I honestly think the only things that need to be pulled back are the dramatic bodystyle changes. You could still have NPC encounters and races dedicated to macro/micro/taurs/nagas/drider/tentacle monstrosities/whatever else, but allowing the PC to adopt that form is a nightmare. It's also immersion and continuity breaking no matter how you slice it.
When you think about it, every conceivable aspect of the world has to be changed for alt bodystyles. Like with Aislinn, I have to write at least four completely separate scenes to cater to taurs because they can't sit in chairs, and every single time I mention the PC's lower half I have to consider nagas and goos. I've noticed that it's been driving me to be vague and nondescript, but I don't want to do that. I feel like that's a cheap workaround that hurts the majority of the content. Even beyond my own work, though, stuff just doesn't line up. How does a tauric Steele fly the Z14, a ship presumably designed for bipedal humanoids? Short answer: handwaving. Long answer: they can't, or somebody has to write a convoluted justification about how all mass-produced ships come with absurdly adjustable seating, control schemes, and general interior design to cater to pilot variance.
Everything in the universe has to become this obtuse blob of circumstance-conforming whatever in order to allow the PC to take on forms other than bipedal. Sure, when you go to "taur world" or something maybe bipedal PC's won't fit comfortably in things, but it's much easier to justify that than forcing a fringe PC archetype into the majority of the game's content.
I totally get that there are subsets of the playerbase that hold stuff like tauric arrangement near and dear to their heart, but I feel that giving the PC that option does more harm than good. That's me, though, and I'm certainly not a dev, so maybe they really intend to eventually round everything out and provide equal representation for all these options. It could technically be done, but starting as a half-leithan, for example, needs serious considerations and alternate scenes right out of the gate.