Penny supremecy


May 22, 2021
just wanna say, this may not be that type-o-game but id sneak a ring on penny's finger during one of those intense fuckfests and it would probably be worth losing the Steele inheritance.

id like to hear others opinions about our savior Penny and how it's a crying she you cant spend an entire in-game year breeding her in your ship, and i do mean BREED as opposed to fuck

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
Tbh I'm not that crazy about her (would rather put that whole Year of the Breeding to use with Bianca instead). But I feel the love for a good character.
This feels more like it belongs in the character like/dislike thread though.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
Penny is love, Penny is life. Unfortunaly I can't think of much to say about her, let's see... I was legit torn taking her to the harem ship, she was a lot more fulfilled living her dream of enforcing the law on Mhen'ga than doing essencially nothing on ship.... The fact she wasn't invited to the Tavros UGC christmas party made me sad, she is literally the only line of defense on Esbeth she deserve some recognition. Hm... The Pumpking mission got my blood pumping (no pun intended) to free her. And her sex scenes are amazing too.

I would love to see more content of her, since she is a member of the UGC I bet the interaction with the pirate crew members, like Kiro and Paige, would be a good opportunity for a very new and creative content on both parties


May 22, 2021
Penny is love, Penny is life. Unfortunaly I can't think of much to say about her, let's see... I was legit torn taking her to the harem ship, she was a lot more fulfilled living her dream of enforcing the law on Mhen'ga than doing essencially nothing on ship.... The fact she wasn't invited to the Tavros UGC christmas party made me sad, she is literally the only line of defense on Esbeth she deserve some recognition. Hm... The Pumpking mission got my blood pumping (no pun intended) to free her. And her sex scenes are amazing too.

I would love to see more content of her, since she is a member of the UGC I bet the interaction with the pirate crew members, like Kiro and Paige, would be a good opportunity for a very new and creative content on both parties
one of my favorite things about Penny is that she's extremely intimate and not simply in the "i wanna bang/look how hot i am" way but instead in the "you're essentially my best friend and lover" kinda (at least that's how I took it). even the whole "MATE" play-talk she does phases between fun just-us talk and "I'm gonna need you to ram your rod down my throat" talk. if there was a proper companion system she probably be a permanent member... right next to Tam-wolf


May 22, 2021
idk chief, once I got Anno and Shade's story going I totally forgot about Penny. I'm definitely not booting her off the ship though, that's just mean, especially since I talked her into ditching M'Henga in the first place.
thats the thing with most rpgs. if you dont initially resonate with thing then shiny new thing will take its place. im not gonna say you do or dont like Anno and/or Shade but the fact that you point out specifically doing their stories only highlights how little story there is for Penny and as a Penny insert preferred applicable term, im greatly outraged to a degree similar to how it's dumb you cant rename Tam-Wolf
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