bad my main lost her original kaithrit tails to a demonic one before she got to Myrellion. Oh, well, another thing to be mindful of for optimized playthroughs in the future, and to remedy in the current one by save editing.