Play with Us! Episode 2


Apr 3, 2016
A while back we released a game called Play with Us! Episode 1 which met with positive reviews on various sites. However, there were many aspects of the game we were not at all satisfied with, especially the graphics, which some found a bit creepy looking. But hey, please give us a break guys, it was our first game. Our little game studio has since expanded and now consists of three people working part-time thanks to our backers on Patreon. Anyway, I'd thought I'd show you some of the improved graphics in the upcoming episode from the demo we just released to our backers. If there's an interest from you guys we will of course release the demo for free later on. This time around we have a dedicated writer, and the game will be a lot longer. Of course, interactive sex scenes still represent the core of the game play, despite the title mainly resembling a VN (visual novel).

So please have a look at the screens and let us know what you think.

If you're interested in following along with the games development, give us some feedback and ideas you'd like to see in the game, please don't hesitate to contact me either here our on our website or on our Patreon

All characters are above 18 years







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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015

Ted has been cracking down on anything that even hints at possible underage characters.  Considering your characters are supposed to be in school, that would include your game and he's likely to delete this thread.


Apr 3, 2016
Ted has been cracking down on anything that even hints at possible underage characters.  Considering your characters are supposed to be in school, that would include your game and he's likely to delete this thread.

Again,  All characters are above 18 years

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
If they were 17 years and 11 months old, Ted would have permanently banned everyone that posted in this thread, and anyone that ever replied to a post by anyone that posted in this thread.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Again,  All characters are above 18 years

So are the characters in School of Smut (and every game that is and/or was in the list as far as I know).  Didn't stop Ted from making a note in the Index of Games in Development thread and deleting some of them.  I'd quote it, but that would just get Ted's attention.  Go check out page 3 of the thread and you'll see why I'm bringing this up.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Child pornography is abhorrent, but pretty much all the Western incest games' characters are in high school (and 18+ of course). I mean seriously, you should take a look at ULMF and /aoc/ sometime.

Anyway, the guy makes 3 grand a month from Patreon. I don't think Ted is going to get him to change his characters.


Apr 3, 2016
Hey guys, just a quick update on where we're at in terms of development on episode 2 if anyone is still interested. A while back we released a first demo of episode 2 but retarded me forgot to post that here. Anyway, we just completed a second build, which is now available to patrons, and a while later to everyone else for free.

The script has been revised and is now a lot longer and vastly more complex, with branching story lines with significantly more choices added in. We felt that some of the story didn’t feel realistic enough and have tried to address this in the latest build. Emma is now back and her attitude toward you will be affected how you treated her in the first episode. We’ve also added a lot more choice/consequence mechanics in this build, and added a completely new sex scene (which is the most advanced we’ve ever done). The characters’ attitude are now controlled by several variables, which in turn are governed by the way you act toward them. Other improvements have of course also been made. For instance, the shower scene was way too long in the first build and has now been significantly shortened thanks to you guys’ feedback.

Here are couple of screenshots:







As usual, you can follow more on the game's development on If you're interested in backing the project and receive the content before anyone else, please go to And this time I promise I won't forget to publish the build here for free once we make that available :)
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Apr 3, 2016
Just a quick update on this game: demo #2 (from November) has been released publicly. The full game will be released within two weeks, at which point I will update this thread. The amount of changes that have occurred since we released this demo is staggering and publishing a full change log would take me a day or two.

Play it for free here!