Planet ideas


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@flying_moustache the obvious problem with the probe plot I should have noticed way earlier is - PC does not have a way to track those probes' location directly. So if one of the probes were to get lost in such a way and never got to the planet it was supposed to be in - then PC will never find it. Because they will get the coordinates to the planet where it's supposed to be and arrive there weeks, if not months after it should have arrived, and will have no way to know where to go next, or even that they should.

The Poe A type entertainment oriented world equally famous for its seedy underbelly would potentially work as a side world, though. There were several talks of a criminal hub around the forum.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Oh right, you were the other person I told...

I think you might have missed this exchange earlier

Please don't hate me. :eek:hdear:  



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
@flying_moustache the obvious problem with the probe plot I should have noticed way earlier is - PC does not have a way to track those probes' location directly. So if one of the probes were to get lost in such a way and never got to the planet it was supposed to be in - then PC will never find it. Because they will get the coordinates to the planet where it's supposed to be and arrive there weeks, if not months after it should have arrived, and will have no way to know where to go next, or even that they should.

Does it seem implausible for Steele Corps information network to pick that up? I mean, its an industrial heavy weight with a lot of influence. Theres bound to be some guys working for Steele or at least sympathetic to Steele there. Or maybe willing to sell the info, we are talking about a pretty rough place.

If our trader asks around a bit in several hangars, looking for the best possible offer as hes likely to do, word would get around. Ultimately he would have no choice left, but him trying to wiggle his way out of the situation seems plausible.

Edit: Also, I think I remember that its public knowledge that Steele is looking for probes? Some tech grunt knowing his probes would know that the info is worth something.

The Poe A type entertainment oriented world equally famous for its seedy underbelly would potentially work as a side world, though. There were several talks of a criminal hub around the forum.

Im European and although I have never been there, I know people that went on vacation to Amsterdam just to smoke weed there once. Im sure even in the future that kind of pull would still work, for example.
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Skeleton Man

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2015
I think stumbling onto a pre-spaceflight civilisation would be really neato. Some backwater shithole where the UGC hasn't even gotten to yet, you could land there and accidentally get embroiled in tribal politics. Or maybe do that old "THEY CAME FROM THE HEAVENS, THEY MUST BE MESSENGERS OF OUR GODS!" trope and have God-King Steele trying to suffer through being roped into asinine rituals created by primitive idiots. If any of you ever played the I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream game, think of Benny's chapter. The tribe of weirdos that worshipped AM.

That's being a bit too specific in any case, it'd be interesting to explore the idea of first contact in this fucked up sex-verse from Steele's perspective is my point. Other ideas would be a nightmare hellscape full of all kinds of mind raping monstrosities like Beholders and Lovecraftian old gods and shit, a crime-infested shithole a la Mass Effect's Omega where a dickbag Steele can find like minded dickbags to scum it up with and a sorta death game world where people are pit against each other in sexy blood sports (pit fighting, gladiatorial combat, that sort of thing) for the amusement of the seedy underworld.

OOH. I forgot a good one. A world based on cheesy sci-fi nonsense a la Fallout's Old World Blues. I love old school sci fi and reframing it in the context of smutty goodtimes would definitely lead to hilarity and hijinks.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
Regarding the criminal hub idea, I've toyed with the idea of a cruise liner that serves as a mixture of casino and arena. Extravagant and morally dubious owner, B-list celebrities, egomaniac gladiators and some "investors" who are about to start breaking legs if they don't get their money. That was mostly because I wanted an excuse to design Superbosses after the Frostwyrm though.

Not really a planet, but maybe a space station; have Steele infiltrate the compound of a bizarre cult that believes in... chastity! o_O

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Did it sound like I was blaming Savin? My bad


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Maybe on a distant planet, a probe landed and the locals started worshiping it as a god.  Then, it somehow revealed its data to one of the locals, which leaves Steele's big mission to find out how that is even possible, aside from recovering any data.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A technologically developed world found in the current rush - sounds close to what Mysty wanted, actually. Though I see no reason for a UGC government to allow Rushers onto such planet, since it will probably have even less unclaimed space and resources than Myrellion a lot of chances for a big dimplomatic incident.

Even with the type 2 worlds, they are either a dedicated vacation spot or a place that can be of interest to a rusher doing Rush things. A normal densely populated world won't be either of those.

Yeah well this one point acurately major flaw in current setup for main plot - probe hunting. Any too highly civilized world and probe with especialy if those worlds would be some later planets so few months...years before PC reach them will be enough for natives to deal with probe. Heck their can even already awaiting for PC...or PC rival to take dna samples ad then kill them both to send some of their own imitating real memeber of Steele family. WIth all around TF stuff it could easy pass that Steele changed with them. Lack of either PC or rival customized nanites in blood my be only one issue here.

The scenario you've described involving the probe would require for a technologically advanced and densely populated world to exist in a newly discovered system. Which have the problems I listed above.

Maybe if one the probes were to get stolen from an unspecified Rush world and relocated on a core world by some criminal asshat that wants to crack it open...

Per stuff you said and I said above it's sad conclusion that there can't be any highly advanced technological world to have probe there. And saying that none high advanced civilization can exist on territory not claimed by USC yet is nonsense. Their could in thery be even some such high advanced civilization discovered during rush to be able to ttoaly overrun current UGC turing it dominion in their own. Heck just some near god lvl psionic civilization  could make huge mess if their actualy bother to try take over control of whole UGC. For game reasons I assume Fen will never allow such scenario to happen.

As for other conclusion...well yes maybe probe could be placed on planet that is part of some high advanced space empire and some of it citizen found it and took to more central planet. But then how PC will know that "your probe(princess) is in another planet(castle)"? Some lucky encounter of some npc telling PC to go to X planet? Could be interesting twist of main plot for later to actualy reach next in chain planet but after getting close to find probe realize it was move to some near planet so it would force PC go eplore this additional main plot planet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Do you mean, ghouls, zoogs, toad-beasts, demi-humans?..., oh and cats, many cats. I have to admit, stetically, the Dreamlands are quite pretty, as long as you don't peer to long into the void between the stars.

Yes, I do. I like its landscape as well as its inhabitants, and it'd make a nice haven for those who want some fantasy in their sci-fi.

 Plus a Kaithrit-morph Steele could have the time of his/her life there!


A world like Dune (without sand worms). Basically it's an old planet (plate techtonics have stopped) and the systems star is expanding into a red giant. Steele tech is mining those weird crystals .Not sure what kind of creatures you'd put on there.  Leaving the city during the day is hazardous without a cooling belt 
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I suppose you could have sandworms. But they would have to be animals so not sexable and not randomly hide a girl inside their mouth.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Monster girls r weird bro.

I mean, I like some of them now because of MGQ but it also made me find most of them freaky.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Per stuff you said and I said above it's sad conclusion that there can't be any highly advanced technological world to have probe there. And saying that none high advanced civilization can exist on territory not claimed by USC yet is nonsense. Their could in thery be even some such high advanced civilization discovered during rush to be able to ttoaly overrun current UGC turing it dominion in their own. Heck just some near god lvl psionic civilization  could make huge mess if their actualy bother to try take over control of whole UGC. For game reasons I assume Fen will never allow such scenario to happen.

I didn't mean that an advanced civilization can't exist outside of UGC space, rather that such system wouldn't get designated for the Planet Rush, and would most likely stay quarantined for a long time from the hordes of wondering space bums, which includes Steele Junior.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I suppose you could have sandworms. But they would be animals so not sexable nor would they randomly hide a girl inside their mouth.

I think on that particaulr girl entry or somewhere near was said those one can go really far for thier husbands even up to transforming themself by shrinking worm part till it looks similar to tail leaving them as jsut girl with liard-like tail. But I think I would agree that even with such approach making in game huge monster with girl instead of tounge even with it transofming into nomal sized girl with lizard tail would be lil too much.

I didn't mean that an advanced civilization can't exist outside of UGC space, rather that such system wouldn't get designated for the Planet Rush, and would most likely stay quarantined for a long time from the hordes of wondering space bums, which includes Steele Junior.

I know you meant it. Still it's lil sad that plot construction and plan for it would almsot fully negate chance for such high-tech planet been picked for one of probes destination. Myabe we could get such planet as some optional side planet. Or well as likes of NT it could be one of former rushes planet that we visit...for some good or just for some reason.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think on that particaulr girl entry or somewhere near was said those one can go really far for thier husbands even up to transforming themself by shrinking worm part till it looks similar to tail leaving them as jsut girl with liard-like tail. But I think I would agree that even with such approach making in game huge monster with girl instead of tounge even with it transofming into nomal sized girl with lizard tail would be lil too much.

I know you meant it. Still it's lil sad that plot construction and plan for it would almsot fully negate chance for such high-tech planet been picked for one of probes destination. Myabe we could get such planet as some optional side planet. Or well as likes of NT it could be one of former rushes planet that we visit...for some good or just for some reason.

I had some time ago suggested a high tech world that was in ruins as the main race dissapeared and their pets evolved sapience. The player would mostly be exploring the ruins salvaging and patenting tech.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Lashcharge That could work even as one of main plot planets. As long it is atm without any natives that can do something to the probe before PC arrive to get it.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I didn't mean that an advanced civilization can't exist outside of UGC space, rather that such system wouldn't get designated for the Planet Rush, and would most likely stay quarantined for a long time from the hordes of wondering space bums, which includes Steele Junior.

Everything about that is wrong.
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Oct 14, 2016
A temperate verdant world. One that's not a big ball of rape nightmares. One that has maybe only one sapient civilization that's at the midpoint between "tribal" and "space-faring," but is exceptionally calm, peaceful, and welcoming, and do their best to adjust to their First Contact scenario and entertain their guests.

Just... a normal, reasonable planet where the only serious conflicts are based around individual characters as opposed to some grandiose looming threat. Also a world where the UGC can actually step in and do something not shit for once by safeguarding this somewhat-developed society and allowing them to acclimate to the idea of a galactic society without being immediately exploited by slavers or corporations.

A nice planet. Because really, we have none. I consider Mhen'ga to be the nicest, and it's still a rape jungle. :eek:hdear:  

I like it...

Booooooorrrrriiiiiiiiiing. Just expand Vesperia once its space station gets in, literally typecast as "nice".

Pssh... they say boring, but I say that's a nice change of pace. Lighthearted chaos can still be wildly entertaining. If you don't like it go back to Myrellion and enjoy the fuckery that is that place. I rather like the idea of a more peaceful place. That doesn't necessarily mean that YOU can't be the rapey force that storms the planet! Queen Domme Steele would rein supreme!

He probably wants SyriQuest. And Pupcest. And... probably something involving locking either Anno or Syri (or both) in chastity and then having Steele (and/or the other sister) tease them. Maybe that last one is just me. >_>

What else does noobie want? Hmm...

Your undying love and affection forever. :D  

I want these things very much many much so.....

I didn't mean that an advanced civilization can't exist outside of UGC space, rather that such system wouldn't get designated for the Planet Rush, and would most likely stay quarantined for a long time from the hordes of wondering space bums, which includes Steele Junior.

Wouldn't the UGC have no idea that they were technologically advanced? Isn't that the whole point of the Rush? Discovery? Discovering a place that was advanced would be exactly what the Rush was for... right? I mean, I might be wrong, but I thought it existed for things outside of strange alien fuckery...

Oh and I want a planet of Nordic-style bondage Valkyries. That'd be great. Beautiful mountain kingdoms filled with viking style rape, pillaging, and plundering.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Everything about that is wrong.

...The more I try to understand, the less I do. I thought, I finally had an idea how it goes. Oh well, I'll just say one more thing and then shut my mouth and go back to lurking:

At some point today I remembered the idea of that sexy space prison station people were talking about some time ago (I think someone on the forum mentioned it?)

Colossal Crime City and Sexy Space Prison? That's some synergy right there if I've ever see some!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Back in my day everyone was allowed signatures. I like to think Geddy just didn't want to deal with signature restrictions this time around.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Everything about that is wrong.

Would you care to elaborate?

I mean, UGC is a barely functioning mess, but shouldn't Thraggen War had been enough of a wake up call to start goind about expanding the Warp Gate Network a bit more responsibly?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
 rather that such system wouldn't get designated for the Planet Rush

There's nothing to suggest that U.G.C. has any idea what's in a system before sending Gates to it. They scattershot the things to effectively every system within each new Rush Space. You'll note the gryvain codex explicitly rebukes this point, as they were a LightDrive-capable spacefaring race before First Contact. 

and would most likely stay quarantined for a long time

No it wouldn't. That defeats the entire purpose of the Planet Rushes: the Confederacy farms out the actual exploration and first contact business to private companies and adventurers like you.

If a system turns out to actually be dangerous (re: Thraggan), the Confederacy just turns off the Warp Gate to that system and job's a good'n -- whoever was causing a fuss over there can have fun slow-boating it to Confederate space for a few hundred years if they want to pursue a conflict; at which point they will meet the full might of the combined Confederate militaries. All Gates paths can be disabled from the Confederate side. The Confederacy's response to the devastating Thraggan conflict was the development of this doctrine, referred to as the Zanzibar Protocol.

Without spoiling too much (and about things still subject to change), I believe the upcoming VN and at least two future planets in main-game TiTS will be featuring Confederate contact with advanced races in the current Rush-space. The titular Tainted Space revolves around one such contact.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
There's nothing to suggest that U.G.C. has any idea what's in a system before sending Gates to it. They scattershot the things to effectively every system within each new Rush Space. You'll note the gryvain codex explicitly rebukes this point, as they were a LightDrive-capable spacefaring race before First Contact.

True that, but this bit of their codex:

when the first Confederate scouts poured through the gate during the 10th Great Planet Rush, they were met head-on by a fleet of converted warships, as well as a large and heavily militarized space station that had been hastily constructed at the nearest Lagrange point. Thankfully, both the Confederacy and Republic desired peace, and the tense First Contact was resolved through diplomacy rather than force of arms.

made me think that UGC sends some sort of military professionals to do at least a preliminary scan before declaring the system ripe for the picking and letting anyone with a ship in.

No it wouldn't. That defeats the entire purpose of the Planet Rushes: the Confederacy farms out the actual exploration and first contact business to private companies and adventurers like you.

Again, this seems like a set up that just begs for a diplomatic incident. Or in case of a megacorp being involved, for some machinations in order to get legal rights to exploit the living shit out of natives.

Lastly, what are those rushers supposed to do if the planet has no unclaimed riches? Even on Myrellion everything Steele can try to stake a claim on technically lies within the territory of a sovereign state.

Sexy Borg incoming.

But we already have the ever-growing Puppyslut Collective.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If a system turns out to actually be dangerous (re: Thraggan), the Confederacy just turns off the Warp Gate to that system and job's a good'n -- whoever was causing a fuss over there can have fun slow-boating it to Confederate space for a few hundred years if they want to pursue a conflict; at which point they will meet the full might of the combined Confederate militaries. All Gates paths can be disabled from the Confederate side. The Confederacy's response to the devastating Thraggan conflict was the development of this doctrine, referred to as the Zanzibar Protocol.

Well not wanna rain on this idealistic setting BUT...if there would be some quite advanced civilization how can owners of the gate suystem be sure those aliens won't actualy in few decades crack gate software/hardware and just open it on their end again. I bet UGC got some protocol for case if their get reports on this new dangerous cilization been hight advanced in technology to posses ability in short time to just reopen warp gate ^^ (I think as usual it may be jsut some remote self destruction of particular troublesome warp gate, right?)
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