Perk Spreadsheet/Balence Discussion


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Also, when are the psionics coming into play? I won't use them, but one of my friends is really looking forward to it. I can't wait for the ship flight and combat, personally.

Psionics is in the same, abstract place that Ship Combat was two years ago. Its definitely gonna happen eventually, just not in the foreseeable future.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Muh hypno content.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
@OnyxDrakkenblade: You need to chill out, dude. Fen, Gedan, and Savin have Patreon as their primary income. I'm sure they care about their players' opinions.
I'm chill. I have been for a while. I don't doubt that they DO care what we think. I just feel it's foolish to walk in here and feel entitled to anything. That's not ever going to change whether you want me to chill out or not. I've carefully avoided putting any malice or anger into the comments I've made. If that's not chill enough for you, you may want to reconsider you touchiness quotient. I will speak my mind FULL STOP.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Rhetorical question: If there was a magical drone accessory that granted 4 shield capacity per level, 6 per level to drone techs, would it be worth using over, well, anything?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@OnyxDrakkenblade: Okie dokie, but consider the following. There's saying "I'm chill." and then there's saying the word chill three times in your post and then ending in "FULL STOP", which makes me think otherwise. You can speak your mind in full, you just lack the capacity to "avoid putting any malice or anger". But then again what do I know, apparently I have a busted "touchiness quotient", lol. What I do have though, is the ability to also speak my mind in full.

Anyway the funny thing is, it's not even that you're not chill so much as needlessly defensive. You're like that in erry post, it's just that no one calls you out on it. And I don't want you to be one of those people that end up on /r/iamverysmart one day, fam. :c
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
@OnyxDrakkenblade: Okie dokie, but consider the following. There's saying "I'm chill." and then there's saying the word chill three times in your post and then ending in "FULL STOP", which makes me think otherwise. You can speak your mind in full, you just lack the capacity to "avoid putting any malice or anger". But then again what do I know, apparently I have a busted "touchiness quotient", lol. What I do have though, is the ability to also speak my mind in full.

Anyway the funny thing is, it's not even that you're not chill so much as needlessly defensive. You're like that in erry post, it's just that no one calls you out on it. And I don't want you to be one of those people that end up on /r/iamverysmart one day, fam. :c
I don't understand, how I come across as defensive, let alone needlessly so. I know that sometimes I fall back on as close to pure logic as I understand it, usually when I don't want to let my emotions take whatever topic it is away from where it should be. If I am offensive I'm sorry. That is never the intention. I simply try to express my feelings and thoughts. I sometimes censor the expression of my feelings though (not the feelings themselves) as I know they can get out of hand in stupid ways. Thank you for honesty and clarity. I have said full stop on the prior discussion. that means I have nothing further to say there, so I'll refrain from commenting there any further than this. I'll look into what you've presented and I hope whatever offense I have apparently created is small and forgivable. I do not feel a necessity to argue contentiously or nurture any bad feelings for you Noob.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Despite few of us bickering here there will be always a case of minority even among those that support devs throu patreon here. So they as each team think with wallet and we...cant make this wallet shake almost at all so any rage here will mostly be shrug by Fen. Well eventualy Savin or maybe Gedan show up to say few words giving up spirit to not give up due to hopelessness of our situation ^^

@Zevos Yeah it would make all other choices meaningless. But other rethorical question would be: Would Fen ever fix Techs crappy situation about melee/range builds and drone build?