Player limits


Active Member
Jun 3, 2020
Edit: I'm gonna put the limits that are known at the top so folks don't have to scroll down to find them.

Legs: 2; That's final, see the FAQ.
Butt: Looseness: 1-10; Wetness: 1-10
Cocks: Amount: 0-2
Vagina: Amount: 0-1; Looseness: 1-10; Wetness: 1-10
Genitals have a special limit in that a player cannot be neuter, i.e. PC must have AT LEAST 1 vagina OR 1 penis.

What are the hard set limits (are there hard set limits) for the player character in regards to their body? By limits I mean game's internal limits. You can save edit to have 4 legs but it doesn't seem to have any effects.

For future reference for myself and for anyone else who might need it, I'd like to know the following:
(I'm using the save editor for name references)

Horns: amount and length
Hair: length
Ears: length
Breasts: amount per row and size, row amount
Nipples: amount per breast, size and width ratios
Wings: amount
Belly: size
Hips: size
Tails: amount
Butt: size, wetness, looseness
Cocks: amount, length, thickness
Vagina: amount, clit count, clit length, wetness, looseness
Balls: amount, size

Quite a few variables, but I think knowing them could help a lot. For example if a PC is some thiccstacc gobbo at 4' tall it's not exactly realistic that they could kiss a character who's even 6' tall - without a chair or the taller character giving a hand. I.e. a slight variation to the scene should be considered for characters of differing heights.
The parser doc. had a few limits I could find, looseness and wetness both from 1 to 10 arbitrarily.
Looseness is a 1-10 scale with arbitrary meaning. I think the general rule is anything below 1.5 is tight and over 5 is very gaped.
Wetness is a 1-10 scale with arbitrary meaning. 1 is the default and is considered "normal". I think the general rule is anything over 5 is extreme.

As a side note, butt wetness seems to be supported as I edited it to 10 and the appearance screen mentioned that "occasional beads of lube [border] its edges." However, the parser documentation only mentions a "wetnessRange" which is for only for vaginal wetness. Scenes that would need "analWetnessRange" are probably exceedingly rare. Slimegirl? iunno.
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like a job for @TheShepard256 :D
Unfortunately, I can't really help here as I don't have access to CoC2's source code. I also don't think using the TiTS source code would be helpful here, as it's entirely possible that minimum/maximum values for things have been changed for CoC2; for example, the wetness and looseness examples given above. In TiTS, looseness is effectively capped at 5 since that's the limit for the orifice-stretching functions*, while here it seems to be hard-capped at 10; similarly, wetness in TiTS was hard-capped at 5 some time ago but even before then everything except capacity calculations generally treated a wetness above 5 the same as a wetness of 5, while in CoC2 it also seems to be hard-capped at 10.
*It's theoretically possible to go higher, since the limit of 5 only applies when the insertion volume is greater than or equal to the capacity, and looseness can increase from volumes as small as 75% of the capacity; however, this is very unlikely to occur without deliberate and careful manipulation of orifice capacity.

I could list some limits based on what's currently in-game, but those would be soft limits since we don't know that those limits are the same as what's coded into the game; for instance, hair length can currently only be increased to 15" (via the 'mander TFs), but I'd assume the game can support much longer hair than that. The only hard limits I know for certain are a maximum of two penises and one vagina, a minimum of one penis or one vagina, and no more or less than two legs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
If my memory serves @DaisukeKaiser told me you can go sexless by removing (if possessed) vagina and balls and then getting shrunk by Meira until your dick disappears. I might have that wrong though, that's why i @'d him.
No you can't be a neuter.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2020
Thanks for the replies. I think it's good to know at least some of them so writers can account for differing player configs. There is no real reason to write a different blurb for every cup size from A to Z or Jacques (or whatever the ultimate size is called) as it'd grind down work.

There are some very useful parser in the code, particularly cupSNVH, cumSNVH and cockSNVH that wrap a corresponding range parser into preset size/volume/length. Personally I think milkSNVH, ballSNVH, butt(size)SNVH, and heightSNVH parsers could be useful. Mostly for flavor though.

And just that everyone knows what the SNVH means:
This is basically just a wrapper around [char.cockRange]. Takes 4 text arguments for some preset cock size ranges. The first option will match <6 inches, the second <17, the third <25, and the last 25+. It is equivalent to [char.cockRange 0 6 17 25||||] Ex: [char.cockSNVH|small cock|"normal cock"|very big cock|hyper cock] Parsed: [char.cockSNVH|small cock|"normal cock"|very big cock|hyper cock]

I suppose the upper limits aren't that useful; e.g. for a height range, someone could just go 8+ feet is really tall. The thing is though with all these TF's and races in the game, you can't really follow what is normal. A gobbo might be like 4 feet tall, a human might be 6; that'd make the gobbo fun sized for a human, whereas a mino might be 8+ feet, making the human fun-sized - and the gobbo X-fun sized.

Balls, butts, and hips are - I think - on a range from 0-20 (they are on that range in TiTS (iirc)), but, as @TheShepard256 said, if the SC is different in CoC2 there's no real info unless the devs give it. Hair length is another good example, it doesn't really matter max is at the moment. If you can only go to 15'' then accounting for longer hair doesn't matter. Then again, it's probably safe to assume that Hawkethorne will get a stylist/barber that allows for manipulation of hair and beards at some point. Accounting for it might not be a bad idea, though that is assuming that a writer cares - and more importantly - the player actually notices it. Is there additional value in that? Probably not enough to make it a priority any time soon.

Then again, I'm just considering edge cases and poking at the code, wondering what would happen with this and that. I guess QA is in my blood.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The new bimbo brew lets your tits grow to enter Jacques00 territory. I'm all for putting on some hard caps on sizes so we can avoid clown car dimensions which I think is a problem in both CoC OG and Tits.