Placeholder for MPreg content?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Buy or hire a surrogate for you if you have no wombs. Could be a former slave with preg fetish. A poor single mother (who's hot) who got preg as a teen and needs money and found out she actually liked being pregnant...her child is in military school now so she has freedom and chance to revisit being preggers.

Via nursery > Computer > Upgrades/Staff select Surrogates
Scan through options.
This might flag the contract holders you did business with if you bought SubSara.
Or Beth gets wind of it and she might have a few girls that fit your needs.
Or hire women who list themselves as surrogates. Ones that the Rahn rejected for some reason.

When option for actual preg comes or you find an alien/hybrid you want to have a child with (ie someone like Syri?) you can make an arrangement or have stored sperm/ova via a tool the Nursery provides.

or she goes with you on adventures and can take your place with male characters, these girls would have a very high fertility.
Once fertilized go back to Nursery and introduce the Steele genes to the equations.
Maybe offer some genemodding ala prison during all three stages of pregnancy.

Yes this could mean that you could breed even Plexiga Pet with a proper sample.

These wouldn't be seen as children of the donor, but of Steele and surrogate game wise...listed as Hybrids in nursery... unnamed unless a special donor is used.

Someone like syri might come check out progress and offer insights and suggestions. Might also try to seduce your chosen surrogate to add more of her genes to the equation.
But since Syri's dick bottom half actually belongs to a now missing engineer she might consider the to be not genetically Hers.

(Side note- after ships/bases implemented maybe have Steele rescue the Engineer on some far flung planet where the portal ended up sending him--- only you find out he's turned into a total slut of a girly boy and bred like crazy with other castaways or the locals...over 120 pups so far (at six to twelve a preg not to farfetched)...
So how would syri take it that her fellow engineer has abused HER own pussy/ass and most of all her uterus? A few kids...okay shit happens and being a castaway sucks... but 120? Her pussy and uterus would be ruined!
Would she let herself be seduced into a threesome with the engineer and Steele and have a chance at getting herself pregnant (ie he would be a surrogate using her own genitalia at that point, neh?)

could be either poignant or humorous as hell. Realizing that she has been doing the same thing with her accidental dick that the engineer did with her pussy/uterus. except she had access to birth control/condoms and the engineer didn't -- and well the 120 pups are pretty damn cute...some are sexy even... and some think she and steele are sexy as hell and seem open to breeding with them too...

The aliens/residents of that planet likely see the outsiders as a way to uplift themselves, making themselves bigger stronger and smarter (and yeah sexier too?) and thus able to handle things better if they leave home.

Long term breeding chance for Steele, who would also see a need (unless HARD) to protect them from others who would just see another planet of sexy aliens to exploit as sex slaves, breeders (of customizable workers for whatever environments?) , or a source of further genemanipulations...

The engineer would have had YEARS to teach the locals his skillsets and knowledge kicking the aliens from stone age to at least bronze/steampunk level of tech... in 20 more he/she might have helped them into space or sent a signal the brought in help/succor or dangerous predators. (pirates slavers)

Syri now wouldn't be sure she should exchange back her genitalia she has had it for years and years now and would she consider her own (on the engineer) ruined or tainted now?

She could ask for some of her own eggs against the time she wants children of her own with her own genetics... and since Steele has a surrogate program or might be willing to bear the children herself...well... it's an option...for down the road...

it's not like she'd be the one pregnant anymore... or maybe Syri could convince Steele to breed her old shipmate/engineer and get him pregnant with Their Child (bonus because she's not the one carrying thechild now.) But she would want to be involved too... the engineer does have a cute ass now cushy from bearing so many children after all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Do you intend to write all of this?

Because that sounds like a big project that you're presenting, I wouldn't want you to burn out O.O Most writers start with something small, like simple sex scenes, ot TF items, for a reason.

(Side note- after ships/bases implemented maybe have Steele rescue the Engineer on some far flung planet where the portal ended up sending him--- only you find out he's turned into a total slut of a girly boy and bred like crazy with other castaways or the locals...over 120 pups so far (at six to twelve a preg not to farfetched)...
So how would syri take it that her fellow engineer has abused HER own pussy/ass and most of all her uterus? A few kids...okay shit happens and being a castaway sucks... but 120? Her pussy and uterus would be ruined!
Would she let herself be seduced into a threesome with the engineer and Steele and have a chance at getting herself pregnant (ie he would be a surrogate using her own genitalia at that point, neh?)

A man with a pussy is called a cuntboy. Unless you're saying that all these pregnancies somehow feminised him?
And I'm pretty sure what you're suggesting here is that Syri's engineer friend got basically bad ended into becoming a broodmare... I don't know about others but I'd call that a pretty awful and seriously offputting ending. (but then there are people who get off on mindbreaking NPCs, so who am I to judge?)

Overall, I'm pretty sure what you're proposing isn't something most people who want mpreg would be into?
Although it is used on the forums as a synonym to buttpreg, personally, what I mean when I say I want more mpreg content is that I want more male characters (as in, characters who identify as men, regardless of genitalia), especially the PC, to get pregnant (through the butt).
Most of what you are proposing here sounds more like "vanilla" preg content to me, since the ones getting pregnant would still be women...

And you're adding other pretty niche fetishes like mindbreaking and a dash of pimping women out into the mix, so not everyone who's into mpreg would be into that.

But kudos to you for proposing solutions !


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
Would it be that hard to either just nuke this subforum entirely or actually relegate it to be the dumping ground for a bunch of ideas that will never progress from their initial pitch? I mean that's basically what it is already because we have a fetish for not deleting old/inactive/junked/locked threads and letting them just kind of... sit here on the ol' FenForums. At some point the people are going to "speak it into existence" and the totality of this subforum will consist of threads where people throw random ideas off the roofs of buildings and everyone else stands around saying "this isn't the place for that."

The major reason for keeping it is because people would then post this shit elsewhere while it's mostly contained here.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Then why not just officially redesignate this subforum? lol

I mean at this point it's a meme.
Misty this person has been going around on like EVERY idea post ever and complaining so uh...I don't think there...bright...


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
I know they are. But I have to admit they kind of have a point. If we're just treating this as a de facto dumping ground because these posts are going to happen regardless, then why not repurpose this literally useless subforum into an actual dumping ground so we can at least cut out the justification for calling people idiots every time they do what we know and expect they will do?

Because right now all the Ideas subforum is good for is telling people off and making them feel bad. I don't see a point. It's just pointless fucking negativity for its own sake. It's not even like well-known forum trolls are coming in here making stupid posts. It's not disruptive or toxic users.

It's literally just people that have (admittedly terrible, usually) ideas.

It's not like this damn forum is used for anything even remotely constructive these days. I really don't even know why Fen bothers keeping it up. Everything meaningful happens behind closed doors or in personal chats. The most constructive thing here is all the fucking RP threads.
I see, I admit that this forum thread is kind of...useless? I have seen a few ideas in here that are semi-decent but always get the not what this thread is about comment. As for the RP thread I haven't been in there so i wouldn't know what goes on in there.
I know they are. But I have to admit they kind of have a point. If we're just treating this as a de facto dumping ground because these posts are going to happen regardless, then why not repurpose this literally useless subforum into an actual dumping ground so we can at least cut out the justification for calling people idiots every time they do what we know and expect they will do?

Because right now all the Ideas subforum is good for is telling people off and making them feel bad. I don't see a point. It's just pointless fucking negativity for its own sake. It's not even like well-known forum trolls are coming in here making stupid posts. It's not disruptive or toxic users.

It's literally just people that have (admittedly terrible, usually) ideas.

It's not like this damn forum is used for anything even remotely constructive these days. I really don't even know why Fen bothers keeping it up. Everything meaningful happens behind closed doors or in personal chats. The most constructive thing here is all the fucking RP threads.

I really like what you said here! here I linked my opinions on the subject, really interesting read I promise!
fur just for face
Here I'll just quote it too because you probably don't wanna load another page and wait.

I think OP is talking about Anubis, which would be a really cool COC/COC2/TITS character or main character in any of these games. Very very cool.

I think that it's unusual that if there has been a problem like this for years that a change wasn't made sooner so that the people in the ideas subforum could stop having to deal with people who come to a forum called "ideas" and posting ideas. Just as equally in fairness I'm surprised that something wasn't done so that the people who come to post ideas in the "ideas" forum wouldn't be inconvenienced repeatedly every single time they post an idea where they honestly and innocently believed it should be posted. When I didn't understand what was going on (and yes I read the "read this first post too and still didn't quite get the big picture yet) I honestly perceived all the posts in every thread nagging the OP with their idea thread as rudeness. Think about how us idea people feel.

We think we're doing the right thing and suddenly some people show up to deconstructively criticize us and harass us instead of being so kind as to tell us the proper place to go. I imagine the same thing has been going on for years and nobody thought of renaming the forum to "The writers forum"? Nobody once thought to be kind enough to redirect us to that nice thread (Major credit to that exception and exceptionally kind person who did that for me) I would have honestly never had figured it out. Do you know why? It's actually kind of funny, It's because I thought that when clicking "TITS" as a forum that it didn't have it's own forum. I thought only the subforums were actually just choices within that category, but I didn't know that TITS forum all by itself had any threads at all inside of it.

I thought that it was unusual when I discovered that after being linking to the proper "What would you like to see implemented" thread and immediately being interested in finding out what forum it was posted in so that I could find out what the big secret was of where I was allowed to go. From the perspective of a newbie to this forum, You have to understand. You must tell us and you must be honest if you want us to do something. If you leave the mystery secret up in the clouds we just follow the signs like a lonely abandoned highway and a semi-insane GPS system shouting obscenities at us in the car. My friend, OF COURSE we all end up in the ideas forum. Doesn't it make sense? There is far too much hate directed at the not only the innocently ignorant, but the forcefully uninformed!