@OnyxDrakkenblade: Okie dokie, but consider the following. There's saying "I'm chill." and then there's saying the word chill three times in your post and then ending in "FULL STOP", which makes me think otherwise. You
can speak your mind in full, you just lack the capacity to "avoid putting any malice or anger". But then again what do I know, apparently I have a busted "touchiness quotient", lol. What I do have though, is the ability to also speak my mind in full.
Anyway the funny thing is, it's not even that you're not chill so much as needlessly defensive. You're like that in erry post, it's just that no one calls you out on it. And I don't want you to be one of those people that end up on /r/iamverysmart one day, fam. :c