Planet wishlist


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Phaedra III is that alt P1 planet or some other one?

As for water world...Jim do had plans fr water Vanae - Sacae thou I not recall any real work done for them aside idea gathering or if it was Jim kept it so deep noone know those notes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Phaedra III is that alt P1 planet or some other one?
Phaedra lll is the alternate starter planet you can go to, has it's own probe (It's own separate probe that is, you can get either that or the Mhen'ga one but not both) and if I'm not mistaken, maybe even a different scene encounter with our rival. But can't be sure of the latter.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2017
Jitafore(that's the kui-tan planet, right?) Just imagine, a world full of giant balls and herms. And males, too, but whateeeever.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Jitafore(that's the kui-tan planet, right?) Just imagine, a world full of giant balls and herms. And males, too, but whateeeever.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Kuitan planet looked like a peanut in shape. Cuz balls.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2016
Still even adding a biome sounds like a task not for the weak willed, but definitely easier and less crazy then a full blown planet.

All this talk of a water biome and the Sacae makes me want to take another shot at my fruity-tooty fish men encounter project I started back when Jim was still here


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I think some sort of Void Whale or a Bio-ship would be more interesting, something more focused on Bio-Tech. Kinda like that serbian horror game in development.

Yeah. Thats. Like. Really fucking ugly.

A dish of "strange, sexy horror" needs a careful dosage of "horror". Too little and it feels cheap and boring. Too much and it scares the dick away.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Yeah. Thats. Like. Really fucking ugly.

A dish of "strange, sexy horror" needs a careful dosage of "horror". Too little and it feels cheap and boring. Too much and it scares the dick away.

As we see here in the wilds of the internet, a majestic mustached dickus phallicus is grazing upon the sweet grass of internet porn. It's bulbuous feet nudging through the foilage as its mushroom cap shaped head searches for the porn it finds palatable to its tastes. Its diet is the visual stimulation of specific shapes in specific poitions that causes it to synthesize the nutrients it needs while producing an off white fluid as a waste product. Once it finds patches that it likes it secretes its waste fluid onto the flora through its cylindrical body and out of its vertically slitted mouth before it moves on to find another patch. Oh look, there seems to be the odd shade of red in the patch it's grazing on. Better take a closer look... *camera zoom* oh no, it would seem it's found the rare strain of horror porn. Its frightened, not sure what to do, the sensation of fear in its system causes its body to wrinkle and shrink down to roughly a third of its size before it DARTS OFF! Faster and faster it runs on its bulbous legs until it is back to the porn that looks to be the shade that it likes. It takes a long time but eventually, it has soothed its fright from the horror porn such that it is no longer shriveled but once more thick, stiff and veiny.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Vio Not wanna be the one to break your bubble but Kui-Tai home world is merely moon orbiting around... Sionach home world and in stat system there is also some far away from the system star planet with Kaithrits colony. That how looks our lovely space tanuki's home star system xD

But prion to visit start system I would welcome with open hands too. I eman maybe cuz I would hope not for visting moon but the planet that have this moon but that details, right? If we get one then other may been possible to someone write some event to visit it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As expected from me, a planet with only (or mostly) males and no flat-faces (ausar, kaithrit, or anything too humanoid in shape). Free breast-reduction clinics and ftm transformatives for the female/herm visitors.Not picky about a particular setting, but I'd love a platet with many forests (not jungles, too hot and humid), like the Schwarzwald on Germany, with some cities following the Ars Noveau style.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2016
As expected from me, a planet with only (or mostly) males and no flat-faces (ausar, kaithrit, or anything too humanoid in shape). Free breast-reduction clinics and ftm transformatives for the female/herm visitors.Not picky about a particular setting, but I'd love a platet with many forests (not jungles, too hot and humid), like the Schwarzwald on Germany, with some cities following the Ars Noveau style.


But on topic. I'd really like to see some volcanic planets, or very harsh, rocky environments.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
A dish of "strange, sexy horror" needs a careful dosage of "horror". Too little and it feels cheap and boring. Too much and it scares the dick away.

Personally, I prefer things light on the horror elements. Something that appears scary, seems like it's scary, but actually isn't a danger. For me the Kashima Incident isn't appealing because the creatures are a threat to the crew, and everything the ship comes in contact with.

As an example of something I'm thinking of, there's a creature in Undertale...

At the end of the True Pacifist Route, you ender a laboratory that houses a variety of creatures made up from different monsters that got melted together. It's mostly a horror sequence and most of the entities you encounter are enemies. But some aren't.

At one point you find a bed you can sleep in. While you're sleeping, a tall, gangly creature appears. It slowly walks up to you and... tucks you in.

The porn/TiTS equivalent of that is what I'd personally enjoy.

I think some sort of Void Whale or a Bio-ship would be more interesting, something more focused on Bio-Tech. Kinda like that serbian horror game in development.

The stuff in that video seems really Gigeresque. Though that might be because I haven't seen many biological location/construction artwork outside of H. R. Giger himself.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
The stuff in that video seems really Gigeresque. Though that might be because I haven't seen many biological location/construction artwork outside of H. R. Giger himself.

Well there's a lot of it in several places, mostly on horror/tech games or syfy series and movies, its just hard to list all of, but hard to say haven't seen many, probably just forgot.




Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
Well there's a lot of it in several places, mostly on horror/tech games or syfy series and movies, its just hard to list all of, but hard to say haven't seen many, probably just forgot.

The Scorn video seems more Gigeresque than the other things you posted here, I think. It has more ribbed walls/corners/other things, and the areas seem to be made of a combination of bone, cartilage, metal, and/or stone, sometimes with some flesh on top. The other things you posted are mostly regular built environments with sacks of flesh growing on top. It's still biological-stuff-where-it-shouldn't-be horror, but a different art style.


Well-Known Member
1. Cybernetic planet, everything that's alive there is made out of tiny nanobots that function like cells.

3. A fleshy planet.

I have a similar world in mind but both combined and probably not made of nanobots.

Not planned till after I have a certain N.P.C in place first.

Planet will be introduced via said N.P.C.

Once I make said Planet I will have forum suggest names.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Lost human colony?

Something more or less creepy, like the colony on Roanoke Island, with an human spaceship putting a settlement on an area of a forested planted deemed as "haunted" or "cursed" by the natives, and that eventually lost contact with Earth or its station, and where most of the adventurers became lost in the wilderness or died? Or something more simpler and less scary?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Lost human colony?

I'm just fen forum's resident humanophile, don't mind me>.>

Hmm like in SG verse when snake people took many humans from ancient times on earth and spread over whoe galaxy? There was typical in that series worlds with human settlements at medieval stage of society development with naturaly "god(s)" watching over them.


Something more or less creepy, like the colony on Roanoke Island, with an human spaceship putting a settlement on an area of a forested planted deemed as "haunted" or "cursed" by the natives, and that eventually lost contact with Earth or its station, and where most of the adventurers became lost in the wilderness or died? Or something more simpler and less scary?
Or a crashed generation ship, with the human kingdoms around it holding the wreckage as a kind of stonehenge, a holy site that they base mythology around, having forgotten the actual events thousands of years ago?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
We sorta alredy got one colony ship that hit the stone and now serve as home for goo race xD

And for crashed generation ship it may be just that at some point recods of past was destroyed so people living on that new planet needed to come with something to fill the blank period of they many generation of ancestors past making it turn into you said somethng like a myth with crashed ship been holy site.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
We sorta alredy got one colony ship that hit the stone and now serve as home for goo race xD

And for crashed generation ship it may be just that at some point recods of past was destroyed so people living on that new planet needed to come with something to fill the blank period of they many generation of ancestors past making it turn into you said somethng like a myth with crashed ship been holy site.

Or you could, you know, fly in with your majestic chariot of the gods(ship) and slay their enemies(awesome future gear) as you become their omnipotent(lotsa spooge) ruler(harem keeper).

Or just tell the truth but where's the fun in that?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I got you covered, fam.
I don't know 'bout this, buddy, I've been hurt before. Are you sure it won't just be more vanilla puppysluts?

Also I'm going to start a GoFundMe page for you to cure your chronic Savimonia.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't know 'bout this, buddy, I've been hurt before. Are you sure it won't just be more vanilla puppysluts? I'm going to start a GoFundMe page for you to cure your chronic Savimonia.

I can confirm there are 0 puppysluts on Prison Planet. Only wholesome lizard girls.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I can confirm there are 0 puppysluts on Prison Planet. Only wholesome lizard girls.

The return of the salamanders?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
As we see here in the wilds of the internet, a majestic mustached dickus phallicus[...]

Ha. I knew someone would jump at that if Id word it like that. You didnt disappoint me, dude.

(Although I didnt expect such a lengthy text)

I can confirm there are 0 puppysluts on Prison Planet. Only wholesome lizard girls.

What about masochists?

"Oh NO! Officer! You caught me littering. Again. Whats gonna happen to me?"

*sigh* "Melissa, we both know its a night in jail. In the one cell thats not filled to burst. With that same big-dicked bull like last time."

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
From what I've seen from the prison, there's gonna be a lot of everything. The characters that are on the doc already are really interesting. Love to see them come to the game.

So I wish we get the Galactic Prison, Really looking forward to its content. Otherwise a demon planet would be pretty cool, only if they can make it work like maybe using the XenoSuccubi mentioned WAY back when. (That was like the Idea doc from the games inception. I still have it.)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Savin: Salamanders?! Can we impregnate them and then also impregnate our daughters with them as well?

I'd like to see the prison warden be super aware. Like what the fuck this is your 5th visit this month, I see what's going on, get outta here.
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Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
@noobsaleh The way you're invited to the prison and what the prison "Offers" I believe she expects you to visit a lot.

The Warden is probably gonna be the most interesting devil in that place. (Har Har cause thats what she kinda looks like.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Or you could, you know, fly in with your majestic chariot of the gods(ship) and slay their enemies(awesome future gear) as you become their omnipotent(lotsa spooge) ruler(harem keeper).

Or just tell the truth but where's the fun in that?

Adding here our archnemesis god(Jill) would all fun a notch or two up.