Phoenix repair


New Member
Jan 1, 2023
Did something changed with Saendra's Ship?

I remember that after all her quests you had to catch Saendra in her ship to hear her talk about her being broke, then you could offer the money, but now she spends her days on the bar and i cant fix her ship.

For the record, i rescued her, did the hangar quest and fought the tech pirate.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
She's always refused when offered money. There's supposed to be more content for her, but Savin hasn't gotten around to writing it, so far as I know. Or maybe he has, and it's still in the enormous backlog.


Well-Known Member
Did something changed with Saendra's Ship?

I remember that after all her quests you had to catch Saendra in her ship to hear her talk about her being broke, then you could offer the money, but now she spends her days on the bar and i cant fix her ship.

For the record, i rescued her, did the hangar quest and fought the tech pirate.
Saendra will only accept your money to repair her ship if you fail to rescue her friend; otherwise, she presumably repairs it herself, eventually.
She's always refused when offered money. There's supposed to be more content for her, but Savin hasn't gotten around to writing it, so far as I know. Or maybe he has, and it's still in the enormous backlog.
He actually has written it, or at least a lot of it; he's shared some snippets and tidbits of info over on Discord. From what I remember:
It'll result in a final encounter with Mirian Bragga. The other Dread Lords want to kill Saendra for her transgressions, but Miri wants her alive due to their old friendship, so she plans to administer something (possibly a highly modified Treatment) to Saen to make her completely docile and dependent. One of the possible endings is where Steele and Saendra tackle Miri to take her down, and that treatment gets accidentally used on someone (my guess is Miri) in the commotion; another ending is the option to kill her.


New Member
Jan 1, 2023
I remembered it different but if she can fix her ship on her own then oh well

Tnxs! :D