Polyamory Content


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You're implying Hel being a slut was not exactly what made her so likeable to begin with.

Anno having been with your dad is more universally considered squicky, it's just that some people can laugh and take it in stride while others consider it a much more offensive marring than Savin (probably) intended.

It does become noticeably more squicky paired with the indication that Vic put Anno in your path on purpose, but I'm inclined to think it was more because he thought you'd get a lot of help out of having her skills and talents as an ally than it was so you'd fuck her.

It was totally meant to be super gross. 

Also I will confirm Vic put her there for her skill set. He did in fact hire her for a reason. Now why he thought you'd benefit from having a Warp Gate expert at hand, well that's another story... 


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
For me, the fact that it's fictional and the time between your boning and daddy boning of Anno are what dilute the squicky. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The Dorna Twins are 28.

So at the earliest, Victor and Anno were having sex 10 years ago, and thus were having sex while the PC was alive (in fact, at least 8 years old him/herself, assuming they're only 18 at the start of the game), and maybe having sex well into the PC's teen years.

I don't that is nearly enough time between to "dilute the squick" as argenten put it. Definitely massively nasty.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
So at the earliest, Victor and Anno were having sex 10 years ago, and thus were having sex while the PC was alive (in fact, at least 8 years old him/herself, assuming they're only 18 at the start of the game), and maybe having sex well into the PC's teen years.

I don't that is nearly enough time between to "dilute the squick" as argenten put it. Definitely massively nasty.

Considering she'd already gotten her doctorate and worked on a secret military project before she even met Vic, it would have started within the last couple of years. She may well have been sexing him within the last several months.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Personally, I don't find anything particularly squick-worthy in Anno's relationship with Steele Sr., provided that initially he was planning to recruit her for her skills and as a possible aid on PC's quest, and they they just happened to start banging/become romantically involved. In that case, it matters just as little or just as much as other countless Anno's past lovers. Thankfully, there is a lot more evidence supporting that theory than the 'creepy dad training a cadre of future wifus/sluts for his future copypasted offspring' one. 

IMO any other view would have been hypocritical, since I expect Anno to be a-ok with me banging her sister.

If anything, I'd love for Syri to have further dialogue options in which she would clarify just how comfortable she is with the current arrangement. Because if there would be a choice between staying sexually involved with one or the other, I'd choose Syri. I like both of them equally, but Syri to me seems to be far more deeply involved and dependent on her relationship with Steele Jr., while Anno just sees you as a cool, nice boss who has an added benefit of banging.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Personally, I don't find anything particularly squick-worthy in Anno's relationship with Steele Sr., provided that initially he was planning to recruit her for her skills and as a possible aid on PC's quest, and they they just happened to start banging. In that case, it matters just as little or just as much as other countless Anno's past lovers.Thankfully, there is a lot more evidence supporting that theory than the 'creepy dad training a cadre of future wifus/sluts for his future copypasted offspring' one. 

IMO any other view would have been hypocritical, since I expect Anno to be a-ok with me banging her sister.

If anything, I'd love for Syri to have further dialogue options in which she would clarify just how comfortable she is with the current arrangement. Because if there would be a choice between staying sexually involved with one or the other, I'd choose Syri. I like both of them equally, but Syri to me seems to be far more deeply involved and dependent on her relationship with Steele Jr., while Anno just sees you as a cool, nice boss who has an added benefit of banging.

Syri may be fine with Anno. There is the fantasy she has of the threesome, Cpt Steele “watching us lick [cum] off each other, maybe turns into kissing, groping, until you bend us over and take us together, still in each others’ arms...”.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
> Syri's opinion on Anno banging pc and Vic

I believe she says to Anno 'Vic's kid+ so soon after, Anno? That's pretty messed up'. At Mhen'ga landing scene.

> Jim designing perfect waifus.

Pure, yeah. Unflawed? No. See trope on good flaws, bad flaws. That said, sex game; don't want too much to get in the way of your bunny-girl fucking fantasy. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Personally, I don't find anything particularly squick-worthy in Anno's relationship with Steele Sr., provided that initially he was planning to recruit her for her skills and as a possible aid on PC's quest, and they they just happened to start banging/become romantically involved. In that case, it matters just as little or just as much as other countless Anno's past lovers. Thankfully, there is a lot more evidence supporting that theory than the 'creepy dad training a cadre of future wifus/sluts for his future copypasted offspring' one. 

IMO any other view would have been hypocritical, since I expect Anno to be a-ok with me banging her sister.

If anything, I'd love for Syri to have further dialogue options in which she would clarify just how comfortable she is with the current arrangement. Because if there would be a choice between staying sexually involved with one or the other, I'd choose Syri. I like both of them equally, but Syri to me seems to be far more deeply involved and dependent on her relationship with Steele Jr., while Anno just sees you as a cool, nice boss who has an added benefit of banging.
I think one of her past lovers being an immediate family member immediately changes the situation. How that relationship came to be has no impact on how squicky it is with regards to Anno. How it came to be only has to do with how creepy it makes Victor seem, not Anno.

As to hypocrisy, the only hypocrisy is if someone (let's say me, since I do find it massively squicky) finds Victor and Anno being sexually involved, then getting with getting with the PC squicky, then does NOT expect Anno to find the PC being with both her and Syri squicky, or finds it wrong or whatever for Anno to find it squicky. That would be hypocrisy.

And yeah, I like Syri way more. Both because I'm into dickgirls, and because she didn't bang my (the PC's) dad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
> Syri's opinion on Anno banging pc and Vic

I believe she says to Anno 'Vic's kid+ so soon after, Anno? That's pretty messed up'. At Mhen'ga landing scene.

Just went through the scene, only interaction there between the two is on silly mode where Anno overhears Syri calling Steele her best friend and shouting out “Hey, I thought we were best friends!”


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So at the earliest, Victor and Anno were having sex 10 years ago, and thus were having sex while the PC was alive (in fact, at least 8 years old him/herself, assuming they're only 18 at the start of the game), and maybe having sex well into the PC's teen years.

Technically Ausari age of majority is 16, but hey. Anyway, Anno specifically mentions she's only been with Steele Tech for a couple of years. I'd say 4-5 at the most off the top of my head, probably less than that. If anything, it's fairly surprising the PC doesn't KNOW Anno, especially if you're a Tech Specialist.

... Hmm, maybe I should write a thing for that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Technically Ausari age of majority is 16, but hey. Anyway, Anno specifically mentions she's only been with Steele Tech for a couple of years. I'd say 4-5 at the most off the top of my head, probably less than that. If anything, it's fairly surprising the PC doesn't KNOW Anno, especially if you're a Tech Specialist.

... Hmm, maybe I should write a thing for that.

At least a "I think I've seen your face before" if not Tech would make sense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Syri may be fine with Anno. There is the fantasy she has of the threesome, Cpt Steele “watching us lick [cum] off each other, maybe turns into kissing, groping, until you bend us over and take us together, still in each others’ arms...”.

I saw that scene as Syri trying to make fun of you for possibly harboring the old as balls 'threesome with twins' fantasy, but ending up getting a boner herself. It's quite possible to become aroused even if you are uncomfortable with the situation as a whole. Plus it could have been poor bastard Valden's doing.

When you actually land up on M'henga with Anno and meet with Syri for the first time, I remember reading a passage about her being somewhat uncomfortable with seeing that PC and Anno are an item.

> Syri's opinion on Anno banging pc and Vic

I believe she says to Anno 'Vic's kid+ so soon after, Anno? That's pretty messed up'. At Mhen'ga landing scene.

IIRC, that's something their mom says during Christmas event.

 If anything, it's fairly surprising the PC doesn't KNOW Anno, especially if you're a Tech Specialist.

... Hmm, maybe I should write a thing for that.

Right now character generation specifically mentions PC working odd jobs in the ass-end of the galaxy, far away from Steele Tech HQ.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Just went back through the scene to check, Syri is surprised when she figures it out, that's about it.

Anno seems a little bothered when you mention your relationship with Syri to her, but she recovers pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Then again, I think there is a certain amount of overthinking going on at this point. This is a fetish game at it's heart, and not all people are going to have the same kinds of squick that bothers them. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Oh wow, I didn't even know Syri and Anno were twins.

Words like "pure", "perfect", "unflawed", and "flawless" are typically used as hyperbole, especially online. Not to mention it's all very subjective. Like I find Embry's shyness endearing but I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Well part of that is Anno has an old bust and Syri got an updated Shou pic, so that adds to the disconnect. 

And I agree with Noob about some traits being appreciated more than others, Anna might work for some, but the ditzy makes my teeth curl.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Well part of that is Anno has an old bust and Syri got an updated Shou pic, so that adds to the disconnect. 

And I agree with Noob about some traits being appreciated more than others, Anna might work for some, but the ditzy makes my teeth curl.

*Cheshire pic. Besides, Anno's gotten plenty of Cheshire love~

Anno Maidplay (Cheshire).png

Syri x Anno with Cum (Cheshire).png


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just went back through the scene to check, Syri is surprised when she figures it out, that's about it.

Here's the text when I land on Mhen'ga on my Anno save, plain as day.

Quote said:
 She pushes a holographic button hovering over her wrist and the display vanishes. It’s replaced by a hovering 3D photo of a dark-haired ausar girl in what looks like a military-issue long coat. A ringing sound comes from the computer for a few moments before giving way to a gruff feminine voice as her sister answers. The 3D photo shimmers out, replaced with a living model of the same figure, dressed exactly the same.

“Anno!?” the figure says, visibly surprised. “Holy shit, sis, what’re you doing here?”

Anno giggles, “Glad to see you too, Syri! Victor’s son and I just landed on planet. I thought you and I could get together and-”

“Vic’s kid? Seriously, Anno... man, that’s fucked up. I know he just passed away, but...”

“But he’s right here,” Anno says, cutting her sister off. “Do you want us to stop by or don’t you?”
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Must'a been added in after I got the Anno Mhenga scene
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
I think I got a different one because Syri was already a lover. She's actually just excited that you're back, and doesn't realize you're sexing Anno until you get to the bar.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
*Cheshire pic. Besides, Anno's gotten plenty of Cheshire love~

View attachment 2024

View attachment 2025

And such sexy love it is too, but my point was to the person that didn't know they were twins based on the busts we see in the game. Of course, when you get the Anno option in Syri's talk selection it makes it pretty clear with Syri whamming the player with the "twins boinking your brains out" fantasy/mental image. :p


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Heh. Well, if Jim's buying new busts from Cheshire, I guess I ought to go get a new set of clothed/nude Dorna Twins busts. Plus variants for their puppyslutmas outfits.

And a maid outfit for Anno.

N-not that I desperately want to write that or anything. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Heh. Well, if Jim's buying new busts from Cheshire, I guess I ought to go get a new set of clothed/nude Dorna Twins busts. Plus variants for their puppyslutmas outfits.

And a maid outfit for Anno.

N-not that I desperately want to write that or anything. 

Does not want to write a puppy slut in a maid outfit.

Blatant Lies!!