Permanent Stat Debilitation


Dec 9, 2015

I was wondering how to cap certain stats. Unfortunately it seems my aim and reflexes won't go past 35; I initially thought it was something between public updates, but going through a quick macro'd run I found I could hit 40 in all stats on that character, leading me to believe it's something specific to my main character. I know things like the venom on Mhen'ga can temporarily reduce your reflexes, but what can permanently cripple certain stats of your character, and how do I avoid them?

I'd use a save editor to open up the file and poke around, but I wouldn't know the first thing to look for that would be germane to my problem. Thanks for any help you can give. <3

Edit: rereading this, I didn't make it clear that I'm not investing points I've obtained from level-up, but am instead trying to power-gym through it.
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Dec 9, 2015
Trying to gym things up leads to diminishing returns.

I'm well aware of this. Around 10~ patches ago, it actually halted entirely once you hit 38 (95% threshold).

This is not diminishing in that it simply gets slower. This is halting. As in, it won't go past 35 no matter how long I gym rat.

It makes me a sed feesh.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Several transformatives will permanently decrease your stats.

F. ex. Sky sap decreases physique, Dumbfuck reduces intelligence etc.

I'd recommend you to look up tfs before you use them if you want to avoid reduction of stats.


Dec 9, 2015
Several transformatives will permanently decrease your stats.

F. ex. Sky sap decreases physique, Dumbfuck reduces intelligence etc.

I'd recommend you to look up tfs before you use them if you want to avoid reduction of stats.

Huh. While trying to look up some of the information in the codex (as the only two trans. that I've used to my knowledge are Throbb and Galomax, neither of which have any cautions in the Wiki regarding permanent stat decreases), I've found a -5 on my character's stat screen. Now I just have to find out what reduces reflexes/aim and I'm golden. Well, golden as far as I'd know what has apparently happened, although I would still have no idea how.