Playing this game as a cisgender hetero man is difficult...


Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
Overall I like the game. The game has a lot of content, strong worldbuilding and likeable characters overall.
The design of combat and encounters is nice, and I feel more like a starship captain playing this game than almost any other.

That being said, I have two criticisms.
The first is related to my identity.
Is this a game for women or bisexual men only?

I'll preface this by saying I've played the game until the fourth probe.
I'm not conservative politically, and homosexuality doesn't make me rage or anything.
That being said though, this game gives you so many choices to characterize your hero, but I get taken out of the roleplaying REALLY often while playing this game.

I appreciate the effort put into making it so that scenes can be avoided if they're not your type. Sometimes, if a scene has sodomy in it, the option will warn you ahead of time. This is not always the case though.
I've had to restart the game multiple times whenever buttstuff happens because there was no way to predict it happening. For instance, I had no idea that sleeping inside of the goo girl made her go inside of your ass. I faced multiple such instances, and man... that save/load button was my best friend.

1) Male enemies can and will try to use sexual tease moves on the player, and regardless of my sexuality, the protagonist gets affected. Same with Futanari. A futa swinging her cock in a circle would make real me lose all interest and not want to be in that situation at all. Why is my PC reacting in a way so vastly different from me...
2) Often times the PC remarks positively at seeing that a woman has a penis on her. This is the exact opposite of my reaction. I lose interest sexually, but still talk with the character and see their dialogue options overall.
3) I didn't count but it seems like this game has more futas then it does men or women. In fact, I feel bad for gay men. They have almost no options.

Obviously this could just go down to preference amongst the developers. I'm not expecting you to share my preference, but if this is happening while you aren't really self-conscious of it, I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

I really hope in the future, you can select the player's sexuality. You create your character in the beginning and select his sex and gender. I hope you can also select his sexuality. Maybe that makes less futa enemies and gay enemies appear? Or if they still appear, tease attacks do nothing to you. Also disable anything related to sodomy or gay sex so you don't misclick or anything. Stuff like that.

Second, I much prefer femdom to maledom.
Just not sodomy or futa or any of that.
This isn't a dig on the game. I thought the appeal here was just that there were a lot of choices.

In the game I've met like... 5 girls who aren't demure girls who only have access to doggystyle and missionary positions.
If they aren't demure they have a dick. It's like sexually the game leans towards "male"-dominant positions. Why's the one with the penis gotta always take charge sexually? Kaede was the only exception to this. But yeah... 99% of the time I meet a confident and self-assured woman there's a catch. Either they have a dick, are actually a man that went through gene-splicing, or is the mother of a space pirate asshole that's clearly a villain.

Maybe I didn't explore enough, but this game gave me severe blue balls. The amount of choice I had when it came to NPCs was TINY, and I spent at least 16 hours in the game, just hoping maybe I'd meet one. Even the female cowgirls are all submissive except the one, on the east side of the map who you can't romance and doesn't do anything.

It feels like every girl I meet has doggystyle as the default.

Again this could just be the tastes of the developers. OR, maybe the female dominant stuff is just sodomy, so technically it's still a 50/50 split even though the position is just your traditional male-dominant position.

Hmm... writing this out. Maybe the defeat scenes are female dominant? But like.. who sees those? If you don't win 99% of your fights your IQ's gotta be sub 100.

And that's it.
My only other complaint is that I'd like more good heroines like Fisianna, Bess, and Gianna.

Personalities of those 3 are my favorite, even if I'm not into submissive girls like that. I feel like I'd like ausar more but the writing goes very far to remind you they're "pets" and that's not where I am sexually.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
but I get taken out of the roleplaying REALLY often while playing this game.
you'll find that happening a lot.
your character definitely does say or do things that you probably wouldnt want, but thats just the way it goes.
EX: some defeat scenes, some stupid decisions, some characters in general like shizuya or akane.

over time i learned to just avoid that kind of thing and move on, you'll get there eventually if you decide to keep going.
it is definitely possible to play the game as an entirely straight male. you'll just have to ignore some things like the teases or whatever and only interact with some characters. works pretty well but i wouldn't say its worth it.
i would say the game is definitely geared more to someone whos omni-sexual and steele is typically characterized as such too but if you play correctly you should be able to get past it.

personally i prefer to play as an omnisexual character, as a straight man its typically a woman so that said character cant participate in all scenes without anything i'd dislike. this way you can get through all characters and tfs with no real problem besides some decision making or personal distaste for characters.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I dunno, I found it terribly easy to make my Steele my own. Is it really that difficult to play as a dude bro?

Not with Big T's Big Dick Energy Treatment plan. In just a few short days, you too can become a paragon of masculinity. Second only to the man, the myth, the legend: Benjamin Tiberious Tee.

WARNING: The Treatment is not for everyone. Side effects may include varying forms of feminization, reduction of mental faculties, dramatic increase in libido, lactation, rapid onset mooing, and the compulsion to call everyone dude, bro, or brah. Benjamin Tee and New Texas are not liable for any issues that arise from use of the treatment. Consult your doctor before taking the Treatment unless that doctor is a goblin. If so, then run far away.

It feels like every girl I meet has doggystyle as the default.

Is this a game for women or bisexual men only?

With so many different writers and kinks, it's fair to say it's meant for everyone. Or at the very least, there's some content somewhere you may like. There's plenty of semi-vanilla scenes and female characters like Fisi, Beatrice, Kimber, the horny doggo shan't be named for fear of invoking her eternal lust.

Hmm... writing this out. Maybe the defeat scenes are female dominant? But like.. who sees those? If you don't win 99% of your fights your IQ's gotta be sub 100.

So what if, totally a hypothetical here, someone likes certain losses and bad ends and keeps saves specifically to lose those encounters. Asking for a friend.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Huh? I play a cisgender male hetero steele with no problem. My Steele has run around impregnating every women he can for over 300 days. Male/female/futa ratio has been complained about many times but statistics show females npcs are the majority.

Granted, losing has consequences but it is pretty hard to lose. Fights are generally very easy. Only fights I lost was when I submitted to the kerokoras on purpose back before their new sex scenes.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
Oh wow, This thread got accepted?
I had already gotten my fill of the discussion in the gripes thread since I had posted this topic at least a week ago, and it wasn't getting accepted.

I'm basically in agreement with @Crablord .

No, and the notion's frankly insulting.
You know. After not playing the game for a few weeks, I think that was my frustration with the sexual content leaking through and affecting my general perception of the game.

That being said, the fact that the MC's pansexual really does take me out of the roleplaying significantly and quite often.

I dunno, I found it terribly easy to make my Steele my own. Is it really that difficult to play as a dude bro?
Something as simple as keeping my anal virginity had me reloading saves multiple times, and I never chose homosexual/bi options.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
Honestly I consider myself a pretty vanilla guy when it comes to real life naughtyness and I am hetero (I think) still this game (as well as CoC 1 & 2 and some other stuff like Degrees of Lewdity) is a treat. I don't even play male characters (mostly futa) and I avoid all content with male NPCs. There are some very rare scenes that I do not really like on a personal level, and if I was to make a decision there I would most probably decide against defining Steele's sexuality and approach to relationships, BUT in the end it's my decision how I read stuff and what my imagination does with the material given. I know it's not canonical, and that is fair, but aside from one has to adhere to the canon, except for the people writing stuff for the game. And, let's be real, it is more than just logical why the decision was made to not have the individual player decide upon Steele's preferences (Aside from maybe making a deliberate choice as well, which I don't know about). It's already a lot of work to write stuff 1 time, if the authors had to literally write half or more of their commissions multiple times to account for Steele being anything other than's just not reasonable, especially since there are a bunch of people writing for the game(s) that don't make a living from it. Writing takes a lot of time, effort and energy.
And I also really don't know if there is any game, like CoC / TiTs, that has a greater variety of kinks and preferences covered with that level of writing quality. I don't think so. Sure, there might be an emphasize on certain stuff (like futa's, or so it feels to me, but that might be bias because I am into that the most and therefore obviously try to check all scenes) and perhaps some other things have less scenes than the average kink, but isn't it kinda natural for the authors of this sort of stuff to mostly focus on writing about things they enjoy writing?

I do understand, to a degree, why some people are no fans of how Steele reacts to certain situations and characters (I feel like that myself, at times, especially when I heavily dislike the personality of the NPC on top of not being into them) but that's like...a VERY small price to pay for such an abundance of excellent smut, not even talking about the fact that both TiTs as well as CoC (especially 2) are really great rpgs with a lot of heartwarming, exciting and hilarious stories happening along the way. And if one wants all games from these Devs are for free, so I feel even less in a position to seriously complain about how the rules for the authors are.

Edit: Also I maybe should say that reloading and sometimes even editing my save file if i stumbled into stuff I am not happy with is 100% fine by me and I see both as tools.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
Honestly I consider myself a pretty vanilla guy when it comes to real life naughtyness and I am hetero (I think) still this game (as well as CoC 1 & 2 and some other stuff like Degrees of Lewdity) is a treat.
Never have I said the game's bad.
I managed to make it to the fourth probe.

I don't hate the game. I'm just disappointed in the sexual content in the game overall.

BUT in the end it's my decision how I read stuff and what my imagination does with the material given. I know it's not canonical, and that is fair, but aside from one has to adhere to the canon, except for the people writing stuff for the game. And, let's be real, it is more than just logical why the decision was made to not have the individual player decide upon Steele's preferences (Aside from maybe making a deliberate choice as well, which I don't know about). It's already a lot of work to write stuff 1 time, if the authors had to literally write half or more of their commissions multiple times to account for Steele being anything other than's just not reasonable, especially since there are a bunch of people writing for the game(s) that don't make a living from it.
You misunderstand.
My issue isn't for there to be hetero versions of each encounter or whatever.

My gripe doesn't have anything to do with adding more scenes or more work. It's more about keeping the roleplaying consistent so that Steele doesn't act in a way that's completely incongruous with my personality.

And I also really don't know if there is any game, like CoC / TiTs, that has a greater variety of kinks and preferences covered with that level of writing quality. I don't think so.
I agree.
There not being a replacement doesn't mean my criticisms don't matter though. I get that player's aren't starved for choice, but that shouldn't necessarily means that the choices you do have are doing it right by its merit.

Sure, there might be an emphasize on certain stuff (like futa's, or so it feels to me, but that might be bias because I am into that the most and therefore obviously try to check all scenes) and perhaps some other things have less scenes than the average kink, but isn't it kinda natural for the authors of this sort of stuff to mostly focus on writing about things they enjoy writing?
Again, I agree with this. If the author is doing what they want, it's better for the players because they won't get burn out and quit working on the project. It's better for creatives to work with what they want.

That being said, this game markets itself on its roleplaying. When you undress the text notes what equipment you chose to wear. You choose your gender, your physical appearance and more. Heck some heroines treat you differently based on whether you're a man or a woman. Some treat you differently based on whether you're extremely muscular or not.

This mentality and design principle goes out of the window when handling the player's sexuality though. It's the only thing you have no control over. The player will find cocks delicious when checking character appearances, and will be subject to tease attacks by masculine figures, and that's my main issue.

I'm not a furry and, I also dislike futa, and male/male content so the content options I have are already quite limited in comparison to other players. On top of that male/female scenes usually make the person with the dick take the dominant role sexually, and being a fan of femdom, I can name like... 4 NPCs that are interesting to me sexually. Personality wise there are more NPCs that I'm interested in though. Just not sexually.

but that's like...a VERY small price to pay for such an abundance of excellent smut, not even talking about the fact that both TiTs as well as CoC (especially 2) are really great rpgs with a lot of heartwarming, exciting and hilarious stories happening along the way. And if one wants all games from these Devs are for free, so I feel even less in a position to seriously complain about how the rules for the authors are.
Criticisms aren't complaints though.

You can criticize things you like. How else would you be able to influence those works? And if the developer hears my criticism and doesn't care, that's fine. I just think it's important to make sure you're heard so that people know your opinion exists.

Edit: Also I maybe should say that reloading and sometimes even editing my save file if i stumbled into stuff I am not happy with is 100% fine by me and I see both as tools.
A game that touts free roleplaying shouldn't need you to do something as immersion breaking as editing a save so you can not partake in sexual scenarios you didn't expect.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
Never have I said the game's bad.
I managed to make it to the fourth probe.

I don't hate the game. I'm just disappointed in the sexual content in the game overall.

You misunderstand.
My issue isn't for there to be hetero versions of each encounter or whatever.

My gripe doesn't have anything to do with adding more scenes or more work. It's more about keeping the roleplaying consistent so that Steele doesn't act in a way that's completely incongruous with my personality.

I agree.
There not being a replacement doesn't mean my criticisms don't matter though. I get that player's aren't starved for choice, but that shouldn't necessarily means that the choices you do have are doing it right by its merit.

Again, I agree with this. If the author is doing what they want, it's better for the players because they won't get burn out and quit working on the project. It's better for creatives to work with what they want.

That being said, this game markets itself on its roleplaying. When you undress the text notes what equipment you chose to wear. You choose your gender, your physical appearance and more. Heck some heroines treat you differently based on whether you're a man or a woman. Some treat you differently based on whether you're extremely muscular or not.

This mentality and design principle goes out of the window when handling the player's sexuality though. It's the only thing you have no control over. The player will find cocks delicious when checking character appearances, and will be subject to tease attacks by masculine figures, and that's my main issue.

I'm not a furry and, I also dislike futa, and male/male content so the content options I have are already quite limited in comparison to other players. On top of that male/female scenes usually make the person with the dick take the dominant role sexually, and being a fan of femdom, I can name like... 4 NPCs that are interesting to me sexually. Personality wise there are more NPCs that I'm interested in though. Just not sexually.

Criticisms aren't complaints though.

You can criticize things you like. How else would you be able to influence those works? And if the developer hears my criticism and doesn't care, that's fine. I just think it's important to make sure you're heard so that people know your opinion exists.

A game that touts free roleplaying shouldn't need you to do something as immersion breaking as editing a save so you can not partake in sexual scenarios you didn't expect.

I am sorry, I don't know how to format my reply the way you did, so I will have to answer in 1 block of text for the time being.
First things first: If my reply came across as if I wanted to discourage you from voicing your thoughts or as if I was disregarding your personal concerns I am sorry, that wasn't my intention. It might be me not being a native speaker or just expressing myself in a bad way that could have caused that impression, so I am by no means saying you are at fault for that misunderstanding. Also, might should have made that more clear, I wasn't solely directing my words at you but as an expression of my personal thoughts on matters that I saw being brought up on e.g. the Steam Forums as well. Also, I misinterpreted parts of your initial post. What I did not think, though, is that you hate the game or anything alike, but, as you said again now, you seem to struggle to fully enjoy it because of the reasons you listed.

The reason why I referred to the hetero/pan thing is that I feel as if that would be like the most basic level of factors that majorly impact how Steele reacts to things when it comes to the lewd stuff. I wanted to point out that there are reasons why there is a canon Cpt. Steele that everyone has to account for when writing stuff. Even at the most basic level having the individual player fully control how Steele acts and especially reacts would mean that all authors have to write multiple versions of scenes. If things get even more specific it becomes more bloated and complicated to write appropriate scenes.
Cpt. Steele is a character we can shape in some ways, but everything else comes down to how one decides to read things. And sure, there might be other reasons why the decision was made that Steele is pansexual, poly-amorous and very open minded, but at least personally I am convinced that the mere fact people can't be expected to write a dozen variations of their content submissions is pretty much a killer argument. Where should the line be drawn for what the authors do not have to consider while writing how Steele feels?
The alternative might be not write anything about how Cpt. Steele feels, but that would take away quite a bit, would it not? I am aware that it's not always easy, but it nevertheless comes down to the player having to evade stuff they don't want to see. Because for everyone who does want to see a scene it, most of the times, makes a lot of sense to write it in a way that expresses Steele's enjoyment.

As for the topic of the amount of different kinks covered: I didn't mean to say your critique doesn't matter, for that is by no means for me to decide. I take no part in the creation of the game at all. Personally I would say, though, that there is so much different content that I don't feel like anything is missing. Sure I am always happy when new stuff gets added that tickles my interest, who isn't?
I do agree though that you are obviously at a disadvantage here (since I am very much into futa content, and the game has lots of that, and especially a lot of dominant futa npcs) so I will admit it probably is easier for me to talk here and be satisfied with what we got already. On a sidenote: I personally am not a big fan of dirty talk, so there's that, but it's probably a lot easier to "ignore" those small parts of the scenes compared to not having an abundancy of characters and scenes to choose from in the first place.

When it comes to the game being marketed as roleplaying I can totally see where you're coming from, and I'd have to lie if I was to say I don't feel the same sometimes when it comes to certain talks and introductions to NPCs that can't be avoided, but at the same time I would say that there are a lot of rpgs, actually, where the player character is premade and thinks and acts differently from what the player would wanna do. It's not like that is a new trope or anything, that one wouldn't expect in a roleplay game.
The game allows for player decisions, but you don't get to make your own character, you get to make your own version of Cpt. Steele, as unsatisfying as that might be to some, in certain situations (I might include myself there, on occasion). But, again just me personally, I feel as if there are good reasons why I can't decide what Steele's sexuality is and if they are in for polyamorous relations when it comes to what the authors account for. Still when playing Steele is whatever I come up with, and mostly I don't get any different impression. Sure, when playing for the first time(s) I ran into stuff on accident from time to time, not knowing what was coming. Still happens on occasion when I explore content I had left out for another run.

It's of course perfectly fine if we partially disagree about these things, and I didn't mean to say you are complaining, I was merely stating that I don't feel in a position to voice any complaints, even though there are some things I personally would enjoy more if they were handled differently. I am not trying to dismiss what you write but to make a proper argument why I think what you are bothered by can not be changed.
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Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
I am sorry, I don't know how to format my reply the way you did, so I will have to answer in 1 block of text for the time being.
Highlight the text with your mouse and the words reply will come out. Click on that.

would mean that all authors have to write multiple versions of scenes.
No they would not.
Why must that be the case?

They write for Steele with penis and Steele w/o penis right now, but that's their choice. If they only want to write for steele with penis than they can do that.
Your character's sexuality has nothing to do with the work the writers do when writing their characters.

but at the same time I would say that there are a lot of rpgs, actually, where the player character is premade and thinks and acts differently from what the player would wanna do. It's not like that is a new trope or anything, that one wouldn't expect in a roleplay game.
I'm big on JRPGs which are exactly this, but my expectations for other games and my expectations for TiTS are different based on how the game starts, and how carefully the game pays attention to roleplaying in every other aspect of its game design.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
Highlight the text with your mouse and the words reply will come out. Click on that.

Thanks a lot. That is good to know.

No they would not.
Why must that be the case?

Because it would have to be taken into account every time Steele's reactions to something are taken into account, especially during the sex scenes. Since the entire game is written from Cpt. Steeles perspective. A decision had to be made what canonically is Steele's sexuality and there weren't really many options, since the whole premise of the game is Steele, mostly, having a good time. As soon as the player gets to decide if Steele is into certain things outside of making the decision which bits of content they explore/have Steele go through there would have to be variations for many things, suddenly Cpt. Steele would have to react differently on things depending on what players picked for, e.g., general sexual preference. And while there ofc are loose scenes and other stuff that, in reality, would be more than just a little morally questionable in the game Steele is supposed to, at the end of day, enjoy almost everything to varying degrees, I would assume because the majority of people (and from my little experience I would say also the writers of smut) do not really enjoy reading/writing about the protagonist being raped and subjected to deep trauma. I personally find the thought of being subjected to things i find appalling to be disturbing.
If things are not written in different variations then what is the point of being able to pick the sexuality in the first place? If it wouldn't have any effect outside of being mentioned in the character description? Or maybe I misunderstand you yet again.

They write for Steele with penis and Steele w/o penis right now, but that's their choice. If they only want to write for steele with penis than they can do that.
Your character's sexuality has nothing to do with the work the writers do when writing their characters.

True, but it has a lot to do with how things are perceived from Steele's perspective, which is what we get through the entire game.

I'm big on JRPGs which are exactly this, but my expectations for other games and my expectations for TiTS are different based on how the game starts, and how carefully the game pays attention to roleplaying in every other aspect of its game design.

Well, I felt like that when I started playing the game as well, but since i play text based rpgs a lot I kinda knew beforehand that the authors of such games can only reasonably do so much. And this game has a lot more stuff going on than most other text based games.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
I've had to restart the game multiple times whenever buttstuff happens because there was no way to predict it happening. For instance, I had no idea that sleeping inside of the goo girl made her go inside of your ass. I faced multiple such instances, and man... that save/load button was my best friend.

I had a similar experience, technically is possible to sleep with the Celise without her going into Steele ass but then you wouldn't see any sex scene.

1) Male enemies can and will try to use sexual tease moves on the player, and regardless of my sexuality, the protagonist gets affected. Same with Futanari. A futa swinging her cock in a circle would make real me lose all interest and not want to be in that situation at all. Why is my PC reacting in a way so vastly different from me...

From the 3 bullet points that took your immersion away I think this isn't hard to address. Each enemy has a "like/deslike" chart which define how effective Steele tease will be. To my knowledge Steele doesn't have a chart like this, if one were to be implemented for the Captain I think it would address this problem perfectly.

No they would not.
Why must that be the case?

They write for Steele with penis and Steele w/o penis right now, but that's their choice. If they only want to write for steele with penis than they can do that.
Your character's sexuality has nothing to do with the work the writers do when writing their characters.

I understand your point, the game check for player anatomy and adapt the sex scene accordingly, so why it doesn't for gender? I think the reason boil down to how the game came to be, TiTs has had a lot of developers and has been going on for more than 5 years, it wasn't always as big and successful as it is today.

Perhaps someday a gender system could be implemented but I doubt it, as Orphanus was saying - if I understood correctly - you can't separate the content from the role playing. If a system were added now it would mean a lot of the game would have to be rewritten, take the goo girl scene from earlier: just by what we were discussing it would need to be two scenes, one where she insert goo into Steele butt and one where she don't now apply that logic to every scene of the game.

The good news is that anyone can be a developer, so new content is always on the table. If you have a suggestion to help players be more immersed in the game feel free to share it


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
But there's plenty of erotic games out there for straight men to shag/romance pure female women.. TiTs and CoC2 are literally the only few that allow women (and men) who don't want to play men to actually be included. (Biggest bonus being Futa content). Right now I'm playing CoC and there's a lot of content on there that you might like.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Perhaps someday a gender system could be implemented but I doubt it, as Orphanus was saying - if I understood correctly - you can't separate the content from the role playing. If a system were added now it would mean a lot of the game would have to be rewritten, take the goo girl scene from earlier: just by what we were discussing it would need to be two scenes, one where she insert goo into Steele butt and one where she don't now apply that logic to every scene of the game.
So yeah, you got this correctly - as ever, it's not the coding that's the biggest issue, it's the writing. Having to write variations for every possible pc is already a bit of a nightmare, if you add sexual orientation to that, writers are gonna have a bad time. Not to mention that at this time, retroactively correcting already existing scenes to account for that would take years.

Also, sexual orientation has no bearing on what sexual acts one enjoys - straight guys can enjoy having butt stuff done to them. Why do you think futas and pegging are so popular ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Just to be clear, to implement a function that has the game go 'you're not actually enjoying this' if an act is outside your toggled sexual orientation, every single sex scene in the game would need to be rewritten. Every single instance of the player character expressing any kind of sexual interest would have to be re-coded to incorporate variants for "well actually I'm a heterosexual man so I think penises are gross". The staff would need to go back and re-tool literally everything so every sex scene both voluntary and involuntary has variants for whether it matches the requested sexual orientation.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
USA that Steele doesn't act in a way that's completely incongruous with my personality.
Ah, that's your first mistake right there. Steele isn't you. Steele is more of an avatar that you have limited control over. The PC* was designed from the word "go" to be pansexual.

*As a matter of fact, many players refer to Steele as an "MC", or "Main Character" rather than a "Player Character". MC is more fitting.

A game that touts free roleplaying...
I don't know that's true. FenGames are more of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book with loads of kinky sex.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
*As a matter of fact, many players refer to Steele as an "MC", or "Main Character" rather than a "Player Character". MC is more fitting.

True, at least when it comes to talking about canon Steele, and (my personal 2 cents) I do not think it makes much sense/leads anywhere to discuss the question of how the content is presented if one is not taking into account that there is such a thing as a canonical Cpt. Steele. One might even say that we get a lot more freedom in regards to shaping Cpt. Steele compared to most games where the player character isn't the player's, but the main character.

I don't know that's true. FenGames are more of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book with loads of kinky sex.

Also very true, and i would say it is fair to point out that a lot of the choices in those games are "illusions", because there always has to be a balance between player agenda and the actual amount of content per playthrough. Some games severely suffer from too much choices, leading to rather short playthrough. I would say the Fen Games do well going for a clear guideline content submissions have to follow, so that there is lots of content the player can choose to see or ignore. There will always be a little "imperfection" to this (by this I mean it is not possible to 100% make sure everyone only gets to read stuff they really want to, cause there can't be like 2 dozen variations for Steele's reaction to npcs of this or that gender)


Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
But there's plenty of erotic games out there for straight men to shag/romance pure female women.. TiTs and CoC2 are literally the only few that allow women (and men) who don't want to play men to actually be included. (Biggest bonus being Futa content). Right now I'm playing CoC and there's a lot of content on there that you might like.
What does what other games do have to do with what I'm saying here?
I'm not trying to take away content from people who are being appealed to.

So yeah, you got this correctly - as ever, it's not the coding that's the biggest issue, it's the writing. Having to write variations for every possible pc is already a bit of a nightmare, if you add sexual orientation to that, writers are gonna have a bad time. Not to mention that at this time, retroactively correcting already existing scenes to account for that would take years.

Also, sexual orientation has no bearing on what sexual acts one enjoys - straight guys can enjoy having butt stuff done to them. Why do you think futas and pegging are so popular ?
Are you talking about forced scenarios? Like getting raped when you lose to an enemy?
I don't know how those are written since I don't lose, but if you lose to an enemy does the writing still try to make Steele sexually active or interested in the action? That stuff can be left as is. It's your fault for losing.

How would having sexual preferences change anything else though?
You already have control over scenes, it's just that scenes that has any butt stuff or any of that would get advance notice so you can avoid it, and the player doesn't remark positively upon seeing body parts they aren't attracted to.

Also did you just say pegging is popular? Dude, I'm a femdom game creator. I promise you I've been in the adult space for games for a long time. Pegging is not popular. Futa is an extension on lesbianism. I'm pretty sure futa fans have some bisexual tendencies they do not want to admit.

Also very true, and i would say it is fair to point out that a lot of the choices in those games are "illusions",
This whole topic, and the comment I made in gripes is realizing this fact.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
This whole topic, and the comment I made in gripes is realizing this fact.

Which is fair, but I got the impression you want the Devs to change that & what I am trying is to explain to you why that is not in the cards, and why it specifically doesn't work the way someone who is uncomfortable with some of the stuff going on in Steele's head/underwear would wish for. That's not saying it is not understandable to have mixed feelings on the matter.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Are you talking about forced scenarios? Like getting raped when you lose to an enemy?
I don't know how those are written since I don't lose, but if you lose to an enemy does the writing still try to make Steele sexually active or interested in the action? That stuff can be left as is. It's your fault for losing.
I wasn't talking about losing scenes specifically (those are usually written from the angle that the mc is enjoying them to a degree but doesn't get to choose what happens btw).
I was talking about every single scene written for the game. You can't just magically code something that erases instances that don't match up hypothetical player preferences - you'd have to write new phrases, sentences, paragraphs to replace what was "taken out", because the writing still needs to make sense.
People who don't write, and especially those who don't write for the games, tend to underestimate how much work and time it takes to write.
How would having sexual preferences change anything else though?
You already have control over scenes, it's just that scenes that has any butt stuff or any of that would get advance notice so you can avoid it, and the player doesn't remark positively upon seeing body parts they aren't attracted to.
Many scens already do have tooltips that warn the player, though yeah, the game could probably do better.

Having sexual preferences in the game would mean having to write variations for them. That takes time and effort, and is at this stage of development not worth doing, imo.
And that's the thing : you don't have control over the scenes, you just choose among the options the devs and writers offer you. That's not a fault of the game, all video games do this to an extent.
Also did you just say pegging is popular? Dude, I'm a femdom game creator. I promise you I've been in the adult space for games for a long time. Pegging is not popular.
I meant popular within the niche fandom of Fengames, sorry, should have been more precise.

Futa is an extension on lesbianism. I'm pretty sure futa fans have some bisexual tendencies they do not want to admit.
No it is not:
  • Futa/woman and Futa/futa content (not all, but most of it) is an "extension on" lesbian porn, whose target audience is straight men.
  • Futa/man content is similarly an "extension on" porn that features trans women, and similarly, is most popular amongst straight men.
Edit: Also, lesbians who date trans women and trans lesbians exist. Tolerating or liking dick during sex is not the same as being attracted to men.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
No it is not:
  • Futa/woman and Futa/futa content (not all, but most of it) is an "extension on" lesbian porn, whose target audience is straight men.
  • Futa/man content is similarly an "extension on" porn that features trans women, and similarly, is most popular amongst straight men.

To my limited personal experience a good amount of lesbians would find the notion of futa stuff being an extension of lesbianism to be either disgusting or outright insulting. So I 100% agree that this is, as most other kinky stuff, mostly targeted at a male audience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In fact, the "why won't lesbians like futanari more?" thought is one I had for a long time. "That could help them not to rely on strap-ons and wield the real deal alongside their own female parts!".
I'm not going to open a can of worms, but I'd say that attraction is more about body shapes than what you might have between your legs. You can be straight and have an interest (not necessarily a sexual one!) in your sex's genitals. And, even then, sexuality can't be reduced to genitalia.

Especially in TiTSverse, when a penis or a vulva-and-vagina system can be a part of anyone's body, regardless of original sex or gender. Fantasy porn allows for more body variables and niche contents and how one can enjoy that regardless of one's attraction towards typical masculine/femenine shapes. Not liking being penetrated up the bum=! "Ewww penis, gross and homosexual!".
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Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
Having sexual preferences in the game would mean having to write variations for them.
No it doesn't. Why does everyone keep jumping to this...

Having sexual preferences would just modify the game's teasing system, maybe change up the encounter rate for enemies you don't want to see.
And make it so that the player doesn't respond positively to the appearance of characters he doesn't have sexual interest in.

You guys are making it seem like I'm asking for a lot.
Many scens already do have tooltips that warn the player, though yeah, the game could probably do better.
I noticed some of those yeah. More of those would be really nice.

No it is not:
  • Futa/woman and Futa/futa content (not all, but most of it) is an "extension on" lesbian porn, whose target audience is straight men.
  • Futa/man content is similarly an "extension on" porn that features trans women, and similarly, is most popular amongst straight men.
Edit: Also, lesbians who date trans women and trans lesbians exist. Tolerating or liking dick during sex is not the same as being attracted to men.
To my limited personal experience a good amount of lesbians would find the notion of futa stuff being an extension of lesbianism to be either disgusting or outright insulting. So I 100% agree that this is, as most other kinky stuff, mostly targeted at a male audience.
Well OK then. I just said that off-the-cuff anyway. Not like I'm personally invested in the idea or anything. Just thought that two women fucking with a phallic instrument would still mostly appeal to lesbians but ok.

I'm straight and I don't get it though.

but I'd say that attraction is more about body shapes than what you might have between your legs.
For me when I was younger the only body shape I was interested in was buxom girls. Big Boobs, big butt, slim everything else.
Growing up though, I got much more attached to personalities because of all the VNs I played, and some of my favorite girls in VNs were not big-boobed and big-butted XD.

After that, I guess I grew an understanding of my sexuality. Body shape doesn't mean too much to me. It's personality, and demeanor. Probably when I learned I preferred sexually assertive girls to sexually demure ones.

That being said, the other person having a penis is an automatic turn-off. Not even for lack of trying. I wanted to experience all of the SEQUEL game's sexual content, and since I liked everything else, I thought maybe I'd like the homosexual content in that game. Nope.

So I don't fall under your theory at least.
Slim - Big.
Short - Tall.
Large eyes - Sharp eyes.

None of that matters to me at the end of the day. As long as they're decently attractive and have a personality I like.
Penis or not though, nothing else matters. That's a dealbreaker.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
In fact, the "why won't lesbian girls like futanari more?" thought is one I had for a long time. "That could help them not to rely on strap-ons and wield the real deal alongside their own female parts!".
I'm not going to open a can of worms, but I'd say that attraction is more about body shapes than what you might have between your legs. You can be straight and have an interest (not necessarily a sexual one!) in your sex's genitals. And, even then, sexuality can't be reduced to genitalia.

Especially in TiTSverse, when a penis or a vulva-and-vagina system can be a part of anyone's body, regardless or original sex or gender. Fantasy porn allows for more body variables and niche contents and how one can enjoy that regardless of one's attraction towards typical masculine/femenine shapes. Not liking being penetrated up the bum=! "Ewww penis, gross and homosexual!".

I think what also touches this is the whole topic of (usually male) people trying to tell lesbians/genuinely assuming they would only need a D to be "cured". This is a pretty difficult topic because people don't feel the same and there are countless nuances especially when it comes to sexuality. Not saying that you wrote anything contradictory to that (most probably kinda obvious) fact.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
I think what also touches this is the whole topic of (usually male) people trying to tell lesbians/genuinely assuming they would only need a D to be "cured".
No one's making that statement.
The assumption is just that if it's two girls fucking, than how they're fucking, "using a strap-on/using their clits/using a "dick" wouldn't be a dealbreaker.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
No one's making that statement.

You can believe me or not that that is something lesbians get to hear a lot, especially online. Nowhere did I say you or anyone else in this thread was making that claim. I replied to another user mentioning that this is, at least in my opinion, another reason why the topic of "why do some lesbians mind partners with dicks, even if they were hermaphrodites" a difficult one where it is easy to push the wrong button.
The assumption is just that if it's two girls fucking, than how they're fucking, "using a strap-on/using their clits/using a "dick" wouldn't be a dealbreaker.

That is an assumption I would not make because it seems to be a little over simplified and doesn't take into account that our sexual orientation is a lot more than just the question of penetration/no penetration. I assume you don't mean it like that but you make it sound like it, don't take this as an offense, I don't mean it ill.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
You can believe me or not that that is something lesbians get to hear a lot, especially online. Nowhere did I say you or anyone else in this thread was making that claim. I replied to another user mentioning that this is, at least in my opinion, another reason why the topic of "why do some lesbians mind partners with dicks, even if they were hermaphrodites" a difficult one where it is easy to push the wrong button.

That is an assumption I would not make because it seems to be a little over simplified and doesn't take into account that our sexual orientation is a lot more than just the question of penetration/no penetration. I assume you don't mean it like that but you make it sound like it, don't take this as an offense, I don't mean it ill.
Guess we have more in common than I thought XD
Same reasoning I don't like girls with dicks either.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
Guess we have more in common than I thought XD
I do not doubt that, I think we just have different coping strategies (to come back to TiTs) of how we deal with coming across bits of content we dislike (and ofc we feel differently about girls with dicks). Another part of it, maybe, is that for me there is a major difference between reading/watching stuff or actually doing it. I am pretty sure I would in no way shape or form like a majority of what I love in Fen Games would anyone do that to me in reality. As much as I enjoy my dommy futa content I also really enjoy not dying from internal bleeding (to get back on a lighter note).